Removing Malicious Viral Programming from Pineal

Your pineal may have been hijacked by malevolent forces who Don’t want you to realize your Divinity!

Very likely this is handed down from your lineage and  you came forth at this time…to heal it for all!


In a Nutshell…Anything program  blocking you from realizing and CLAIMING your Divinity is a malicious program!

If you were free to fully grasp your Divinity you would never suffer from low self esteem, feelings of unworthiness. You would realize your self-value and truly be able to love yourself.

I love myself!

I love myself!

…and then my friend…you would be UN Stoppable and on top of the world!

Your hearts desires would come to the forefront and you would begin to follow your Divine Blueprint in Miraculous ways!~

To explain…I give you this parable:

A wealthy Kings son was stolen away at birth by an evil relative who hoped to claim the kingdom for himself.

The wee babe was given to a kindly yet very poor peasant couple to raise. He did possess the same color and shape eyes of the king and very unusual birthmark on his left cheek in the form of a star.

star not mine

The couple had no idea who the baby really was and raised him as their own…with all their past programming of servility, humility, subservience and adherence to customs imposed upon those of lowly birth.

Although the boy had a loving upbringing, he took on the poverty consciousness of the humble village he grew up in. He fell in love with a beautiful maiden yet could not propose marriage as he had no way to take care of her.

peasant maiden

Unconsciously, he was “owning” poverty according to what his ‘false programming’ dictated.

One day, a steward of the king rode by the poor village and spotted the young man working in the fields. Being thirsty, he called him over and asked for a glass of water.

As the young man rose from the bowed down position required of peasants in the presence of “higher class”, the king’s steward was startled at what he saw!

There staring shyly back at him were the same eyes that the king had, the same shape to the face and most importantly the unusual star shaped birthmark was even more pronounced!

Excitedly, the steward begin to ask questions of the young boy and discovered he was the exact same age as the young prince would have been. The king and queen had grieved the loss of their son these many years and never had another child.

The steward invited the young boy back to the castle with him…alas, the boy refused to go.


He had accepted his faulty programming so completely that he felt it was somehow “wrong” to claim his Royalty.

He was so vested in not hurting the couple who raised him, feeling it was his place in the village that… it never dawned on him that he could bless them mightily from his status as prince of the kingdom.

The king himself rode to the village, took his son in his arms and begged him to “own” his royalty and inheritance.

The beginnings of awakening stirred within the young prince’s heart, as his royal bllod responded… yet he still could not accept that he was royalty.

prodigal son

In desperation the king asked the High Priestess of the temple to help.

She rode out, asked and gained permission to work with the boy’s energy and programming.  The young man was released from the curse of past programming and awakened to the fact that he needed to claim his true role that the young man was set free.

The Priestess knew that it was VITAL that the boy renounce the aberrant programming and the consciousness it brought before he could claim the new status fully!

Goddess of justice

Once this was done…the young man became the most benevolent prince and later king in all the history of all the kingdoms!

He gave his “adopted parents” everything that ever had longed for- yet first, he had them work with the Priestess to remove their own faulty programming.

He married the beautiful maiden he loved in spite of the fact that she was not royalty. Of course, the same Priestess helped her to renounce poverty and subservince programming and fully embrace her true value as the princess she became.

prince getting married

The people of the land benefited greatly because of the young man’s previous experience. He came to OWN the fact that it had been beneficial to have the experience.

When you own it- you can change it!

Sometimes, if you are steeped in malicious programming of any kind, you may need help to own it, remove it and most importantly re-program it from a true space.
What does this parable have to do with the Malicious Pineal Gland programming much of humanity has had inflicted upon them?

Simple…The primary goal of “Pineal Gland tampering” is to prevent us from realizing our Divinity and therefore always and ever in the peasant, subservient mentality.

Who are we “looking up to” in our false state of subservience?

Largely Some Church organizations.

Do you know that one of the largest sculptures of the Pineal Gland is located in the Vatican? (Also on the Popes staff)

pine cone sclupture in vatican

Understand I am not saying that churches have ANYTHING to do with viral Pineal Gland programming.

They have been manipulated as well.

We have simply been programmed to look up to religion/churches for our spiritual guidance instead of looking within.

…and it WAS the Church who convinced us that sexuality is a ‘dirty thing’ thereby robbing us of ecstasy that is a doorway to Divinity.


Let me get back on point…

Who has robbed us of our birthright?

Who could benefit from us always looking outside ourselves for guidance?

Who could benefit from us feeling insecure enough to dare not even dream that we are Divine?

The Cabal is behind this…This is NOT something that just happened… It is for US to clean up!

The darker forces that want to keep humanity complacent and in the “herd” mentality. THis keeps us filled with fear and chaos energy…delicious food source for the Cabal!

The Cabal includes those of ‘other species’ who desire to claim this planet as their own. To keep us ignorant of our Divinity and the power that comes with it.

 Q. Why the Pineal Gland?

A. The Pineal Gland has long been recognized as a “portal to other realms”-A seat of immense power. Why do you think there are symbols of the Pineal gland in almost every advanced culture? Shut down the Pineal and shut down the evolving of humanity. (BTW- animals are affected by this too)

Pineal symbol symbol on staff of Osiris

Pineal symbol symbol on staff of Osiris

  1. Q. Why was this Viral Malicious programming of the Pineal allowed?

  2. A. This is a free will planet and Supreme Creator does not interfere. Species have been warring over this planet for eons. The DARK does not respect our free-will.
  1. Q. Why don’t our guardian angels protect us? Why do they allow this to happen?

  2. A. Guardian angels can only interfere if our life is in danger before our time. They are of the LIGHT and respect our free-will. If we ask, then they will protect us.

Q. Is everyone affected by this viral pineal gland programming?

A. Not everyone, yet many are! Some  incarnated to consciously address this problem.

Q. What are the signs that I may have Viral Pineal Gland programming?

A. The main sign is that you cannot ever seem to get into a space of feeling truly worthy. You do every technique under the sun and you STILL regress backwards. You may SAY that you know you are Divine, yet always with a little tinge of doubt.

Just as in the case of the kidnapped Prince, when you feel those Divine Arms around you…you feel your corresponding Divinity stirring within– you my friend are beginning to awaken!

Q. How do you, Rebecca know about this?

A. I have known and taught decalcification of the Pineal in the past. Yet, I was not much aware of the true purpose of calcification. The more calcified your Pineal is, the more entrenched the malicious program becomes.

It was in my personal work with an advanced Being and great healer that I had my own malicious programming removed.

(Yes, of course, I go to healers as guided. The one I am seeing is quite costly, yet his skills are more valuable than any amount of money I could pay)

Now, I pass this healing along to you.

I promised I would tell you how to do this for yourself. However if you would prefer me to guide you, I offer a low-cost teleclass.

How to remove your Viral Pineal Gland Programming yourself:

  1. You must have faith and expectation that you CAN do this!
  2. Own it…that somehow you incarnated knowing this would be part of your existence.
  3. Decide what you would like to re-program the pineal for (must be the truth of your heart and nothing but)
  4. With full faith repeat these words. “I place my hand of Light into the Pineal Gland acknowledging it’s true function…I grasp and remove the Viral Implanted programs there. I command the virus to loosen into my hand. I give it to the Universe with love and respect. I claim and proclaim my Divinity and all that was stolen from me. I have said it and it is so” It is done with harm to none and highest good for all.
  5. Then re-program the Pineal from your true hearts desires.

If you prefer my help, then come to the teleclass

(or take it by audio- the anointing power remains in ALL my audios as long as time exists.


Two class times to serve your needs. (about two hours) Take it rom anywhere with my free call-in service.

Saturday at 12 Pm eastern

Sunday at 4 PM eastern

Option #1 Class and audio only.



Fee: $67

Need a payment Plan?

Two at 37.77


Option # 2. Certification: Audio, class and Certification training.


I am in the Light Brigade! $167

I am in the Light Brigade! $167 

Need a payment plan for certification training?

Two at $88.88 each

Join The Brigade of Light by becoming certified to do this for others.

Can you imagine the service you can do for this planet by removing Malicious Viral Programming from the Pineal Gland?

…AND I am making this DIRT Cheap for you to get Certified!

Bottom Line: If you DON”T remove the Malicious Viral Programming off your Pineal…you may never be able to Claim your inheritance in the way it is meant. You may never experience your true power.

If you are exposed to this information- you probably incarnated to do this for yourself and your ENTIRE Lineage and soul family.

Whether you follow the free instructions provided- or accept my help- Just Do it!

I love you!

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