Inspiration from Leo, a Blind, Toothless, Stray…(How He Did It, I’ll Never Know)

As a child, we had a mixed breed mid-sized pooch we named Leo.

He showed up one day at our farmhouse and just made himself at home. You see, we lived way out in the country and folks would come drop off unwanted animals.

Looks like Ole Leo

Looks like Ole Leo

These poor unwanted souls would often wander into our yard.

Sometimes they stayed, and sometimes not. We did not have much food even for us and we could not afford pet food…but we shared the scraps from our table with the strays.

No dog could afford to be picky around our house.

After my five brothers got done with a meal, there was precious little left over. However, old Leo was better off with us than wandering the countryside.

 Momma always made a huge batch of biscuits every day and even my five hungry brothers couldn’t finish them off…so Leo became the biscuit eater!

I think my sweet momma always made extra just so Leo could feast!

She would even make a little extra gravy so the biscuits wouldn’t be so cotton picken’ dry.

biscuits n gravy

So, what does old Leo have to do with my “How to Make Love to a Man” audio program?(on Groupon only till tomorrow)

Just hang on…I’m getting there!

Because we didn’t have money for pet food, we sure did not have money to get Leo fixed…back in those days, my struggling parents never even thought of such a thing.

Luckily, we did not have any female dogs, so it wasn’t a problem for us. (…and there was no money for such thing- us kids could not even go to ta dentist unless we had a toothache for at least 3 days)

However, occasionally, Leo would disappear for about 3 days.

He would come home, hungry, raggedy, from all the dogfights he had been in but… with a huge doggie grin on his face.

Ever seen a grinning dog?

Ever seen a grinning dog?

Sir Leo, had gone a-courtin”. From the looks of him, there must’a been a whole lot of competition!

As the years, went by, my parents got a little better off and could afford good pet food for Leo. I grew up and married and still Leo lived!

He got so old, he became blind, could hardly hobble, and didn’t have a tooth left in his mouth!

My momma was so tender hearted, she would make special food for Leo and mash it up with her hands so he didn’t have to chew with his toothless doggie mouth. They kept him in a nice, shady fenced yard and tended to him with love.

Now, guess what?

Old Leo still had the fire for a-courtin…

Every time a neighboring female would come into heat, Leo would find a way to get out of the fence. He surely had to smell his way to the join the competition for the ‘booty’, since he was blind as a bat!

He would still stay gone about three days and sniff his way home very bedraggled…but seemingly very happy.

The point I am making in telling you the story of Leo is this…

The sex-drive energy is the strongest energy in the world!

Get More Energy than you Dreamed

It can make you do things that seem impossible! Like old Leo, blind, toothless, barely able to hobble over to the food bowl to eat his hand-mashed food…yet, somehow finding a way to break out and go find the lady- in- heat.

If you listen to my audio program “How to Make Love to a man’- you’re gonna’ generate some powerful energy!

Putting out the Pheromones!

You just won’t be able to help yourself!

Maybe, you don’t have a man to expend all that excitement and drive on, so why not use that power to do something for yourself?

What have you been desiring but putting off because you didn’t feel inspired!

After all, did you know that sexual-energy is the stuff worlds are created out of?

Creation comes when energy is present.


What are you gonna do with all that energy?

Get More Energy than you Dreamed

Creation energy!

Creation energy!

Just Listening will generate all kinds of “feel good, Motivational energy”

Have you ever gotten “all sexed up”? Makes you feel like moving mountains doesn’t it?

You know why the sex-drive energy is the strongest energy in the world?

Because it’s what keeps the species alive!

This powerful energy is not relegated to humans…it affects animals, plants, and every kind of creature under the sun.

Please take advantage while my audio program is still on Groupon. (Expires tomorrow)

Get More Energy than you Dreamed

Get all the energy you need to create anything you desire …at half off?

(Or become a sex-pert and the most delightful lover ever)

How does it get any better than this?



PS: Now go right now and get this while it’s half–off on Groupon (expires tomorrow)

Get More Energy than you Dreamed


PPS: Put the power of the bedroom back in the hands of women…where it belongs!

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