Manifesting… “Pleiadian Style!”

As I was tossing around the best way to tell you about the upcoming teleclass, my Pleiadian friends piped up and said…

“Why don’t you just let us Pleiadians tell about it?”

Why don't I just let My Pleiadian friends tell you about it?

Why don’t I just let My Pleiadian friends tell you about it?

Works for me…

From the Pleiadian “Frequency Experts”…

Begin Pleiadian Message:

It is important to note that we are not claiming to be Deity.

(Except in the sense that we are ALL Divine Beings as are you)

We ask you to use discernment about any information you receive.

Especially wise is to make use of the “Christ Energy” when deciding what is for you.

Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy

We are from the Pleiades Star System and are here to be of assistance to your ascension. We have evolved from where you are now and consider you as Beloved Brothers and Sisters!

Pleiades star system

Pleiades star system

Our particular group communicating through Rebecca are considered “Frequency Experts”.

There are those of us who have other specialties.

Our mission through Rebecca is to teach “connection” and to boost your abilities to adjust your frequencies.

Once you learn proper use of “frequency adjustment”, there is nothing you cannot attain if it is for your highest good.

Know this…there is a “fail-safe” factor in everything we will be teaching so that it can only be used for good.

We are in service to Prime Creator and the ascension of the whole of humanity and the entire Galaxy systems.

We requested that Rebecca let us share with you about the class we have asked her to present.

She has named  the teleclass…

“Manifesting Pleiadian Style”

Everything you desire is already created and vibrating at it’s own unique frequency.

Sadly, we see your energy fields are so full of “resistance frequencies” that there is little chance you will manifest what you truly desire.

The greatest gift we can offer you… is teaching you an easy technique to adjust your frequencies.

As you use these techniques to move beyond mere “survival mode”-you will naturally continue the ascension process.

The methods you have been using have been a little helpful…but not as effective as you would like, correct?

When all the THREE Frequency Adjustments are in place you are Free of impediments that keep you shackled and hopeless.

#1. Clarity Beam Frequency Adjuster:

If asked, we will create a specific “clarity beam” customized for you according to your energetic hologram.

This “Clarity Beam”, properly utilized, will ‘positively shift’ even the most stubborn of resistance frequencies.

This positive shift in frequency will make a HUGE difference in the way you are able to attract. It will be as if a light switch has been turned on and you can STOP stumbling about in the dark.

We have given Rebecca the instructions on how to use the ‘Clarity Beam’ with much success!

We honor the techniques she already uses and have combined those techniques with ours.

#2: Sexuality Frequency Adjuster:

Another “Frequency” that is the most powerful and consequently most ignored is the “Sexuality Frequency”.

symbol of sexuality

Society, Religious Leaders, the Cabal, and authority figures have robbed humanity of even considering using this powerhouse energy for manifesting!

Sexual energy is the most Primal, Driving, Compelling, and Creative Force on this planet. NOT Using it is a crime against all of humanity!

We have given Rebecca a process to use this often ignored energy in a most useful way… the manifestation of your desires!

#3:Relief Energy Frequency Adjuster:

 The energy of “relief” has not been put to good use.

You know that relieved  feeling you get when something you were worried about gets resolved easily? This energy can be harnessed and used to activate your powers of attraction like no other. We have given Rebecca special instructions on just how to use this energy for your highest outcome.

For those of you who need to more details of how Rebecca will teach such a class…here’s the nutshell version.

Following Pleiadian guidance, (Overseen by Father/Mother God, Masters, angels,)

Rebecca will:

  • Introduce the “Pleiadian Clarity Beam” and teach you how to use it properly (and how to make it stronger)
  • Teach you how to do a ‘daily quickie’ that will have you manifesting exactly what is needed for that day
  • Use her own ‘spiced up’ techniques on your “Resistance Frequencies”
  • Help you tune in to another very little-known “relief” frequency that is more powerful than desire.
  • Introduce a Unique way to use the power of Sexual Energy and have it serve you for Good

Now, we turn the process over to Rebecca to advise you of class times.

We are also asking Rebecca to offer certification in this Unique process. We have told her exactly why we desire this.

End Pleiadian Message:

Rebecca Speaking:

“Manifesting Pleiadian Style”

Presented as a 90 minute teleclass available worldwide. Participate by phone or computer.

Presented 3 separate times to accommodate time zones.

Thursday Dec. 31 @ 12PM noon Eastern. (earliest class)

Friday Jan. 1 @ 4 PM Eastern (afternoon class) *you should be recovered from the nights festivities!

Monday Jan 4 @ 7 PM Eastern (evening class)

(One ticket gets you entrance to all class times if you want to refresh)

Class Fee:  67.

(Early Birds save 10 if purchased by Midnight Dec 31. Use coupon code ‘bird’ in coupon box- press apply)

Certification Fee: 277  (Includes class and everything you need to present this as class or one-on one)

Be certified and be one of the first to teach Pleiadian techniques !

or let me finance Certification for you.

Certification Fee Pay Plan: 3 payments of 97 each.

This includes class and everything you need to present this class to others (or to one- on- one clients)

*You can use the coupon above if you take quick action before Midnight Dec. 31.

Certification class to be held 2 weeks after this class. You do not need to have channeling skills to present this class.

I have already done that for you. You will be among the first in the entire world to teach Pleiadian Techniques without having to know how to channel!

However, teaching this class or presenting it to a clients will very likely enable you to begin channeling  far easier than ever before!

*Remember, the Pleiadians are ASKING me to offer this!

Call me if you want more info about the class or about becoming certified. 956-457-5568

You may be wondering why I would offer certification for such a “Star Studded” process at such a low price.

(I’ve paid hundreds and even thousands for certification in techniques not as powerful)

2016 is the year of Contact- not just for a few who channel, for all who desire it!

Not only with Pleiadians but with other benevolent star beings who desire to assist us in our ascension process.

Having more people teaching their beneficial techniques contributes to having them be more accepted as the benevolent beings Prime Creator has sent to assist us.

Love , Happiness and Prayers for a Benevolent 2016!


PS: If you have trouble making the links work go here:

I love you!

I love you!

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