11/11 Exit Portal Affecting Berlin Germany

Sometimes you wonder how much affect your spirit work has on others.

When I received this letter from Christine, a precious friend in Berlin Germany… it brought tears of joy to my eyes!

Christine Rinke Light Worker!

Christine Rinke Light Worker!

Be encouraged to read this letter from Dearest Christine and follow her example of encouraging lost souls, chaos energies and lost animal spirits to “go to Rebecca’s 11/11 Exit Portal.”

After all, the work is already done. The portal is open and a host of Angelic Beings wait to assist.

As that is needed is YOUR Human Belief factor.

Letter from Christine, Berlin, Germany

Hello Rebecca,

First let me tell you that I really love your work and your precious videos. Thank you for keeping me informed about your doing.

What I want to share with you:

 When I do my workouts in my fitness-studio (14th floor) I have a wide overview over the city of Berlin.

I was there yesterday and when looking at all these roofs, houses, streets and areas…

I suddenly remembered that Berlin is a city where there was/is great suffering, pain, anger, destruction during the world wars, the whole chaos, you know.


Berlin was a divided city for 40 years and it was the centre of the “cold war” between the West and the East. Many people have lost their homes, lives, as many were killed by bombs and fire.

There is much guilt, blood and desperation stored in the earth and atmosphere.

By the way I’ve already done a lot of cleansing work for the house (and all parties involved) in which I live, as also many Jewish people lived here before they were deported.

So, when I looked over the city I had the sudden impulse to connect to the chaos energies, the lost souls, ghosts etc. and to inform them of Rebecca’s 11/11 Portal in the US and that they could go there to begin their journey of restoration.

Click for info on Exit Portal 11/11

Click for info on Exit Portal 11/11

In order to do that I asked my guardian angel to contact all the “companion” angels and the guardian angels of the lost spirits helping us to tell them about this great possibility.

And then, dear Rebecca, in my inner vision I saw enormous never ending streams and huge clouds of grey and black energies boosting towards the 11/11 PORTAL, which was wide open and full of light!!!

It was as if a vacuum cleaner absorbed all these energies!

My mouth went open in astonishment!

Would you think it was successful? I would do it right again!

Love you so much, Christine C. Rinke

Coaching und Beratung



The next phase of the walkabout is ongoing.

Friday, I leave to drive to South Florida.(Then Mexico and Belize) I will be doing land healing and soul rescue along the way. I am especially guided to focus in on animal spirits who need help too.

(This includes ‘road-kill’)
Do you remember during the 11/11 portal opening I told you about the Union army on horseback that I saw in the forest?

Well, all the horses went through to the light as well as the soldiers.

The soldiers I saw looked just like this! So did the scenery!

The soldiers I saw looked similar. Only with blue uniforms.   Scenery almost exact!

The Divine has provided a way for me to travel to Mexico and Belize to continue this work. I especially need to do healing work in Belize. Years ago, I did missionary work there and I was completely miserable.

How appropriate that the Divine is having me return there. This opportunity came suddenly with only a couple days’ notice before departure day.

So please pray with me on Friday as I leave for South Florida, Belize, and Mexico. If I have internet, I will send you pictures of the journey. I have my little “Blessing Knapsack” all prepared with cornmeal, tobacco and chocolate for the fairies.

You recon fairies everywhere like chocolate?

Hot Chocolate Fairy By Janna Fairy Art

Hot Chocolate Fairy By Janna Fairy Art

I believe so!

It would be very difficult to continue this work without your assistance. Your prayers and contributions are just as important to this “Mission of Light” as getting out and traveling yourself would be! I thank you for all you have already done.

Please Contribute as you feel guided.

Gaia thanks you for being part of the Rescue.
Prayers and

Also, the last time I was close by to Belize was 8 years ago. The energy was so bad, I could not get off the boat.

This time, I am determined to follow Divine Guidance and do whatever healing I am supposed to do.

Thankfully, it is NOT required to open another portal there…it is only required to direct the energies, lost souls and animal spirits toward the 11/11 portal that is already opened.

Lovingly and gratefully,

cat 2Rebecca, Your Walkabout Priestess

PS: The portal opening has thinned the veil so much. This is the perfect time for you to open up to even more angelic spirit guidance. If you have tried before and found it difficult, I urge you to try again. There is no better time than right now to connect on a deep level.

PSS: …and don’t worry, you are not likely to be asked to go on walkabout to do land healing/ soul rescue. However, please be open to guidance about directing lost souls to the 11/11 exit portal, the work is done- take advantage. Give  your space a good housecleaning and send them to the Light.

PSSS: Each morning for the last few days, I’m getting the most profound messages from our Benevolent Pleiadian friends.

I will begin to share them very soon.

I just let them talk to me each morning and give me the messages I am most suites to share…just WAIT ‘till you hear.

I love you.

PSSSS: Just in case you are worried about me and my homeless state. The Divine is looking after me so sweetly.

Some dear friends in Florida (Bob and Jo-Ann) are inviting me to stay with them as a home base while I go out to wherever spirit directs me. I’ll tell you more about them in another letter. Have you ever met people so wonderful you think they are ‘angels in disguise?’

That’s my friends, Bob and Jo-Ann.

How does it get any better than this?

…oopsy…one more thing. The savings on private sessions is ongoing.

go here for info http://wp.me/pq2xG-2YT

That’s it for today… I promise, Hugs…

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