The “Red Shoe” Vision Puzzled me…Until Gaia Explained
Don’t come to my defense with battle swords drawn,
Come to my rescue with dancing shoes on.
Gaia, November 3, 2015
Recently, I told you how I’m going to do some “healing of the land” before opening the Exit Portal on 11/11. The healing offerings will take place in the forest near where I am to open the exit portal.
*See full explanation of this Mission below.
Gaia has shown to me the offerings She desire to receive: tobacco, sea salt, cornmeal, resin and chocolate for Her fairies and elementals.
So, I asked Gaia…”is there anything special you want me to DO for you, while I am making these offerings?”
She immediately showed me a picture of a Red High heel spiked into the black earth.
“Oh goodness gracias, Gaia, you’re not asking me to wear high heels out in the woods are you?”
“No Rebecca”, Gaia replies…”I just want you to dance for me!”
Gaia continues… “The earth has been held in balance for eons by the offerings and rituals of indigenous cultures. These cultures which many humans consider primitive, are holding my body sacred and restoring much balance by their honoring of Me.
Whether it’s ceremony, ritual or preparation there is one thing common to every tribe…and that is some kind of body movement or Dance to honor the Earth Mother.
When I feel the imprints of human feet moving in rhythm upon my Being…it thrills me!
This movement or dance, helps to create a powerful vortex of energy that becomes the force behind many successful events.
The indigenous cultures may not have been aware consciously with 3 D mind that the dance created a vortex- yet they realized that when they “danced for the Mother” and made ceremony… any endeavor was more successful.
Better hunting parties, better harvest, and better feast days…better everything.
So, Rebecca, dance upon my sacred belly, create that powerful vortex and it will be beneficial in helping to open the exit portal.
One of the reasons I ask you to dance is to also create joy. The land where you are to open the portal has suffered much bloodshed, pain and unresolved conflicts.
The joy energy that is created in the dance will delight the soil, the fairies, and even the trapped souls there will be affected by it.
If only all humanity could become more aware of the power of all emotions and the way it affects the earth’s energies.
If one does a dance upon the belly of Me, your earth mother with the “Intention” to dedicate the energy to Me…then it is so- and is received with great joy. You can also sing to Me,,, or clap your hands for Me!
Any way you can find to be in bliss, joy, love, care or honor of Me is received gratefully and changes everything for the better.
As with many things in life…it is the Intention behind your actions that affects the greatest positive change! “
From Rebecca:
I shall begin my offerings and dancing in the woods on Nov. 8. Will you join me right where you are? Will you dedicate a little dance or song to Gaia? Will you help me to create more positive energy to help in the opening of the Exit portal?
Any effort is appreciated by Gaia!
*Full explanation of this Mission below.
In case you missed the earlier emails from me…
In September, The Council of Light asked me to open a Portal of EXIT for those dense energies that have been exposed to the God-Light to the point of choosing differently. (I call it the Mission of Light)
Now, I am being asked once again…this time it’s a bit different. I was shown a vision of what is already happening in Spirit.
Due to the great energy shift that was created when the first portal was opened…the second Portal is absolutely ENORMOUS!
Hundreds went through the first portal, THOUSANDS are already gathering for the second.
This time the ‘Lost Souls’ are going first. I can see whole families of those who died in tragic circumstance that were trapped. Many are already waiting at the place where I am to open the exit portal.
Spirit explained it to me like this…
“When people die in great fear and emotion, they can’t always see the Light that is there for them. There are certain “chaos energies” just waiting for this to happen. You see, dark chaos energies NEED to feed off fear and confusion energy. One name for this particular sect of dense entities is “Scramblers”.
What these “Scrambler Entities” do is scramble the signals so that the lost souls cannot find the light.”
Here’s what’s gonna happen…
When the next Exit Portal is opened, thousands of Lost Souls will go through. The vast majority of the Scramblers will go through with them. All of these Scramblers are invaders from other Dimensions.
They will have a choice to be Restored by Prime Creators Benevolent Light…or to be exiled back to the dimension from which that came.
Folks…this is a one-way Exit Portal and it leads to restoration!
(Good Lordy, this all sounds plumb crazy- even to me…yet, I do not doubt for an instant that it is true!)
Due to many earth changes, there is a greater accruement of souls dying in tragedy, earthquakes, floods tsunamis…any event where great fear is.
Your believing with me is the key to thousands of souls going home to the Light. The Great cleansing of the dark Scrambler Entities will allow many Light workers to forge ahead with much greater ease.
It is not my job to “fight” the forces of the dark. It is only my job and calling as Priestess to “BELIEVE” and to take ACTION on that belief.
We as humans do not realize that our greatest energy force is simply. “The power of believing”
Spirit says that One spark of true human belief is equal in power to a whole truckload of Plutonium.
Spirit has asked me to go to a very specific location to open this portal.
I am not at liberty to give out the location of the next Exit Portal Opening. Here are the details I CAN give out.
Date of Portal Opening: 11/11/2015
Time: Afternoon
Here’s what I have to do;
Get a plane ticket. (It’s far, far away)
Rent a car- its two hours’ drive from any airport. (I’m looking at a full day of travel)
Get warm clothes and shoes for hiking.(It’s cold and in the forest)
I must be at the location for 3 days prior and make offerings of tobacco and corn to the land before I can do the ceremony that opens the Portal.
Oh…and this 62 year young lady will have to hike a mile up a steep incline.
Thankfully, Spirit says after I open this Exit Portal, I won’t be called upon until at least March 2016.
Also, there is another great tragedy (earthquake/flood) brewing and the souls who go in that will not have to contend with a vast number of Scrambler Entities interfering with their homecoming. This is due to the work we are doing right now.
I do not have information on exactly where the next earthquake/flood tragedy will occur, just that the toll will be mighty.
Your contributions make you part of this ‘Mission of Light’ Portal Opening.
#1. Contribute prayers, light (or singing and dancing)
#2. Contribute any amount towards expenses…as guided by spirit. This journey is a lot more involved and incurs more expense than the first one. I’m committed to doing this- even if I have to charge the whole thing on credit. I have too…
Any Amount as Guided by Spirit
Love and Appreciation,
PS: Email me back and let me know that you will…
sing a little song
dance a little dance
say a little prayer
clap your hands
In honor of our Earth Mother on 11/11.