How Animals Play an Important part in this Walkabout

I left South Texas on Nov 6 to go open an “Exit Portal” in a National Forest in Kentucky.


This portal was for Lost Souls, Chaos Energies wanting Redemption and animals who had lost their way as well.

When I flew back to Houston, where I had left my car,  I had planned to drive back to South Texas.

Introductory Video about the Walkabout.

Spirit said “No, Rebecca,leave South Texas,  go on “walkabout” to find a new home. You are to do land healing, soul releasing all along the way…as guided.

Sigh…of course I said “YES”…however,  I had only a few clothes with me.

So, being the resourceful Priestess that I am, I took myself down to the Goodwill store and purchased, five pairs of slacks, five tops, a nice sweater, plus a good pair of leather shoes …for the whopping price of $120.

(See, I’m not wasting any of your contributions on frivolous things)

I was told to go and visit a certain, lovely couple in Florida. So, I pretty much told them(Bob and Jo-Ann) that I had “Guidance” to come see them…and would they mind?

They were thrilled, so I began the two day drive from Houston.


On the first day, I was guided to take an exit somewhere in Mississippi. I saw a sign that said…”Wildlife Refuge” so I followed it.

As I pulled into the forest area, I felt guidance to stop and make my offerings of tobacco, corn and of course…chocolate for the fairies!

Afterwards, I went to the visitors center and discovered that I had landed in the home of the Mississippi Sand hill cranes,  Critically Endangered, with a  little over 100 individuals left in the wild.

Well, what are the chances of THAT happening without the guidance of Spirit? Do you think they could use a little “blessing” of their place of Refuge?

Profile - Crane Head- 520x289

Baby Sandhill Crane

Baby Sandhill Crane

As I continued driving along…I noticed a lot of crosses on the side of the road marking where people had been killed.

Most had already gone to the Light…the interesting thing that Spirit said is this. “For many of those crosses, there are animal friends still attached that did not go to the Light…help them.”

I have the assistance of St Francis and this ENORMOUS angel to help.

All I do is provide a most important ingredient…The Human Belief Factor.
Go Here to watch video about this.Video:

When I arrived at my friends home in Florida, I was welcomed with open arms. WE felt as if we had know each other forever. (Well , as soul friends…we have)

Bob and Jo-Ann have a beautiful Italian Mastiff, two Chihuahuas, five horses, several cats, one bird, and now one refugee Priestess!


I was fortunate to spend Thanksgiving with them and am awaiting Spirit’s instructions as to where to head next. Spirit says…”Be still and wait for an invitation or concise directions as to the next leg of your walkabout”. I am open to going anywhere Spirit guides me- if you want me in your area…call me 956-457-5568.

Bullit , me and half of Jo-Ann

Bullit , me and half of Jo-Ann

Bob, Rebecca, Jo-Ann, Thanksgiving Day

Bob, Rebecca, Jo-Ann, Thanksgiving Day

Your contributions, of prayer, advice and financial assistance to help on this journey…and welcomed with gratitude.


PS: A curious thing about the 11/11 Portal that we opened in Kentucky (at the site of a meteorite crash)
Opening this portal has caused a thinning of the veils.

It is now even easier to communicate with Spirit. It is also far easier to communicate with our Star Brothers and Sisters. Look for some “blow your mind way open” messages from them soon.

Please contribute to this “Land healing, Soul Clearing , Animal Rescue Walkabout” as you feel guided.

There are expenses of lodging, gas and food….and of course, I am still offering corn, tobacco and chocolate for the fairies all along the way! (Getting really low on the special chocolate for the fairies)

Gaia thanks you for being part of the Rescue.
Prayers and

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