Navaratri  is the time of year when Divine  Mother makes yourself even more available to us.

Surprise and delight Divine Mother by asking… “What can I do for you?”

Then be still and quiet and in that quiet you will hear her voice… sweet and low

She will be so pleased that you were asking what you could do for her instead of petitioning for yourself that she will want to do everything she can for you!

When I asked Divine Mother, “what can I do for you?” She simply said… “Say my name!”

You see Beloveds, , saying the name of a deity is a sign of faith and belief. Nothing pleases the divine more than your belief.
Your belief gives them strength and even more power to help. Your faith leaps when you ask,” what can I do for you?”, and indicates that you are beginning to believe the teaching I have been espousing.

What teaching?

You are of great value as a human… the Divine needs you in order to do anything helpful for the planet.
So, Surprise a goddess this Navaratri by asking…” what can I do for you?” This actually activates the law of reciprocity and it’s win, win. win!

The main reason people do not ask a deity, “what can I do for you?” Is because they are worried the deity will ask him something that’s so hard they cannot possibly do it.

Be assured that deity will never ask you something that’s difficult.

(When the Divine asked me to go down to Padre Island, stay 3 days and open an “Exit Portal” for dark energies to leave through in order to have a chance for restoration, I had no idea HOW to do it, however: I immediately had the DESIRE to do it.)

As a matter fact when the deity asks you to do something for them they put the desire in your heart. Do you think it was a hardship for Mother Teresa to be asked by the Divine to pick up the dead and dying from the streets of Calcutta?
No! She did it because it was the desire of her heart to follow the divine guidance.

When the divine asked her to attend to the dead and dying… the divine also gave her that desire in your heart to do the thing.

So Beloved One, fear not when asking a deity” what can I do for you?” I promise it’ll be something that will be bring you great joy and blessings

I love you,

Your Priestess in Service, Rebecca

PS: Thanks for all the loving messages you sent on the transition of my brother.

PS S tomorrow I will give you an update on the ‘Exit Portal’, and let you know about all those dark energies being transformed by the light of God.
I’m so excited and I think you will be too.

Did I mention I love you?

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