Overcoming Shyness Week

They don’t call it  “Painfully Shy” for nothing!

Be free of Shyness!

Be free of Shyness!

A group of friends recently celebrated my friend Patti’s Birthday at Santa Fe Steakhouse and Cantina. Of course we chose this place because of the good food but mostly… for the good music!

The band was rockin’  and the ladies and I were having a ball out on the dance floor. Very few men were dancing although there were plenty of them there. It seemed there was an extra amount of beautiful, sexy women there. Yet, all those “too shy” men were lined up around the bar…just looking.

I was sitting with a new friend I had just met, a very pretty lady, maybe a few years younger than me. I spotted two nice gentleman who had been standing ‘just looking’ for at least an hour. One of them was keeping time to the music with his head…so of course, I figured I had better go invite him to dance and help him get his groove on. Well, he was just thrilled and actually the man had awesome rhythm.

I asked him…”It’s obvious, you like to dance, why have you been standing here all night when this place is full of lovely ladies just itchin’ to dance too?

He just shrugged his shoulders…”Well, you know, I’m shy.”

We danced a couple more times and then I asked his friend if he liked to dance too…he said he did. I said, “Well the lady I’m sitting with would love to dance with you, why don’t you go ask her?”

He shook his head and added…” I’m afraid she’ll say NO. “

“How about if I go and drag her over here”, I asked. (Which is precisely what I did.)

They wound up having a great time and we were all chatting like old friends the rest of the evening.

My point is this…we waste so much time being shy and having so much fear of rejection that we miss so many good connections. I think it’s partly because we worry too much about what others will think. With all that worry, of course our vibration becomes less attractive to others.

That’s why I’m declaring this week. “Stamp Out Shyness Week” (Or should I say…The Pain of Shyness?)

This week, lets’ take a chance. Yes, let’s take a chance on making wonderful connections.

Now, I’m not talking just about possible romantic connections. I’m talking about connecting in general.

Need some examples?

When you see someone who looks interesting, tell them so. Start a conversation about something of interest. Could be an article of clothing, hair, eyes, or smile. I told a complete stranger what wonderful hair she had and she was delighted. I even added…”Did God do that for you, or do you have to work at it?”

People LOVE hearing good stuff about themselves…don’t you?

You see, if you have good intentions, you won’t come off as creepy.

Now, of course if you go up to someone and you are all needy and scared, you are not going to be able to give much are you? But, having a good intention to connect and ‘make someone’s day’ is always accepted (unless they are truly creepy themselves)

It’s always fun to connect others too. I had a great time getting the shy dancer and my friend talking and dancing.

So, are you with me?

This week, let’s see how many connections we can make. Never miss a chance to connect or help others connect. Isn’t that what this whole ‘we are one’ movement is about?

There is no one who does not like sincere kindness, friendship, or admiration expressed to them. Just think of how you like it…what kinds of things would you like someone to say to you?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Best use of that scripture I can think of.

Updates later this week.

Love, Rebecca

PS: Do you need some help with this? If so, what kind of help? Let me know so I can help you, “get connected’.

PSS: I started this whole movement off by making a phone call to a person I had been wanting to connect to…but felt too shy.

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