Day of: Exit Portal of Transmutation

It’s Tonight:

Opening an ‘Exit Portal’ for Denser Energies to pass through and be Restored. (See Full explanation )

 Yesterday morning, my eyes flew open at 8:45 AM.

I was startled to see a small rectangle on the ceiling with numbers flashing…like one of those countdown clocks. Usually, I don’t see things with me “real eyes”…Instead, I see with my inner vision. Only once before has this happened when Master Sananda appeared live and in the flesh in my room.

“What do these numbers mean?” I asked. They were changing so quickly, I could not read them. The answer came swiftly… “The numbers mean two things.”

#1.The place where the numbers appear marks the location where you are to hold the “Exit Portal” Ceremony.

#2.The numbers show the count of the beings who are getting ready to transvers through the Exit portal and be transmuted by the Light.

I was so relieved,  I can do the ceremony right here in this room! It has something to do with the ley lines and the grid system. That is why I was told must stay at this particular hotel… The Pearl. It is aligned perfectly between the calmness of the bay side and the turbulence of the surf side of the Island where I am to do the ceremony.

I was told to do the ceremony at 10 PM central time, I sure was not thrilled about that! You see, I thought I would have to go down to the waters edge to do the ceremony.  To do that at 10 PM all alone was not my wish.

To complicate matters…there is a RED TIDE here on the Island.

It is hard to breathe outside. The red tide is caused by an overgrowth of algae that kills everything in its path. I have never experienced a red tide before and was shocked at the coughing fit I went into when I got out of my car the first day I arrived.

So thank you Spirit for taking care of me so beautifully!

Now, I can do the ceremony safely inside without worry of being interrupted or breathing in the noxious fumes of the red tide.

My thanks go out to all those who have contributed either by simply “believing” with me, or contributing to the costs of hotel, food travel.

If you would like to contribute to this mission, please ask Spirit how much is best for you to offer.

Contribute any amount as directed by Spirit.

Love and happiness in Service,


PS: Flash of good news!

One of my daughters just called and said that God wants her to come help me. She is driving 350 miles to arrive here before 10 Pm. Thanks be to God.

PSS: Another flash of good news. There will be a great vacuum created when these denser energies are leaving. Many lost souls will “piggy-back” into the Light.

Soon I will write you an article about the importance of the “human connection”. This will explain how very valuable you are and why you should never doubt your worthiness.

PSSSS: Please hold me and my daughter in your prayers today as we do this “Mission of Light” Exit Portal of transmutation.

(See Full explanation )

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