Best Defense Against All Enemies

We almost  all have people who envy us, wish us to fail, or downright hate us!

(if not in THIS lifetime, a past life can be affecting us now!)

This energy can be affecting us in ways we cannot measure.

In this video, I guide you in this most effective technique to life your burdens- with harm to none

Written Instructions: (Thanks to Burt Goldman, Lucia Capacchione for inspiration)

On a blank sheet of paper write, “I Am Harmed” at the bottom.

Draw a big circle above what you have written.

Close your eyes and ask for guidance to reveal those who wish you to fail,

have resentment of you, hate you,

or have any type hard feelings against you.

(Don’t judge who comes up, could be your own mother who dissapreoves of your lifestyle.)

Draw stick figures to represent these people. (no names)

Draw two smaller circles within the big one.

Lable one ANCESTRAL, label the other PAST LIVES.

(Youb could still be affected by past life or ancestral people who wished you harm)

I SHOW you on the Video:

Write Therapy:

Scan the entire picture and what you have written.

Close your eyes and think of something wonderful.

Open your eyes and scan the entire picture and what you have written.

Close your eyes and think of something wonderful, make it even more wonderful.

Open your eyes and scan the entire picture and what you have written.

Close your eyes and think of something wonderful, most wonderful!

Open your eyes and scan the entire picture and what you have written.

I SHOW you on the Video:

The X Slash:

Do not move your head but with your eyeballs begin to slash the entire page making big X all over it.

Your eyes have lazer beams attached to them! Slash and X it out!


Take your eyeballs and go around the outside of the circle 3 times.

Now, go back the other way.

I SHOW you on the Video:


Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth- just behind your front teeth.

This tells the brain, Wake up! Something important is about to happen!

Energy Exchange:

I bless and demand my energy returned to me.

I bless and return any energy I took form any of these people or situations.

With harm to none!

Repeat Bagha.

Now wad the paper up as you say…with harm to none. Throw it across the room if you wish.(You may also want to burn it)


Repeat Bagha, Imagine a shield of light that both protects and blesses.

You don’t want to deflect any negative energy back to those who are wishing you harm, you simply want to transform that energy by the power of Light and Blessing!

That’s it…Shield Protect and Bless.

I SHOW you on the Video:

Please share this with friends and family as guided.


Love, Rebecca

PS: For some reason, I have been guided to do a lot with protection and releaseing judgement lately.

This will help you.

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