“Divine Soul Partnerships- Attract the Right Ones!

Last Chance teleclass tonight at 8PM eastern.

Good news!

#1.You already HAVE Soul Agreements for Every Kind of Help you could ever want!

#2.You SHOULD be enjoying, money, health and LOVE!

Bad news…

#3. Your Signals are NOT getting to the Right Partners…

Read on…

Here is the problem…

Many Lightworkers writing to me are feeling:

• Abandoned- by God, friends, family and customers.
• Hopeless- that nothing they try ever works.
• That God is not even listening– they don’t feel worthy.
• Wanting to fulfill their purpose but feeling Blocked!
• That They must be doing something WRONG- or they would be more successful.

Feeling Low...

Feeling Low…

The Sad Truth is… that it’s all Pure Trickery by the Chaos Energies!

Because the times we live in are so crucial to the evolving of the planet…the Chaos Energies have “stepped up” their agenda!
You see, earth is a free will zone- we as lightworkers have the Right and Authority to continue to put our heads in the sand…

OR to open our eyes and DO Something about what is really going on!
Because Earth is a free will zone.. The Chaos Energies Also have the Right to double their efforts unless we stop them! This information is Not to frighten you…it is to get you to open your eyes.

Even worse…  our Emotional State is Fodder for the Chaos Elements!

We don’t realize that the Chaos Energies are having a field day , a virtual FEAST off our confusion, despair, hopelessness… and that keeps Them growing stronger- while We grow Weaker!

 I’m Sick of the BAD NEWS…What is the Solution?

Q. Solution? And, what does all this have to do with “Divine Soul Partnering”?

A. Yes, There is a solution!
If we were in True Alignment with our Many “Divine Soul Partners”, we would never, ever, be in the mess we are in right now!

You see, we did not come here alone.

We made many soul agreements with many souls to help us. We also made agreements to help others.

Soul Partners to the Rescue!

Soul Partners to the Rescue!

Spirit says that we made agreements with ” helping souls” to cover every situation that could ever arise!
Yes, we have many agreements with Ancestors, Spirits and Beings of Light- so why are we NOT Thriving?

This is where the Chaos Energy Trickery comes in…
Our signals for Help from our Soul Partners …are being Sabotaged!

The Chaos Energies are Aware that we have many Divine Soul Partnership agreements. They KNOW that if we get really connected to even 50% of our Divine Soul Partners -that they will have lost!
So, the Chaos Energies do everything in their power to make sure the frequencies Never get to the desired destination. You NEVER get that help that you had already agreed upon!

They cannot do anything to Stop us giving out the signals…instead they simply hijack and scramble the signals!
If you cannot Accept what you’re up against and learn how to Reverse the damage the chaos energies have done- then you will continue to dig yourself deeper in the hole.

Q. Do these Chaos Energies sabotage Every signal?

A. No, they cannot sabotage every single one…but they do enough to keep us in a state of confusion.
And yes, some of our signals do get through- but only part of the time.

Through your Soul Partnership Agreements, your happiness has been planned and provided for.

You did not intend to have such a freakin’ rough time!
Sure, you planned to learn, evolve and grow…but you also planned on kicking a little Butte!
I am here to help you kick that butte…starting with re-claiming your right to attract the Divine Soul Partners to help You in every area of your life.
Not only that…you are going to Become more Fulfilled when you are answering the signals of those You agreed to help.

The signals from your Divine Soul Partners are Not being received by you  either!

Q. How can I know if I’m getting the Wrong Signals from Others?

A. See list below: If your signals are scrambled, you are receiving the Wrong Signals thereby Draining your Life Energy…and, it’s NOT Even Being Appreciated…(Can I get an Amen?)

• Every feel like you’re helping others- but it’s not being appreciated? (Scrambled Signals)

• Ever feel like you are helping those- who want it all for free? (Scrambled Signals)

• Ever feel like you are casting your pearls before swine? (Scrambled Signals)

• Ever feel like you are helping out of Obligation- and it doesn’t feel good? (Scrambled Signals)

• Ever feel like your gifts are Stagnant, NOT growing, and aren’t doing much good anyway? (Scrambled Signals)

Know this… it is only due to the interception of your Pure Signals that you are Not where you want to be.
That you do not have what you want to have …and that your life is not the sparkling Jewel you planned it to be.

More About the Solution:

The Divine Solution so that you can easily call your much needed Soul Partners to you is…

• A “Pillar of Light” exercise that re-establishes your transmitting and receiving channels.

• A special Code to use when sending out a signal on purpose. (Chaos Energies cannot detect or penetrate this Code.)

• Establishing clear Priorities as to Which Signals to “code up” and send first.

• Determining which “Field” of consciousness is most beneficial.

• Discovering and Embracing the Highest Morphic resonance for your best outcome- no matter what you are wanting!

Can you give some examples of when or to whom I would send out the signal wrapped in code?

Yes… (Don’t Forget- you already Have these Agreements)
• signal for a helpful business partner- new business or career direction

• buyer for your home, car, products

• new clients

• encouragement when you feel down

• the right help for medical/ weight/ issues

• the signal that you are ready for a Lover, Beloved, new friends

• Everything- if you have a NEED, you have a Divine Soul Partner who has agreed to help

Love, Money and the Good Life!

Love, Money and the Good Life!

Q. Why has God allowed this to happen? It doesn’t seem fair!

A. Indeed…Why does God allow War? Disease? Suffering?
Father God does not interfere in a “free will” zone. Mother Azna Does have the power to interfere for you and She will…but only if you ask.
You volunteered to come here…you KNEW you would face many Obstacles and you TRUSTED that you would find the Truth.

Q. Why should I take your class?

A. Taking my class is optional- you can start “opening your eyes” and get your own guidance.
Or…you can let me help and guide you. I have been given the Codes, Techniques, and Insights that will make it Quick, Easy and Painless.
There IS a reason that Divine Mother gives this Type Guidance to me…

Azna KNOWS that I will put it out there. Even if it sounds crazy (which it often does- even to me)
Mother Azna Knows that I am in Service to Her and Humanity. She Knows that I never say “No” to Her. She Knows that I trust the Guidance that She gives. (Although, I may argue a bit sometimes)

Mother God Azna

Mother God Azna

I know that when Azna gives me guidance…it will do some MAJOR good!…and don’t forget, Azna has the power to:

• interfere for you-
• to shift your karma for you-
• to change your chart!

WHEN is the teleclass?

last Chance tonight…
Monday Oct 20 at 8 PM eastern

HOW Much?

Option One: $67- just the class, plus the Audios  $67

Option #1 $67

Option #1 $67

Option Two:$117- (Not for Everyone- You may Not need it)

The class, Audios, Transcript, and SPECIAL “After Class, SATURN Energy Transmutation”

*Saturn is the Planet of Stern Discipline- you can usually feel if He is “Sitting on Your Head”. Not Fun! (You KNOW if you Need it!)

I have been given a Vision, Instructions, and Permission to “Transmute” Saturn’s Energy for a few of you.

*This is NOT the same as Deflecting the Energy….it is actually Transmuting it. Changing the Stern, Unyielding Vibrational Codes over to Fun and Joyful codes.

I am assisted in this by The Dolphin Energies and Mother Azna.

*For this- you stay after class- as each person must be done individually. The transmuting is Specific to YOUR Vibration.
Option Two: $117 (You will receive complete instructions via email after purchase.)


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  1. Ajanta on October 17, 2014 at 1:44 am

    This is so right! I had been having these heavy vibes and these symptoms without able to point at the reason. Now I know. Thanks Rebecca for this great service.

  2. Tina on October 16, 2014 at 10:56 am

    Would doing a aura cleansing have any effect on the chaos energies and also make things better as well or do I just need the info in this class.

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