Become the Darling of the Universe(and the Teachers Pet!) Audio program

So… I was on a date the other night. We were at a very popular restaurant and the parking lot was completely full.

Oh, my date exclaimed, we may not get a spot…to which I replied, “oh yes we will because…

I Am the darling of the universe!” Magically, we saw someone leaving…right near the door of course.

Next, there was doubt we would get a table…of course there were two choice spots just where I wanted to sit.

It’s great to be the darling of the universe! (And yes, you are too…you simply may not be claiming it)

Darling of the Universe!

Darling of the Universe!

I have become so used to saying …”I am the Darling of the Universe”, that I forget some folks don’t know how…or simply don’t believe it’s possible.  

Yet, spirit is telling me to take this about a thousand steps further to make sure you really get into the “magic of becoming the darling”.

(HINT- Accept a Divine Teacher and become Their darling…Teacher’s Pet!)

 From a recorded teleclass … (enjoy this audio program)



Fee: Only 47 (because I want this to be affordable to all)

 Yes! I want this!

* For basic “darling-hood”, you don’t need to take any class.

Simply start claiming that you ARE and you will start becoming just that.  

For those who really want to get into Leveraging the magic, listen up.

This class in a nutshell:

The easiest way to be come the “darling” of the Universe, is to become the darling of the Divine YES!, A special Teacher is waiting to guide you))

How to experience Divine Communion, in the most tender way

How to move from being a ‘desperate petitioner’ to a glorious, beloved darling

Not only will I show you how to do that, but, I will reveal  little-known mistakes that

Light Workers routinely make which dilute their effectiveness.



You will appreciate how to “hold sacred” that which is given to you by the Divine until it is fully ready to be given out. (And how this is hurting you when you give too soon)

You will discover the ease of switching from ‘head centered guidance’ to ‘heart centered guidance’

• How to know when…and when NOT- to ask favors of the Divine

(we have all been messing up on this one.)


You feel like your prayers are not being answered. Anyone experience this?

 Yes! I want this!

Now, let’s talk about the One aspect of this class that spooked me…

The Truth About Divine Surrender: (Actually Divine remembrance is more Like it!)

I never like hearing the word, “surrender” And yet I am asked to teach the truth about this.

In the past, I thought that to “Surrender” meant to “give up your own will”.

Well…heck! Who wants to do that…Not me!

(I even have a hard time on the dance floor letting my partner “lead”.)

Yet, Spirit is presenting the Concept of Divine Surrender in a way I never fathomed.

Imagine the wonder of surrendering to the intimate guidance of the Divine…

sparked solely from the heart.

Divine intimacy is a far cry from crawling like a worm on the floor mewling… ”I surrender, do with me what you will”. (A SPECIAL Divine teacher is now waiting for you!)

Divine Surrender to Holy Communion with a Being of Light insures that you:

• Get guidance from One who can see the bigger picture

• Has your highest good at heart

• Will never violate your will

• Will extend helping hands of Light • …and sometimes, Your Intimate Divine partner will even work miracles for you

 Yes! I want this!


Q. How long will this class take?

A. Approximately 77 minutes

Q. Why so short?

A. Because a lot of clearing is not necessary. This is so simple to follow. Listen and do…it works.(no skills necessary)

Q. Why such a low fee? 47 ? Most of your sessions are higher.

A. Because, I want you all to be able to afford it. To experience the Upgrade of “Darling of the Universe” status on a most cherished level.

Q. Well, why don’t you just “do it for nothing?”

A. There should be an exchange of energy. As stated previously…

* For basic “darling-hood”, you don’t need to take any class.

Simply start claiming that you ARE and you will start becoming just that.

This class is for you…

• If you are ready to experience the ecstasy that comes with regular Divine Communion.

• If you are wanting Divine Intimacy

If you want the joy of being the “Darling of the Universe” all the time!

Now a fabulous Audio program!

Fee: Only 47 (because I want this to be affordable to all)

 Yes! I want this!  

Q. What else?

A. Input from my newest teacher, Sri Yukteswar (Guru Of Yogananda)

Priceless revelation about “The Holy Trinity” within your body’s organs and glands.

(The Forgotten Sacred Gland that Activates receiving)

There is an almost forgotten gland that deeply affects your physical health and spiritual health.

This gland was used by masters for “Divine Transference.” I will teach you how to use this same gland for greater connection and intimacy with the Divine.

So, are you ready to be the Darling of the Universe without a Doubt?

Sri Yukteswar, Master Guru of Yogananda

Sri Yukteswar, Master Guru of Yogananda

The Forgotten Sacred Gland that Activates Receiving

In ancient days…a Guru would Strike a disciple on the thymus to bestow a gift or blessing.

I call it “Divine Transference”.

As I was reading about this in “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda my own “spiritual reception

” began to alert as I knew something Monumental was brewing!

Further reading revealed there was one other gland that a master would strike to activate. (The Pineal)

Did you know that until fairly recently, doctors believed that the

Thymus was completely useless in adults?

Every autopsy performed on old sick folks show useless shriveled up thymus gland.

Very unfortunate as the thymus is the “Master Gland” in your immune system.

(only autopsies of children showed any thymus activity at all)

Q. What does this information have to do with the class this weekend; ‘How to Become the Darling of the Universe’?

A. Everything! What good is ‘Becoming a Darling’ if you are still blocked in receiving? In this class, I will reveal to you exactly how this powerful “Thymus activation” works to open you up to receiving as never before.

In the meantime- start thumping on your thymus and repeating “I’m open to receive” .

This information about the thymus, Holy trinity of glands, and the forgotten Alta major chakra has not been revealed in this century. (Although in days of old…it was common knowledge) I say we revive what works and get back to being more and more prosperous.

 Yes! I want this!

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  1. Patrick on March 17, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    Here is a technique I’ve been using to manifest. Simply make the decision to be the darling of the universe and let the intention go. You can utilize this template for anything you desire. Approach it with the attitude of “why not try it, what do I have to loose” Here it goes. Simply state ” Now that I have decided to be the darling of the universe, I have decided to release all resistances, let go, and let God.” Then be still for 1 minute and notice what you notice and then go on with the rest of your day. I’ve notice tangible vibrations on my body when I did this…try it and see what happens

  2. Laura on March 17, 2014 at 1:53 pm

    Doug- Thumping on your thymus? Just do what Tarzan does, with or without the “Ah-e-ah-ah!.” He’s thumping his thymus when he beats on his chest… you notice it’s always the upper chest, above the heart, near or on the sternum. I mean, are you going to argue with Tarzan? He knew how to amp up his energy!

  3. rengiah muthulingam on March 16, 2014 at 5:41 am

    Thanks mom and willing observe from fardistance.
    God bless you
    R. Muthulingam

  4. Doug on March 14, 2014 at 9:36 pm

    OK, Rebecca…how does one “thump on your thymus”?

    Where is it? How do I thump on it? Should I use a hammer? Or would the wall be OK?

    Of course I was joking with the last two, but honestly, how do you do thump on it?


  5. LKW on March 14, 2014 at 7:03 pm

    How rude “Goddess”!!!! If you don’t understand how amazing and wonderful it is that Rebecca shares these Divine truths – then please keep your very nasty comments to yourself!!!!! And just do not participate!!!! Obviously you are not ready to hear these things at this time…..

  6. Goddess on March 14, 2014 at 2:34 pm

    I can see your bullshit a mile away, and this capitalistic approach is so out dated, you selling information of body parts that enhanced total mi.d, body intergration and how you desire fir all to attend your seminar. You desire to be paid say so dont sell lies and deceptive verbal bullshit. If you was not motivated by money have the the pasture, fields just as Jesus did and all who desire your truth will come and support you and your interest.

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