Masters in Training Seminar

Nov. 15. 16 and 17.

South Padre Island Texas Join VIA Livestream, Phone, or Weblink

Never before have the Egyptian Mysteries been Joined with Atlantean Wisdom in the same  Event!

*From The Egyptian Mysteries: Ma’at, Goddess of truth and justice and Guardian of the Human heart!

*From The Atlantean Culture:Introducing, Special Guest, “Anwar”, Chief Medical Officer of the Atlantean Culture:

Both Ma’at and Anwar will be channeling spontaneous Information on the spot specific to Your Need.

I have been working with Ma’at for a few weeks now. My outlook on life has been renewed! You will KNOW your value and you will not be able to accept anything less.

…as far Anwar, he surprised me! I have never been very interested in Atlantis and was not expecting the kind of wisdom that he brings. Anwar explained that it is time for humanity to once again be exposed to some of the lost techniques of Atlantis.

He assures me that he will only give us helpful information, that cannot be used for harm. (He even told me that he will not answer every question that I asks him…darn!)

Presented by: Rebecca A Messenger, Dr Patti Felici, Ma’at, Troth, Anubis, The Hathors Wisdom, The Ancient Ones, Isis, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Sananda, and the Alive, Present Consciousness of the Elements, our Ancestors, Mother Gaia plus the Full Enlightenment of Holy Spirit,

The seminar you have been waiting for…

• if you are ready to Face and Accept your greatness.

• if your heart is yearning to be filled with ‘Holy Desire’

• if you are ready to say ‘goodbye’ to an ordinary life

• if you are ready to Embrace the Specialty you are meant to be granted Full Spiritual Authority over

• if you are ready to be part of ‘healing and restoration’ of honor to the earth’s elements

Let me explain…

The Egyptian Goddess *Ma’at has given me some extraordinary instructions to awaken those who are ready for Spiritual Mastery. This will be presented in 3 segments.

#1. Releasing all Resistance- you have never done exercises like this before! I was a bit shocked when Ma’at laid out this format. This clearing is extremely Visceral causing release on levels you have never reached for before!

#2. Reclaiming Honor for The Elements through Ritual- Are you willing to stand surrogate for all of Humanity? Before we can move fully into using the power of the elements, restitution and offerings must be made. I already have the ritual instructions given to me by the Ancient Ones.

This ritual will cause awakening of the elements within the body. If you can unite with the elements of the body with conscience partnership, you can manipulate matter. This is the true secret of how Jesus did his miracles.

#3. Realize your value and where you are meant to have supreme authority- You see Beloveds, we have been hiding our True Light. Ma’at explains that each of us chose a Unique specialty and we were given all spiritual authority in that area. However, we have been confused as to exactly what that is. Our eyes have been drawn instead to the gifts of others causing us to turn our face away from where our true strength lies.

Once you surrender to the wisdom of the Goddess, Ma’at, you can NEVER hide your brilliance again- She simply will not permit it! You will constantly hear her voice and you will NEVER settle for less again!

To support us in these 3 segments Ma’at has given further instructions:

• Atlantian Flowering of the Pituitary Gland- (personally overseen by Anwar, chief medical officer of Atlantis) not since the time of Atlantis, has the fullness of this ritual and awakening been revealed. Humanity simply could not be trusted with the power of this opening. The Activation of a star shaped, double sided crystal flowering within the pituitary will cause unprecedented recognition of your latent powers. (Only those who can be trusted with this depth will be attracted- others will just think it’s silly fluff)

• Holy Desire- You will experience heart ecstasy such as you have never known as you are guided to unite with the heart of Ma’at. There are no words to describe the level of Holy Union that is possible in this ceremony! (Just the tiniest glimpse of this exercise cause me to weep)

• Activation of the sacred elements within the spinal column and entire nervous system. You will be strengthened to your absolute core! You will feel the strength of Holy Spirit descending upon your physicality in a new way. This will give you strength against all forms of the Shaytanic forces of darkness. (it is well known in Sufi tradition that the Shaytan attacks through the spine.)

• Absolute Direction- You will receive clarity about your next steps in spiritual mastery. You will leave feeling the power of your spiritual authority, wearing the protection of the elements…forever changed!

Anointing and Blessing of Ma’at – This will integrate all the work of the entire seminar into inspirations for practical uses. It shall light up the special chamber in the brain created by the activation of the Atlantian Flowering of the Pituitary , and unite it fully with the star chamber of the heart. Ma’at herself will administer this anointing through her chosen vessel Rebecca.

By seminars end…

You will begin to discern and honor the areas where you have supreme authority.

You will begin to realize the full treasure of your hearts calling

You will become focused on your hearts calling and obstacles you felt were insurmountable will simply fade into nothingness

You will walk as the God or Goddess that you are.

You will not be able to go backwards.


You will have places in your body and energy field reopened to higher vibrations.

Ma’at does not come alone- She comes with every assistance to help you fully move forward into your hearts calling.

* Ma’at is the Egyptian Goddess worshiped by all other Deities. She is the pure stream of truth and justice and the guardian of the human heart. To fully embrace Ma’at the truth of your own Divinity is exposed. She places her feather of truth upon the scale of justice and will show you the beauty of your heart’s jewel.

 Go here for the meditation: After listening, you can go to the registration page if you desire.

In closing,

Whether you are a healer, teacher, body worker, technical person, working with animals, voice healing, this experience will take your talents to a place of authority and power you may only have dreamed was possible. This Masters In Training event will allow you to fully discover, uncover, honor, and respect the true callings of the heart.

For Beloved, only by following your true callings of the heart will you step into the greatness that you were meant to be. There is no shortcut. No other way.

Learning to connect, communicate and commiserate with the authorities of the elements will give you the balance between spirit and nature you have been seeking.

If you are having an attraction to this event, I invite you to take the next step. Both Ma’at and Anwar have prepared a specific meditation for you to help you decide if your heart is ready for this level of advancement.

There is no type of coercion here.

I offer this event in obedience to my own hearts calling under the direction of Holy Spirit.

If, after experiencing the meditation, you feel ready, you will be taken to a page with payment and lodging details.

 Go here for the meditation: After listening, you can go to the registration page if you desire.

For this level of Experience, the entrance fee is very reasonable.

(A Live streaming video option is available for those who cannot attend in person.) The Lodging at Hilton garden Inn on South Padre Island is only 88 per night. The weather on the island is typically sunny even in November.

 Go here for the meditation: After listening, you can go to the registration page if you desire.

Lodging is only 88 per night (unheard of for right on the beach)

Hilton Garden Inn

Fly into Harlingen or Brownsville Texas, take a shuttle to the hotel.

Full travel details upon registration.

Here is the hotel hosting the event.


Posted in


  1. Prapata on November 14, 2013 at 9:53 am

    I live in Switzerland and could attend the Seminar via life stream.
    What is the schedule for the three days?

    Thank you.

  2. Pam on November 13, 2013 at 7:39 pm

    Hi Rebecca

    I sent you an email about a month ago to ask whether you would be recording the Anwar/Ma’at/Atlantis workshop and whether it would be available later as an audio. No reply as yet – but I’m guessing you’re phenomenally busy putting it all together. I’m travelling in the UK at the moment and will be nowhere near a computer 15/16 November but would love to be part of these energies when I get home to Australia at the end of the month. Look forward to hearing from you.

    With Love from the Light of Source That We Are
    Pam Meredith

  3. Laureen Kubica on September 21, 2013 at 6:28 pm

    Beloved Ma’at & Anwar thru Rebecca! per your instructions, I surrender daily to you & all the Unversal Powers all illusions blocking my way as I look forward to attending this event via live streaming. And so it is!!

  4. purik on September 19, 2013 at 10:16 am

    Dearest Ma ‘at & Anwar thru Rebecca ma ! do kindly assist me inovercoming my hurdles as i look forward to this unique event ! Bless me in !! Thank thee !

  5. purik on September 19, 2013 at 10:13 am

    Dearest Ma ‘at & Anwar thru Rebecca ma ! do kindly assist me in overcoming my hurdles as i look forward to this unique event ! Bless me in !! Thank thee !

  6. Patrick on September 18, 2013 at 4:39 pm

    Rebecca, could you ask Anwar if and how he(and his team), used the subconscious mind for healing and manifesting, and then pretty please include it in your next email 🙂

  7. Alexander Movshovich on September 18, 2013 at 3:52 pm

    Dear Ma’at will that transportation preclude my everyday responsibility for my Familly and work I’m doing as the doctor ? Will that just enhance my ability to perform or that will divert me from my everyday duties ? I always dreamed of finding my true pass but as a human I’m responsible for my close ones – I want to go forward but also need to know if that may harm my Familly. Please forgive me for that question but that is extremely important to me. Thank You

  8. Rickey Stinson on September 18, 2013 at 7:15 am

    Wow I never heard any thing like this before

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