My pet peeves…what’s Yours?

 Everybody has a pet peeve or two…usually, I just ‘suck it up’, but I thought it would be fun to allow ourselves to rant a wee bit!

Watch the video then leave your comments below. Please Google plus , facebook it, if you like it.

I do look a little silly wearing the devil horns!

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  1. admin on July 16, 2013 at 9:15 pm

    I LOVE this!

  2. Heather on July 14, 2013 at 5:25 am

    Hi Rebecca, thank you for sharing. You hate spitting so much don’t go to India they all do it all the time – Yuck. I live in South Africa and one of my pet peeves is the taxi drivers who just cut you off on the road and stop where they feel like it. I agree with you on the toilet thing as well, and the cussing. My other pet peeve is parents with children in the supermarket, who let their kids scream and misbehave and throw tantrums and they don’t do anything about it.

    Thank you for all your wonderful guidance its much appreciated God Bless

  3. Judy on July 13, 2013 at 6:24 pm

    My pet peeve is people who get too close to the back bumper of the car in front of them while either driving or being stopped in traffic. Some people think they have the right to get so close that they appear that they are trying to drive onto your trunk lid or up your tail pipe! People also drive at expressways speed like they are fastened to the back of your car on a tow line! They don’t allow other drivers their space or observe boundaries. If your are talking to someone, it is perceived as rude or threatening to get right up into someone’s face – It is the same for driving. Drivers need to respect the space of other motorists.

  4. Shellann on July 13, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    My #1 pet peeve is also one of yours, Rebecca. Short-fused drivers who stop right in the middle of a pleasant conversation to scream, rant, and swear at other drivers. I am married to a man who does this, and for 37 years I have been listening to his rants, and not once has anyone else but me heard it.

    Pet peeve #2 is people who stand in line at the sandwich shop (or anywhere to order something), staring at the menu for 5 minutes while waiting their turn, and then still don’t have a clue what they want to order when they finally reach the head of the line. Most of us already have a pretty good idea of what we like to eat, but not these folks. They act like they’ve never even seen a sandwich or an ice cream cone before in their lives!

    Pet peeve #3 is stores that put sale signs on the shelf, and then put merchandise that is NOT on sale right behind the sign, so that if you don’t really watch and read the fine print, you end up at the cash register with the wrong item.

    Peeing on the toilet seat, and spitting are definitely on the list Too!

  5. Erin on July 13, 2013 at 4:13 pm

    Hi Rebecca! Your pet peeve video made me smile and giggle because it could have been me saying those very same things. Women that pee on the seat, or don’t even flush the toilet (yuk!)…makes you wonder if they do the same things at their friends home. I can think of many things that I observe that people do, that I just don’t understand. Makes me wonder if they act this way because did they always havehad someone (mom) pick upclean up after them? In any case, it’s a matter of caring about other people and not only yourself! Ok enough rant about my pet peeve. 🙂

    By the way, if I had a magic wand…wow would it make my life and many others lives different. How? Not having the stress of living check to check…so many dreams I had. I wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to be a wife and a mother…. have a family of my own. (sigh)…. anyway, I got off on a tangent…. what would do is (this is a magic wish right? lol ) insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies have way to much power. It is wrong…so very wrong how insurance companies dictate treatment and how soooo many people can not even afford the medications they need. Ok…. once again, I will shut up my rant.

    Thank you for all that you do Rebecca. There are sooooo many questions and things that I would love to ask you…things I would love your opinion on. Anyway… have a fabulous day!

  6. Zora on July 13, 2013 at 3:38 pm

    I’m one of the cleaning-up ones, and it does happen often! And spitting on a city sidewalk is ANOTHER one of my pet peeves, too – I too feel it is simply disgusting and uncalled for.

    Also, I agree with your pet peeve #3, too! I think short-fused drivers who yell at other drivers while with a passenger should just grow up and learn to tone down their egos.

    Anyway….my pet peeves are many, but since there is not a lot I can do about them personally….I learn to live AROUND them, so that I can continue to live happily! 🙂

  7. Liz on July 13, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    This is one of my pet peeves, too, Rebecca! If some women didn’t pee all over the seat, it wouldn’t be dirty, so I made a little rhyme about it many decades ago —

    Ladies, Please!
    If you must stand skirt in hand
    Over the can to whiz like a man,
    Be so good as to raise the wood,
    Yes, be neat and raise the seat,
    LIke every fine gentleman should.

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