How to Grow Balls the Size of Texas (& Why You need Them Now)

What NOT Having Big Balls cost me…
Oh, did you think I always had them… along with unstoppable courage?

No indeed.

Years ago, I felt guided to go to Peru and connect with an ancient
shaman there. I had gone to the mailbox and brought in a flyer from
a well known teacher.

There was a picture of a Peruvian shaman on the front. Just looking
at that picture, I  was overcome with emotion and sank slowly onto
my bed.

I flew in the spirit world to Peru…I was taken high in the mountains
to a cave, the cave had mysterious marking on the inside.

I can still see it now.

The mist of the mountains swirled about, hiding me from prying eyes…
the opening  of the cave was hidden by vines and could only be entered
if you knew exactly how to get there.

Inside the cave, the walls were of some shiny, marble- like material.
There were markings on the walls that I knew were from another world.
Defiantly not English…some type of code, a map, a timeline from another

Perhaps from our star brothers.

The vision was so clear…I touched my hands to the cool marble like material
and traced the markings with my fingertips. Even now, I can still feel the
coolness of the mountain mist, feel the smoothness of the ‘Other worldly’
material beneath my fingertips..

The vision shifted to a meadow scene where I  had an encounter with the very
shaman in the photo. He asked me to come to Peru in person. He even showed me
my main obstacle…”fear of asking permission, not standing in my power”.

At the time, I was married and was rather subjugated (hard to believe , right?)

I was afraid to tell my husband that I was being called to Peru(just for a visit for Pete’s sake!)
…I was afraid of a lot of things back then.

So, I prayed to Divine Mother…Mother, if you really want me to go to Peru,
please meet the following conditions.

• Have someone who knows the area go with me (sounds impossible)
• Provide the money from an outside source that will- not take away from
the household budget (also impossible)
• Get me in contact with the shaman in the photo (did I mention, impossible?)

Well…next day, a lady shows up at my door. I had never seen her before
(she was a friend of a friend)
She told me that she was stopping by on her way to Peru –
guess who she was going to see?

Yep, a group of shamans, including the one in the photo. She had been
there several times, knew the language, the area, and the people.

Ok, Mother, that’s two out of three. I still don’t have the funds to
go without dipping into the household budget.

Within a week, I had a small inheritance given to me. It was enough to
contribute to the family budget with plenty left over to take me to Peru.

Now, the only hurdle left was telling my husband.

I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that I was supposed to go.
My husband was so concerned for my safety that he was terrified to give
me his blessing. We went back and forth…
sadly, me giving my power away- not standing strong.

In short, ladies and gentlemen, I did not have the Balls to stand up and
follow my Divine Guidance. I succumbed with head bowed and did not go to

I feel I would be light years ahead in spirituality if I had had the courage
to stand up for myself. Instead…I chose to let someone else’s FEAR affect
my souls journey.

The miracles Divine Mother wrought to allow me to go… were undeniable.

The Very Last Miracle rested with me- Stand up, Have Courage… go anyway-
even in the face of stern disapproval.

As, I look back…of course, I forgive myself. I did eventually learn how
to stand up and develop Big Balls.
This  experience has made me determined to help others develop the courage
(AKA, big balls) to be strong and not miss out (like I did)

I missed the boat folks…that’s all there is to it.

So, why am I teaching this teleclass with the Outrageous title,
“How to Grow Balls the Size of Texas”?

…Because I didn’t have anyone to stand by me and help me have courage.

*I will help you stand up and be courageous so that you don’t miss out
on your soul’s highest purpose (like I did).

If you weren’t born with big balls, it’s not too late. (I am a perfect example of this.)

What in life are you missing out on… right now?

We simply can no longer allow other peoples’ fear to influence our choices…
especially when it interferes with our Soul’s Highest Purpose.

This class will uncover and eliminate the Three Greatest Obstacles to fully
realizing & living your Soul Purpose:

• Dream Stealers
• Gatekeepers
• Fear Monsters

More importantly… this class will raise your courage level high enough
to embrace the fullness of what you and your soul came here to do.

Ask Yourself…
• Do you feel  in your heart that you are Not Quite where you could be?

• Are you so afraid of what others will think that you hesitate to do
what’s screaming out from the depths of your heart?

• Do you feel lost? Like you are not even sure why you are here and what
you’re are supposed to be doing?

Please allow me to help you:
• Find out where, what, how your heart and soul really wants for you.

• Transcend the fear generated by Dream Stealers, Gatekeepers, and Fear Monsters.

• Firmly Find yourself – get clear direction and KNOW what is best for you right
now and into the future.

• Learn my Latest Secret Technique for uncovering the Truth of what you need
to let go of right Now.

• Grow a pair of balls the size of Texas… so that NOTHING can stop you.

This Two Hour teleclass is offered in 3 different times for your convenience:
Grow Balls the Size of Texas- Level 1 (Yes, there is a level 2 the following week)

Thursday April 18 at 8 PM Eastern (New York City Time)
Saturday April 20 at 12 noon Eastern
Sunday April 21 at 4 Pm Eastern

*Fee is only 67 for this Unique, Rebecca-sized Deliverance and Motivation.
(Do not get this yet until you look at Level 2 & see the savings of purchasing
them both together.)


(Joining us from the spirit world will be Dr. Norman Vincent Peale who will infuse
us with enthusiasm to step out and “make use” of our newly-acquired courage.)

Grow Balls the Size of Texas- Level 2
This Two Hour teleclass is offered in 2 different times for your convenience:

Saturday April 27 at 12 noon Eastern
Sunday April 28 at 4 PM Eastern

*Why take Level 2?

Now that you have courage like you’ve never had before…

What if I could show you a way that your healing efforts and intuitive
readings could always be ‘spot on’?

Enter the ‘Great Secret’ of how you can never be wrong in your psychic
readings or evaluations!

What if I could show you a way to never be afraid of what a client will
think about your services?

More reasons to take level Two:
• New Gifts, one of the biggest reasons to develop Big balls in the first
place is to use your new spiritual gifts (which I will lead you to find).

• Embracing the ‘Claim and Proclaim’ technique that attracts spirit guides
of high caliber to help you.

• How to Surrender to the ‘Divine Timeline’ and let your life become 1,000
times easier.

• How to use both past and future lifetimes to re-claim that which is yours.

• Finally, how to feel good about charging for services relating to your gifts.

Moses (yes, the one from the Bible) will be a big part of this class.
l will tell you why Moses is the perfect emissary… in class.

Cost for BOTH level 1 and level 2 is only 97. (You cannot take level 2 unless you have taken level 1.)

You can decide on level 2 after you take level one – but it will be 127 total.
(instead of only 97 for Both)

Yes, Rebecca, I want levels 1 and 2

No thank you, I only want level 1

Love and Big Blessings,

PS: if you have questions abut this class- call or text me.
956-457-5568 (People are always surprised because I almost always
answer my phone…
unless, I am already on with someone else.) I’ll call you back.

Posted in


  1. ginger health on April 24, 2013 at 3:56 pm

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  2. sam on April 18, 2013 at 6:27 am

    hai Rebecca,

    what a story! this is so familiar to me! i have question
    does it also help with quitting smoking and things like that. ifeel also weak towards me, not only others

    thanks so much

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