Tantric Pineal Gland Activation

Outstanding Audio program Created from LIVE Tele-seminars.

or… I could call this Course the:

get psychic

get sexy

get love

get magnetic


Dear Friends:

Sometimes, the very best things in life seem to happen by ‘accident.’

At a recent seminar, I spontaneously channeled a “Tantric Pineal Gland Activation” that was far more powerful than I could have ever imagined. This activation had a profound effect on each person who experienced it. Not only were dormant intuitive abilities awakened… Lordy, the side effects were tremendous, as each person experienced a heightened sense of sensuality and magnetism.

The great thing about this Activation is that it is “cumulative.” Each time you experience it… the effects are exponentially multiplied. The Activation does not leave you…

the electric light residue remains

as gateway opener and continues to strengthen…

as you simply put your awareness on it

How easy is that?!

I’ve taught this Activation twice in a live seminar setting and each time I am astonished at the positive effects and the immediate benefits.

Awakens innate psychic abilities, and clears any calcifications of the pineal gland structure so that your psychic reception is ready to receive unobstructed information

• Strengthens and fine-tunes the Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands, so that the entire 3rd eye system works flawlessly and in harmony

• Heals instabilities in the Amygdala so that extreme energies of panic, anxiety and fear are normalized

• Sparks sensually and sexually… I’m convinced it can awaken the dead! (C’mon, do I need to tell you what benefits that brings? Even if you don’t currently have a partner, sensuality* adds years to your life.)

• Catapults confidence! (There’s nothing like walking into a room and feeling the power of your own magnetism. It rocks!)

… and if you are ready, this Activation will hasten your Beloved Soul mate to your side (or your existing Beloved will be even more attracted to you). And… you will attract even more High beings of light to assist you in all areas of your life.

* Sensuality: Isis says that when a human completely loses all sensual/sexual impulses, they begin the dying process. The desire to share intimacy with another keeps our race alive.

Q. What are the origins of the Tantric Pineal Gland Activation?

A. This Activation originates from the Mystery Schools of Isis. It was Isis Herself who channeled the first Tantric Pineal Gland Activation through me. She has since shown me some clearings to be done beforehand that enhance the power and effectiveness of the Activation.

Why not let some of the participants tell you how this Activation has benefitted them?

Charlon B.

Charlon B.

I have received numerous activations throughout my spiritual journey, but NOTHING compares to the Tantric Pineal Gland Activation.

It now informs every aspect of my life, and delights and surprises me with tangible results EVERY day.

This activation has gifted me with effortless – yet profoundly dramatic – shifts and healing that years of human effort have never delivered.

Galaxies beyond merely sexual or sensual, this experience has imparted a depth-of-understanding that everything is sacred; every thought, every word, every action, every intention.

The newly-ignited energy beckons me to greater personal and soulful expansion, specifically relating to increased self-accountability. Only I am responsible for managing myself within the sphere of ultimate creation. My attention to this detail is revealed daily as a Universal reflection, showing up as ease, grace, wonder, flow, glee, bounty, inspiration, contentment, ecstasy, enchantment & awe.

I now understand – as never before – that I command the forces of the Universe, and that this is not extraordinary… it is our natural state when we simply (re)claim and (re)activate our Divine authority as creators within the multiverses.

Needless to say, I am infinitely grateful for this Divine modality.

Charlon B.


Teri F.

The first activation (September, 2012) created a deep sense of confidence in my spiritual and sacred sexuality, blending and finding the balance of relationship in my life.

The result was attracting a beloved who demonstrates love, sacred partnership and who holds space for me as my dynamic, powerful self, sees me as my true light. Our level of communication is deeper than any relationship I have ever had. And the intimacy and sensuality is over-the-top awesome!

My connection/relationship to my Divine Guidance has been strong and my trust is deep. This activation has brought a sense of confidence than had previously waned at times.

Also a much more immediate answer or guidance to whatever I am seeking! I am manifesting powerfully.

All my needs are met and exceeded before I even know what they are!

The second activation (February, 2013) brought an immediate sense of clearing and freedom. I sensed a deeper opening in integrating my spirit into my body.

I see this activation being a core presentation to assist many with awakening and activating the depth of healing and truth we all seek as purpose in the world.

Teri F.


Patty C.Patty C.

The Tantric Pineal Gland Activation opened up my awareness even further of the Divine Feminine residing within… dormant, but hungry for nurturing and release.

It allows me to be in touch with the sensual side of myself which has also made me aware of the deep need we all have to be nurtured in a sensual, loving way. It allows us to touch each other on a very deep soul level, which is beautiful and shares love in an incredibly open, all-encompassing manner.

I have also been made aware of the tremendous healing power for those who have experienced sexual abuse or painful sexual and/or emotional rejection. This activation brings balance as it harmonizes the physical body with its energetic twin, the KA Body, and brings us back to who we truly are and why we are really here.

Patty C.


From JM

Since I experienced the Tantric Pineal Gland Activation, I have consistently felt more peaceful and content. Prior to the activation, I was shutting down my sexual side and felt that I would never “need” sexual intimacy again.

After the activation, I attracted a wonderful romantic partner who adores me and I adore him.

I feel love and completely whole, and yet very much my own individual self, ready to accept love and life.

J.M. (no photo available)


Floyd. S. Shaman

Floyd. S.

I first took the pineal activation class in September, 2012.

In the five months following, psychic abilities increased 3-fold.

Telepathy with humans and animals is now an everyday occurrence. Dreams have opened so many doors of experience. And teachers, guides and those who have agreed to meet and connect in this life continue to amaze me.

So often, our family of birth may not be our soul family. This is a good time to awaken and remember.

Rebecca is an amazing instrument for that which guides her. Her openness and willingness to embrace the Divine is a true gift for any and all drawn to her journey and work. (And, she is a great dancer.)

Floyd S.


Patti F Sufi Healer, Doctor of Clinical Nutrition

Patti F
Sufi Healer, Doctor of Clinical Nutrition

This activation resulted in my knowing that a sacred beloved will be coming to me soon. I know that a sacred sexual union will propel my healing abilities forward so that my true soul purpose may be fulfilled.

KA Body healing will allow me to do my healing work more effortlessly and more effectively than ever before.

Patti Felici


Mark K

Mark K

Tangible results are a feeling of more confidence in myself and my connection with Spirit.

A feeling of peace and acceptance of myself. A feeling of togetherness with Spirit.

Loneliness is now only a word and has no meaning.

Things I see are of positive, healthy, good, better and fantastic energy, waves and spirals of all colors and power at my command.

Mark K.

Nutshell: What to Expect from this Activation…

You can expect to activate your Psychic abilities tremendously. In addition, you will be awakened sensuously to a level never before achieved. This will cause you to become more magnetic in every way. You will simply feel better and more powerfully “present.”

Your KA** body will benefit as it becomes nourished and stimulated as it performs at a very high level. The purpose of the KA is to filter out unwanted energies while simultaneously magnetizing your heart’s desires to become reality.

** Your “KA body” or pranic body, is your spiritual twin which surrounds and interpenetrates your physical bod. Development of the KA, will give you rapid elevation in consciousness. The KA body, properly attended, can even survive physical death for a time.

Two levels offered:

Level 1: Tantric Pineal Gland Activation Audio Course

Level 2: Tantric Pineal Gland Activation plus Certification by Audio Course

(You will be provided all materials plus initiation so that you can perform this Activation for others.)

 Do this experiment…next time someone asks you what you do…

say: “I do Pschic and Sexual Healing Activations”

Watch their eyes pop put. and interest escalate like crazy.

This will give you an idea of how many clients you could get by offering this modality.


Level 1: Activation Audio Course

(Clearing and Activation takes at least 3 hours- so take the audio in segments if you wish)

Level 1: Activation Course Value $297

SALE Only $97!  YES! I WANT to get Activated!

or 3 payments of $ 37.77 each Yes! I want the Three payment Option to get Activated!

Level 2: Activation Course PLUS Certification Course VALUE $397

get BOTH the Course and Certification for only 197!



Let me  Finance Your Certification.

Three pay plan. 3 payments of $69.99 each

(You will be provided all materials plus initiation so that you can perform this Activation for others.)

You may practice with my readers AFTER you have completed BOTH courses!

If you have questions about the course or activation, please call my cell 956-457-5568.

Posted in


  1. Kate on March 13, 2013 at 10:51 am

    I can’t afford it whatsoever but wish I could participate. Do you ever barter? I am an artist with lots to offer. Pls check out my website…take a look at the archangel cards…the originals are 11″ X 17″.


  2. Mags on March 3, 2013 at 5:03 pm

    Do I need to listen in live to call? Or just recieve it?i signed up 1hour ago. Thankyou

  3. Meredith Calo on March 3, 2013 at 10:59 am

    Hi Rebecca,

    I am signing up for the class today.

  4. Brian on March 3, 2013 at 1:28 am

    There are thousands that cannot afford the fees, like me, so be damned!

  5. Mary on March 2, 2013 at 1:05 pm

    will this be available in a month or so as I am “expecting” to have the funds show up some how from some where very soon. 🙂

  6. Nancy Owens on February 27, 2013 at 12:29 pm

    Hi Rebecca…Can you please tell me if you will be offering these seminars again in the future? I am on disability and will have to save up for them, and being that this seminar will be in a few days, I will not be able to attend. Which leads me to my next question…would I have to be in Texas in order to take the seminar, or I seen something about it being a teleseminar, but I don’t understand what that means. Thank you very much, Nancy

  7. MICHELLE on February 23, 2013 at 11:36 pm


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