One Simple Thing

If you could one simple thing and it would reward you forever and ever and ever…would you do it?

If you could do this one simple thing and it would have a ripple effect that could affect millions in a positive way…would you do it?

What am I talking about?

Debt forgiveness.

Yep…who owes you and hasn’t paid?

Every time you think about it, isn’t it like a knife to your gut?

that looks good!

What if you simply forgave the debt?

What if you not only forgave… but sent them some blessing energy towards them?

What if you called them up and told them the debt was cancelled?

Q. But what if…this is an old debt? What if someone did you wrong and they are no longer living?

A. Even simpler…forgive them now.

Think about this…

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone forgave you?

What if a company, a person, an old debt of yours got cleared?

What if the IRS sent you a letter saying your old debt was cleared (Sweet Jesus, I’m claiming this one)

What if it was coming to you instead of being taken from you?

Let yourself fantasize about having your own debts cleared…see how good that feels?

You have the power to give that feeling to someone else.

Do it now.

I have set up this page where you can post what or who you are forgiving (this is public so use pen names please)

While you are posting about the debt you forgive, post who you want to forgive you.

This can change the world.

Let’s keep this going.

Love and Blessings,


PS: Start your year by taking advantage of my wonderful video channel. Videos such as:

• Change the time of your death

• Cleanse yourself of past sexual encounters

• Solution for when you can’t sleep, HPT for high blood pressure,

all here

NOTE: POST YOUR DEBT-FORGIVING and your Requests for debt-Forgiveness below. Remember this is public so use a fake name if you wish.

Posted in


  1. anthony on April 13, 2013 at 6:32 am

    I ask forgiveness from my parents, grand parents, aunties, uncles, cousins, my brothers and sister, school friends, my boarding friends, college friends, neighbors, traveling neighbors, company colleagues my wife, my daughter, relatives or friends any servants or subordinates who were working with me and anyone else who came in contact with me, I may have hurt them or abused in thoughts, words or deeds, I want to ask for forgiveness for any unknown debts in finance or in kind I may have owed to some one above, I ask total unconditional forgiveness from these above mentioned people both living and dead and from GOD ALMIGHTY.

    I also forgive totally and unconditionally once and for all, and wants to forget and never want to remember, what the above mentioned people have done to me in words and actions, Now I want to forgive all the other people who owe me in finance, who came into my life after retirement and cheated me in losing my hard earned money into submission in wrong deals so they ate my money and also those who took loans and refused to pay.
    I also want to forgive my own self, which seems the most difficult thing. May the RISEN LORD JESUS BLESS ALL OF US WITH HIS PEACE. AMEN

  2. Forgiving One on February 17, 2013 at 1:19 pm

    I forgive a certain astrologer in Arizona who took $700 from me, and then did not return it when services were cancelled (without doing any work). I forgive the exorbitant credit card fees (APRs) charged by banks….I forgive those that I paid, but did not give something of equal value in return. I forgive ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends who took not only money and material things from me….I ask for forgiveness for unknown debts to any person….and now I can move forward with integrity and honesty. Blessings to all

  3. Edith on January 17, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    What if we can start by forgiving ourselves for believing the lies that people said about us, for example: “You are not good enough” “You are not worth it” “You are too fat” “You are too thin” “You will never amount to anything” etc. etc.
    What if we can begin to love ourselves unconditionally?

  4. Joanne on January 12, 2013 at 8:04 pm

    I forgive my mother and my sisters for all abuse toward me in this lifetime and all other lifetimes. I ask forgiveness of anyone I may have hurt in this lifetime and in past lives–including any financial hurt. I ask forgiveness from my son for any times I hurt him knowingly and unknowingly. I forgive my son for those times he hurt me. I ask forgiveness for any type of debt owed in any lifetime and past lives in all dimensions now and forever more. I forgive anyone who owes me anything. I forgive my ex husbands James and Keith and I ask forgiveness from them. I forgive anyone at work who has hurt me and ask forgiveness to those I may have hurt.
    Peace and love to all.

  5. Bianca on January 8, 2013 at 9:12 am

    I forgive my true love for hurting me so much by running away from our beautiful relationship 8 weeks ago and not telling me why he wanted to leave.
    I ask for forgiveness to my uncle, who borrowed me money many years ago, and I still haven’t been able to pay it all back to him.
    I ask the Divine Mother to help me to forgive my true love for what he has done to me and to send healilng and blessings to all involved.
    Thank you for granting me this opportunity to give and receive forgiveness at this time.
    I forgive myself for allowing these long gone incidents affect my own prosperity.

    I send love to the parts of me harmed by abuse. I call on the angels to send light to all involved.

    Love to all, light to all, forgiveness and prosperity to all.

  6. laura on January 7, 2013 at 7:49 pm

    I ask all those that I have borrowed money from whether they have said I dont owe it back or not to forgive me for having to ask in the first place and not being able to pay it back anytime soon. I ask the Divine to help me forgive those that I have helped over the years whether financially or of my time, that have forgotten about my charity to them now that Im in need and not being understanding of the situation. I ask the Divine to send healing and blessings to all that have been there or not for me including myself and to help all to move forward to a whole new life of hope, adventure and love. AMEN

  7. Mary on January 2, 2013 at 5:21 pm

    I ask for forgiveness from all the people and companies who loaned me money and I have not yet repaid. I release the guilt, shame and fear that is associated to this. I forgive myself for getting myself into such debt. I forgive l my ex-partner for not being there when I needed him. I forgive myself for staying in the relationship so long and not fulfilling my own needs. I ask for forgiveness from all those I have judged through my own fears and insecurities. Thank you for granting me this opportunity to give and receive forgiveness at this time. Moving into the new year with a new sense of pride and joy. Amen

  8. Grace on January 2, 2013 at 8:17 am

    No one owes me anything but I owe others who have helped me in time of need recently. I ask their forgiveness for not having yet paid them back. I forgive those in the past who have taken from me what was not theirs to take no matter what form it was, money, material goods or even services. I forgive myself and thank those who have been instrumental in teaching me the life lessons I am here to learn.

  9. Asha on January 2, 2013 at 5:22 am

    I forgive my bro n SIL, I forgive the money my bro owes me. I all those who have hurt me, in this life time or any life time. I seek forgiveness from those whom I may have hurt, in this life time or any life time. I send them unconditional love and blessings. I seek forgiveness for all the hurt or harm my anchestors may have done in their life time or any life time to any soul. Sending them healing and blessings.

  10. katharine on January 1, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    I forgive all those I saw as owing me
    money, time, affection, things
    and service.
    All are forgiven and I ask that they be blessed
    with all their heart’s wishes.
    I ask forgiveness for everything I
    did, thought or said out of fear
    or anger.
    I bless and release everyone in this
    life or any other.
    May this miracle of forgiveness be multiplied
    x a million, billion, trillion.
    Thank you Mother and Father God
    And so it is.

  11. Cindy on January 1, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    I forgive and release and let go of all money that was owed to me.

    I claim release and forgiveness from all money I owed to anyone or anything.

    I start fresh for the new year 2013 in love.

    I forgive, I forgive, I forgive.

  12. Verity on December 31, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    I forgive all who owe me money, I forgive myself for owing money. These debts are now cleared.

    I am forgiving my ex for siphoning money from me over a period of years.

    I am forgiving him for gambling away my money and lying to me about it.

    I am forgiving every stingy boss I have ever had who I had to fight just to get a proper wage, a long overdue payrise and my usual Christmas bonus.

    I am forgiving every stingy boss who didn’t pay me for weeks and left me to eat 2 minute noodles and nothing else.

    I am forgiving my Dad for not paying child support until legal action was taken.

    I forgive my Dad for the $800 he promised and never gave me. That debt is now cleared out of the way so new prosperity can flow through to my life.

    I am forgiving my Mum for not buying me enough clothes when I was a kid. It wasn’t her fault and she was doing everything she could to make things as loving and happy for all of us.

    I forgive myself for allowing these long gone incidents affect my own prosperity.

    I send love to the parts of me harmed by abuse. I call on the angels to send light to all involved.

    Love to all, light to all, forgiveness and prosperity to all.

  13. Annelie on December 30, 2012 at 6:11 am

    Thank you wonderful, beautiful Rebecca for this opportunity to forgive, I forgive myself for not being a good sister. I forgive my sister for everything and I set her free to be the person she wants to be. I forgive my parents for not being the parents I wanted them to be, I set them free to live and be the persons they want to be. I forgive my self for not being the parent I should have been for my children. I forgive my children for everything. I forgive my self for everything, I have been so harsh on myself and demanding. I now forgive myself for that. I now accept only loving thoughts towards myself, and I forgive myself when I forget that.
    Thank you for everything dear God and all angels

  14. Mary on December 29, 2012 at 2:02 pm

    I forgive myself for all my mistakes and for not understanding what I was supposed to learn form all my troubles. I forgive D, G, A, ST, SS, and OS from my last job for firing me illegally and telling lies about me. I forgive everyone who believed their lies.I forgive J, N, K, L, A, M, R, S, E, W, G, C from my previous jobs for their hurtful words and deeds.I forgive my parents for abusing me.I forgive my sister for her hurtful behaviour. I forgive everyone who bullied me at school.
    I forgive the person(s) who molested me.

  15. Sophia on December 29, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    I forgive all for any debts owed to me and I forgive myself for debts owed to, emotional, spiritual or otherwise. Thank you Rebecca!!!

  16. R.Marie on December 28, 2012 at 10:46 pm

    I forgive the man who owes my husband over 8K. I forgive the Town administrators who refused to pay him for all the extra time his boss made him work, that took him away from us,, his family, and in the end he never got paid for…..thousands of dollars.
    I ask forgiveness from all employees who felt wronged in some way by my leadership in the past, when going through very difficult personal and professional issues..
    I ask forgiveness from my husband for all misunderstandings between us in the past.
    I forgive my Father for ALL past abuses to myself and my siblings, including the accidental death of my little brother. What a weight that must have been for all these years for him to carry.
    I thank God and ALL the Universe for all this and more being forgiven right now forever more.

  17. Lisa on December 28, 2012 at 6:51 pm

    I forgive and let go of the debt still owed to me from the woman who I watched her children. I let go of the debt and wish them well

  18. Precious on December 28, 2012 at 8:06 am

    Dear Rebecca, it’s an time ago that I realised when you lent momey to someone, you actually give it away. The dubble thing in yourselg is, when you haven’t any money yourself, you can have a feeling like: when he’s paying me back finally, woldn’t have problems now. It doen’t work. You already told yourself that you gave te momey away. So I tell myself not to complain and just pray everything will be allright.
    Bless you, Precious.

  19. Santhosh on December 28, 2012 at 1:32 am

    I forgive all those who owe money to me and I also forgive myself for not paying to my creditors.

    I pray for forgiveness to all the human beings in the world.

    God Bless All.

  20. Cara on December 27, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    I forgive everyone who has ever entered my life and not been able to keep their word. I send a pink net of love to all those who are struggling with any kind of hurt or disappointment and I forgive any and all hurt that has ever been done to me.

    To those I owe money to, I ask forgiveness for not keeping my word. Please forgive me, you trusted me and I betrayed your trust.

    I wash clean all debts owed to me and all debts I owe to others with the blessing of the holy spirit.

    Thank you and bless you Rebecca and all of the angels and Mother/Father God.

  21. Elsa on December 27, 2012 at 4:26 pm

    I forgive my sister for cutting me out of her life with no explanation. I ask her forgiveness for whatever I did, to make her feel that she needed to turn her back on me.

    I love you
    I’m sorry
    Please forgive me
    Thank you

  22. Beth on December 27, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    I cancel the debt owed to me from a friend..she no longer owes me a penny. I would like all my debits cleared as well. This is a wonderful new world starting, full of wealth and abundance! This cliff stuff is nothing more than a facade!I create my world full of prosperity.

  23. Jackie on December 27, 2012 at 2:38 pm

    I forgive myself for every time I thought I was in debt to me after missing a workout, for every time I “kept score” making myself feel less than whole healthy, and completely wealthy in my health when it comes to eating. I am grateful for this day and all of its blessings (all of you). ~jackie

  24. Dawn on December 27, 2012 at 1:49 pm

    I forgive my brother, two sisters and their families for all of the hurt they caused, for the nastiness, the bitterness, the spiteful, hateful comments towards me and my other sisters, for anything which has ever passed between us, which has caused us pain, I forgive them all, I forgive the parking company for sending me a bill on Christmas Eve, the debt is written off. I forgive anything and everyone that has ever caused me pain or sorrow. I forgive them all, I hand them over to Jesus to be healed and released. I ask that my brother, two sisters and their families see the errors of their ways and remember what they did that caused all the troubles in the first place, so that we can all be healed, I ask them to forgive me and that their hearts remember that we are family and that life is too short to hold grudges, whatever happened in the past, should stay in the past, we all need to forgive, say sorry and move on and I pray that the rift can be healed so that our family can have some sort of relationship in the future, that people who have no right to get involved realise that and allow us to heal and forgive.

  25. Bonnie on December 27, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    I forgive and ask forgiveness from my brother Des Davies for any wounds created, both real and imaginged. I ask for a deep and complete healing to take place between us and the rest of the family where all anger, pain, bitterness and hurt is now dissolved. Bring in the love and the light to this situation now.

  26. Dr. Willy Holmespoelder on December 27, 2012 at 9:24 am

    In brief: when from the top down people would start behaving properly – well obviously we would not need to forgive or be forgiven.
    I think it is and could be as simple as that.

    THINK before you act. Overextending oneself, assuming that
    all shall turn out well once you have to pay the bills, the IRS, must only be a LEARNING process. Learning to budget and not expecting sand turning into dollars is a rewarding and interesting occupation.
    Working for employers who turn into traitors is a devastating experience, only God is capable to deal with such worthless inhuman cads.
    I think we have to ask GOD to change some Galaxial pathways and re-arrange how our brains collect and deal with data enabling one human brain CREATING a BETTER instinctive awareness about what is right, and specially right for that one UNIQUE individual.

    This world of humans is ready for such greatness in every single person – and such improvements can be felt, witnessed once you are open enough to – receive.
    The time and timing is right – spot on – with a brand NEW year to jump into full of feelings of – gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. All your 2012 paperwork – done. Your office and desk tidy, empty. Socks mended.
    Cleaning up your own stuff, mess, life, whatever creates feeling good, I am on top of things and subsequently makes forgiving a normal occupation.

    I leave it to Rebecca to get forgiveness through all her spirits and deities for all of us, her admirers, followers, readers. We must be doing something right or else Rebecca would not have been chosen to be A Messenger.


  27. Caterine on December 27, 2012 at 9:07 am

    Right now in this holy instant I forgive L McFarland for the debt he accumulated in the past. Larry you are now free of debt, I release you from all commitments and entanglements that the debt between us created. I bless you and send you thoughts of positivity and light. Thank you for being a part of my life and learning. I send you on to your highest good and rich future.

  28. ray on December 27, 2012 at 8:56 am

    the money flow is most important matter but what matters even more is when money is given that the other appreciates ‘wow you appreciate my money I gave you’, it gives you a good feeling but for years I was stopped giving it freely away and so a lot of my inner beauty went nuts, it is very difficult to live like this. so I forgive now my situation and all the lessons that came in by the back door that are so heavy that you really learn what adversity is about. this earth is all about matter and if you do mistakes with it you have to learn the lessons far more so, for gravity cannot be over commend by helplessness! thank you Rebecca for caring and see live from a new angle! please help me for it is far more than I can digest

  29. Dama on December 27, 2012 at 6:13 am

    I forgibe my ex room mate to rob me 2.5000 euros and not pey any of our expenses. I forgive my ex husband for not paid any of our daugter needs. i totally forgive anyone who have any deb thoug me and I forgive myself to not be able to prevented.
    I ask the univeres to relese my morgage and be able to start a new busines the next year.

    thank you Mother Azna, heavenly father , my belobed master and all my spiritual group , I apreciate your support and joy.

    And thank you Rebecca to be so nice. I love you

  30. Aleksandra on December 27, 2012 at 5:37 am

    I forgive Mila and Maca who have caused me unnecessary money problems. I forgive my husband, my father , my state , myself. I ask Mother Azna , Isus , my guides and angels to help me do this work now and forewer. Thank you Rebecca !

  31. ann on December 27, 2012 at 5:18 am

    I forgive everybody who has owed me money and has caused me money problems including my sister and Lynne. I forgive my husband who has let me pay for everything. I forgive myself for spending so much money on other people when it wasnt necessary or appreciated. I forgive myself for spending over £200,000 on healing for myself. I forgive myself for not being able to work out my cheque book or budget! I forgive myself for being a pompous martyr!

  32. Karen J. Pitre on December 27, 2012 at 4:08 am

    I forgive and release Janet Green of the debt of property/ realestate and stocks, money your owe me and my family, IT IS FINISHED!
    Love & Peace & Blessings! GOD BLESS YOU!

  33. Ruth on December 27, 2012 at 1:30 am

    Please FORGIVE me MOM!

  34. tina villarreal on December 27, 2012 at 12:39 am

    I forgive all who have enjoyed my services without contributing money in return. The company and people I have exceeded far and above the call of duty and service without money compensation.
    I forgive myself for credit card debt, foreclosures,bank loans,judgements,BK.
    I forgive myself for car accidents and unpaid medical bills,emergency room medical bills.
    Thank you and bless you!

  35. Sunny on December 26, 2012 at 11:22 pm

    I also forgot Paul who took $500 from me for services he never came through on and then went and spread rumors around town that myself and the other people he stole from were the crazy ones to try to make himself look good. I forgive you and I bless you on your journey and wish you great success in your life and career.

  36. Mary on December 26, 2012 at 11:18 pm

    I forgive myself for not paying back some loans. I claim release from my debts, known and unknown. I claim release from debt consciousness, once and for all. I forgive my friend Jackie for not paying me the money she owed me and send blessings her way.

  37. Phoenix on December 26, 2012 at 11:14 pm

    I forgive my mom for all the money she borrowed trying to save my fathers dying business she did the best she could and God Bless her and may she find her way to the positive energy stream. Mom you made the supreme sacrifice for family and I love you always. I forgive all those people who borrowed from me over and over again and then avoided me even though I never asked for it back nor ever looked for any in return. God Bless you all and keep you safe.

  38. Isa on December 26, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    I forgive the equivalent of IRS in Mexico because they owe me a considerble amount from this year s annual report and usually put all kinds of excuses not to give tax money back or making it extremely complicated with paperwork.
    I thank God in advance for getting this money back.

  39. Maiyah on December 26, 2012 at 10:41 pm

    I forgive myself for hurting myself and others in all ways knowing or unknowing.

    I request and receive forgiveness from all others in all ways knowing or unknowing, real or unreal, conscious or unconscious.

    All directions of space time and being, infinite loop and all roots and origins and attend thereof.
    With the help of 10 millions angels and the pure source or even better for the highest good of all concerned in the. Most joyful way possible.

    And so it is.

  40. Kathy on December 26, 2012 at 10:03 pm

    I ask forgiveness from all my debts to others in this lifetime and any others. I forgive all who owe me money in this lifetime & any other lifetime and I ask for and offer Divine Forgiveness to all who owe me money or any who have hurt me emotionally/mentally. Thank you all for the lessons I have learned. I cut any cords to you and set you, and me, free. Fly…be free to you all!!!

  41. Karen on December 26, 2012 at 9:42 pm


    I am Letting Go and Letting God to the rest while listening and following guidance to a happy bliss filled life.

    I forgive my father, mother, God, ex’s, friends, foes, employers, coworkers, family, society, government, fraudulent money maker schemes, federal reserve/big banks and the entire universe for all the money, free time, opportunity, education, gifts, presents, love, support, good parents/family, and much much more owed to me by divine right that I haven’t received and deserve just for being born wonderful me.

    I bless you all. I send you the love you never received.
    I send you the money that you think you needed to do what you did to me.
    I ask that you are surrounded in peace and happiness and the world sees only the beauty in you.
    I release all shame, blame, guilt and resentment in all of this and more.
    I ask the angels of love and abundance to grant you highest and best.

    I claim forgiveness for all know and unknown debts, hurts, mistakes, errors, bad decisions, bad judgements, and anything else any one anywhere has against me.

    I claim an immediate financial relief….For all debts to disappear overnight.
    And to fill in the spaces…large expected and unexpected financial windfalls and permanent guaranteed residual incomes that are ten times more than I could ever require or desire to flow into and through me for all eternity until my soul ascends into the light

    All this is done in every time, dimension, space, reality, lifetime and Universe.
    In the here and now to been seen and experienced in this physical reality.

    I also claim this for all on this planet who have this same feeling in their heart to experience the same and more!!



    Jesus…..Ask and you shall recieve.

    It shall be done unto you as your faith.

    Believe it people!!

    Allow it to happen for you!!

    Be the Miracle by allowing the divine to do the best for you.

    Listen…take guided action…It will be so!!!

    I BELIEVE!!!


    I BELIEVE!!!



    Like i lost 50lbs!!!

    I love you all!!!

    Karen J C

  42. Emily on December 26, 2012 at 9:42 pm

    Thank you so much for such a wonderful oppurtunity to release so much.thank you and God Bless you. I forgive all of those who owe me those gone from us whose promises where taken from me by relatives whom they directed to do certain things I forgive all of them.I also forgive my former boss who owes me thousands of dollars in pay..of which he refuses to ex love who after all those years moved on.I ask from all my past loves and resources foorgivrness and all my debts I am aware of or not released forgive me please. Thank you. Vlsk ime

  43. Nicole on December 26, 2012 at 8:54 pm

    I forgive and release anybody/everybody of any debt – financial and emotional and I also do the same for myself.

  44. Ruth on December 26, 2012 at 8:44 pm

    I FORGIVE anybody/everybody of any debt owed to me. Please FORGIVE me of all my debt occurred from the following companies:
    Bank of America
    Barclay bank
    Discover card
    Chase bank
    All Visa Master Card and American Express
    The State of Michigan
    Thank you and I FORGIVE myself.

  45. Tiffany on December 26, 2012 at 8:30 pm

    I forgive my Mom who owed me a lot of money. I forgive Jason my ex as well. I forgive Diane my ex roommate for never paying me back. I also forgive anyone else. I ask for forgiveness from Ryan, Wells Fargo, The government, and anyone else I owe money to. I ask the universe for forgiveness but I am also asking myself too. Money has been a recurring issue in my life and what better way to start off the new year than with forgiveness!!!

  46. JGD on December 26, 2012 at 8:11 pm

    I ask forgiveness for all debts I owe and I forgive all that owe me!!!!

  47. Lizie on December 26, 2012 at 7:59 pm

    I’m forgiving my brother of the 60 dollars he owes me for giving him gas money. This was before he had a job, and now that he has one he takes me where I need to go without complaint…I will also forgive my family members for taking advantage of me, and I promise to be more vigilant in the future with their requests–refusing if I feel it is beyond what I desire to do.

  48. Norine on December 26, 2012 at 7:59 pm

    I forgive C. and J. for not repaying $500 which kept their truck from being repossessed. I forgive G.W. for all the money she and her daughter took from me. I forgive my ex-husband for all the money he took. I forgive any debts I can’t remember now. I forgive myself for getting into debt time and time again. I forgive myself for not being able to differentiate between people who can be trusted and people who can’t be trusted. N.

  49. Sherrie on December 26, 2012 at 7:49 pm

    I am forgiving a friend of mine who has owed me money for quite sometime.

    I am forgiving those who stoled money from through real estate transactions.

    I am forgiving my ex for not being fair in splitting our belongs.

    I am thanking all those who have helped me through my tough times.

    I am asking for all the debt that was accurred through this time to be cancelled through Grace and Mercy.

    I state and claim all debts be forgiving upon us and we have a brand new start debt free. God be the glory.

    Thank you and I appreciate all of your help that you have given me.


    Now, lets start the New Year off with new beginnings.

  50. Saran on December 26, 2012 at 7:39 pm

    I forgive all my debts, house mortgage especially and all the debts I am doing in order to pay for my husbnd’s past mistakes.
    I am forgiving myself for not saving money.

  51. Casper on December 26, 2012 at 7:35 pm

    I forgive all those in my past and present of any perceived debt. All is cleared and we are right.
    I claim freedom from debt right here and right now to any person or institution.
    And so it is!

  52. Tina on December 26, 2012 at 7:20 pm

    I forgive Gordon’s foe owning me money for more than then three years. Be blessed and I let you go. Thank you Rebecca

  53. Rita on December 26, 2012 at 7:06 pm

    I forgive a young man (friend) who has owed me and my husband $2500.00. He just helped himself to $1200.00 of it. Said it was an emergency. I forgive you completely! My heart is cleared and my mind is now on our friendship.

    I wish my credit card company’s to forgive my debts to them, all 17,000.00 of it…..It would be a wonderful way to begin a new year!

    Blessings and LIght
    🙂 Rita

  54. Angie on December 26, 2012 at 6:38 pm

    Some friends have owed me some petty cash – enjoy it with love! In some relationships I ended up paying the mostly all the bills etc. now I let go of it go with forgiveness. There was a fishy money issue with my last boyfriend – I closed and eye – forgiveness, Boris. For years the water company had way overcharged me in the thousands which was a nightmare – I forgive that, too. Due to this I then had a lawyer bill to pay – I forgive that as well. The German health insurances (TK, KSK) got things mixed up, which I’ve tried to clear on time, yet due to traveling so much, and the offices being closed on holidays, they’ve hit me up with an invoice that out of the blue, for no reason. I wasn’t informed on what to do, now they want money and certain documents to prove residencies. Universe, Mother Azna, Spirit, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters could you please work a miracle and clear the situation up for me, that they drop all the demands, red tape and bills so this bureaucratic mess can be resolved with ease in the best possible way? That I have health insurance when I need it, nice and easy, without any more hassle? I borrowed money from my sister 5000 Euros. I paid back half so far as soon as I could, I ask for forgiveness that I have not been able to pay all of it yet, I would love to. I forgive and ask forgiveness if I was sloppy in anyway. Thank you, thank you , thank you – Love and Gratitude! <3 Angie

  55. Sunshine on December 26, 2012 at 6:29 pm

    I forgive Donny who owes me money from the time I took him shopping, I forgive the people who bought the company I worked for and never paid me out, i forgive all the people who took advantage of me and never paid me properly if at all, i forgive my aunt who stopped giving us money after we disclosed some family issues that we should have been honored and protected from but rather were punished for. i forgive my father for also cutting us off financially during the same time. i wish for forgiveness from my ex boyfriend who gave so much to me and i wish for extreme divine prosperity to give back to him and all the people who have helped me over the years when i needed it. i wish for forgiveness for all the people i couldn’t pay on time if at all during times when i had no means to pay properly. i forgive all the people who abandoned my best friend during her time of need. i forgive myself for not knowing how to manifest money all the time in the past and all the stress this has caused me and others. i forgive myself for not paying all my debts at the moment because i can’t in this moment and i know that the minute i can then i will. i forgive the media and the outside world for constantly delivering us lies that the world is not abundant and we should all be struggling. i forgive everyone and everything and pray from the depths of my heart for the enlightenment and upliftment of humanity so that we may all live in perfect abundance together and be provided for in all ways which is our divine birthright. thank you thank you thank you*** <3

  56. Emma on December 26, 2012 at 6:19 pm

    I am forgiving all my debts to anyone who owes me money and I accept forgiveness from anyone who I owe money too
    I forgive my exhusband who owns me money and contribute throw this debt to my own debt to somebody else.I send him Light of Mother Azna and Mother Mary and Love of Jesus Christ.So,I ask also forgiveness to this persons for my debt and I forgive myself for not paying back this debt.
    I claim release from my debts, known and unknown. I claim release from debt consciousness and unconsciousness,anytime and anywhere , once and for all.I pray and ask God for to hear my intent ,and to help me with his gratitude, his wisdom and his guidance.Thank you,thank you,thank you .

  57. Ever on December 26, 2012 at 6:19 pm

    I forgive myself. I forgive me for not keeping my word, for not doing what I want to do and say that I will do. I forgive myself for sending a hateful e-mail to my brother and crushing his spirit. I forgive myself for never going after my dreams and for disappointing me. I forgive me with love, love, love.

  58. J on December 26, 2012 at 6:18 pm

    I forgive the gentleman who owns the company that did not refund me $1000. I bless you and your business.

  59. Jo on December 26, 2012 at 6:12 pm

    I forgive my cousins who didn’t do the right thing by my father money wise. They took his unit and didnt give him any interest on his money that he leant them. I forgive them all as they have done no wrong.

    With much love and forgiveness…

  60. Karin Sahlman on December 26, 2012 at 5:58 pm

    I have NO debts to claim from anyone .. Nobody owes me.

    I, on the other hand, owe to the Swedish tax authority some
    money, about $2000 US ,, I would Love to have that debt cleared
    now. I have paid on this debt ever since my divorce in 1992.

    With Gratitude and Love.

  61. Violetfire on December 26, 2012 at 5:54 pm

    Rajiv…don’t worry anymore about the debt you owe me. Keep the money and enjoy it. I don’t want it or need it.

  62. Barbara on December 26, 2012 at 5:52 pm

    I forgive my exhusband who owns me money for the children’s medical and the college expenses and comes always late with the child support very modest payments.
    I send him Light of Mother Azna and Love of Jesus Christ.
    Thank you for paying my bills always on time.
    Please, help me to buy the little farm for poor African village.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. Laura J. on December 26, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    Mother Azna, help me to truly let go of all my animosity towards those who’ve hurt me long ago. I send into the universe my desire to be forgiven for debts I owe in this lifetime and past lifetimes. Clear my aura of hurts and misgivings of all kinds and heal my stomach, limbs, heart and head of illness, psychosomatic and physical virus n injuries. Please, send my love to my parents and help me accept them for who they are while retaining the healthy boundaries I’ve learned along the way. Connect me soundly to the guidance of my Spirit Guides close and distant. Accept my deep felt gratitude for many and abundant gifts I have received, most recently my daughters time and attention and grandbaby Mirabelle and rescue puppy Nora Lynn. Give respite to my spouse Christine and open her spirit to your guidance in her coming Eight Year. Thanks be to you, Jesus and Father God, laura

  64. Tee on December 26, 2012 at 5:36 pm

    I forgive everyone I’ve held unforgiveness towards ever. I thank them for teaching me the lessons I had to learn. I send them love and light *10 for every unforgiving thought and intent I have ever had towards them. I pray & ask Jesus to hear this intent & to help me with this as forgiveness is not very natural for me. I pray that this will affect my household & the world immensely in the most positive way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  65. Michael on December 26, 2012 at 5:34 pm

    Well, I bought into the Rolling Jubilee ( that will forgive someone a good portion of money.

    But, I have had some fairly substantial debts owed to me ($2,000)–even harder since I wasn’t that well off then.

    There may be some others, but it was only money.

  66. JMJ on December 26, 2012 at 5:27 pm

    I forgive everyone who has been selfish to me and wasted any of my money, time or possessions. I forgive all the renters who haven’t paid their bills.

    I forgive myself for not paying back some loans. I claim release from my debts, known and unknown. I claim release from debt consciousness, once and for all.

  67. Philip on December 26, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    I am forgiving all my debts to anyone who owes me money and I accept forgiveness from anyone who I owe money to. Aloha and Mahalo Rebecca!

  68. Evelyn on December 26, 2012 at 5:20 pm

    I am forgiving my ex boyfriend J. who ows me a lot of money and my ex bossess Ursula, Darby and Takole who didn’t pay me all my salaries and are not prepared to do it.

    I am asking Vena, Boss Tian, Danny and Simon forgivness for my debts.

    I am forgiving myself too.

    Rebecca, be blessed for this so important opportunity.

  69. Pat on December 26, 2012 at 5:15 pm

    I forgive everyone who has ill feelings toward something I unknowning did or didn’t do and they are keeping it to themselves. Thank you all for being in my life – I am sure there is a way to forgive and release and move on to a life of love.

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