Sanat Kumara Holy Flame

Please leave your questions for Sanat Kumara or Divine Mother in the comments section below.

In this very short video, Rebecca channels Sanat Kumara with an evolutionary message on The Holy Flame.

11.11.11 & Beyond…Sanat Kumara, Divine Mother

Divine Mother in agreement with Sanat Kumara (great ascended master and keeper of the Holy Flame)

are presenting this message.

The message is simple yet pivotal in the evolution of all.

Begin message:

I am Sanat Kumara, keeper of the Holy Flame.

It is time now to realize the importance of the Holy Flame within you.

For so long , humanity has found it easy to believe that they have only the

tiny spark of the Divinity within.

Time now to allow the spark to become the full integrity of the Holy flame.

Realize Beloveds that is you who can control the intensity of your

own Holy Flame.

Remember the stories of the Biblical day of Pentecost when ‘tongues of fire’ were made manifest over the heads of the Apostles?

This was the outward manifestation of the indwelling of Holy Spirit.

We have that same power available right now and it is Not power coming

from the outside in…it is indeed power coming from the inside out!

Q. Sanat Kumara, How can we embrace this truth that Divinity comes from the inside?

A. Know that you are indeed Divine and as you focus on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

your vibrations will spiral higher and higher..

Q. Please tell us a good way to do that.

A. Acknowledge the indwelling of the holy Spirit and your flame of divinity.

No longer think of it as a tiny spark …instead think of it as an ever growing Divine Flame…your flame.

Envision Tongues of fire above your head. Download meditation to help you envision.

If you do this often, you will be astonished at how life will be more affected in very positive and powerful ways.

Barriers will crumble, you will find creating and manifesting far easier.

Practical use: think of an issue or problem. Now, simply sit and imagine Holy Flames coming from your heart and

then resting on your crown. Set the intention that the issue will be taken care of in the best possible way.

Download meditation to help you envision.

No longer shall you seek to attract divinity from without…the Divine Flame within you will be like a giant attractor beam for Good.

Human nature is the nature we see most- By focusing on your own Holy Flame…you are giving attention to your God nature.

What you focus on will grow. It is law!

All those who listen and do this simple exercise are contributing to the evolution of man.

Sanat Kumara 11.11.11

(brought to you thru Rebecca)

Love and Blessings,


PS: pass this along as you feel guided. (you can use the SHARE THIS buttons below)

PSS: How I used this “Holy Flame exercise”. I was having a huge issue with a bank.

I had been on the phone off and on for 3 days. I was so frustrated my teeth hurt!

Finally, I got the inspiration to use my “Holy Flame”. I sat there (still on hold) envisioning Holy Flames

beginning in my heart and traveling upwards to my crown. I asked for this to be done quickly.

Bada Bing Bada Boom…within 1 minute the lady came back on the phone and said…’yes ma’m, we

will send those documents right over.

To envision your Holy Flame, it doesn’t have to be for something we consider spiritual.

 Just envision it for everything.

Please share you experience with me by posting on this page:


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  1. Sheryl on November 21, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    Just curious – I have done this on my own and with the recording and wondered how long to do the envision of the flame? I wasn’t doing it very long and I asked for clarity about a relationship and later that day, the person texted me which gave me an answer and I hadn’t made any contact with that person. I am trying it for other things. It would be nice for others to post what they have gotten results with by doing this simple but powerful technique.

    Just wondered how long to hold the vision of the flames?

  2. Kitty on November 20, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    Thank you! Ihope I can use it to take my healthworries away for a moment and maybe everything is not as bad as I think it might be.

  3. admin on November 13, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    Thanks Claudia. I am looking forward to seeing you in Houston on the 28. We are looking for the perfect place to have the service. Love, rebecca

  4. Elfie on November 13, 2011 at 11:46 am

    Thank you so much Rebecca, I love your videos and messages.I do have a question…can I use this to help someone else? My son is going through a rough time and I feel so helpless!Is there anything I can do to help? God bless you for all the help you’re giving us xxx

  5. Claudia on November 12, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    Thank You so much Dear Sanat Kumara, Divine Mother and Rebecca for this gift of love. I felt so much lighter after following Sanat Kumara’s talk and the meditation. Rebecca as always you shared with us so much love, that feel relief after the meditations of those negative thoughts and feeling that no longer serve us, and replace with divine energy and complete joy

  6. laara on November 12, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    Pink lovenets to you ,Sanat & Azna–I KNEW it could be simple–THANK YOU.:)))))))))))))))))))))

  7. Suzanne on November 12, 2011 at 5:25 am

    Thank you for this tool, it is going to help a lot. in this time of need, we need simplier things to help change fast situation that may distract us. I enjoy your work.

    All blessings to you!

    Much love,

  8. Nancy on November 12, 2011 at 2:23 am

    Thank you!
    Thank the youniverse
    so nice to feel connected and gracefully powerful.

    Thank you Rebecca and what fun for all of us to BE the divinity that we all are.

  9. Nancy Wheeley on November 11, 2011 at 10:35 pm

    Of all the online happenings that I missed on this chaotic (for me)day this one worked and I received your lovely message of love and light. I am so grateful!

  10. ThabaelodoRam Dhih on November 11, 2011 at 10:31 pm

    Thanks Sanat Kumara & Rabecca for the message of the Holy Flame which is also inline with the Maya New Age…. Shanti,shanti,shanti.

  11. laura on November 11, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    I am so grateful for this message. Thank you Rebecca for sending it out 🙂

  12. Sondra on November 11, 2011 at 10:06 pm

    Thank you Sanat Kumara & Rebecca for reminding us of the truth of ourselves. Yes, energy follows awareness………….It will be easier now w/ the passing of 11 11 11.

  13. Ruth :D on November 11, 2011 at 9:33 pm

    Wonderful message greatly appreciated and needed! Thank you Sanat Kumara, Mother and Rebecca!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all deliverer’s…….
    More messages of this caliber please 😀

  14. Mary on November 11, 2011 at 5:47 pm

    Happy 11:11:11… I am so thankful and grateful for the message

  15. cloclo on November 11, 2011 at 5:46 pm

    Amada Rebecca Thank you, Gracias!! I need this!! I need Sanat Kumara. Sorry i I’dont speak english. I love you.

  16. Asia on November 11, 2011 at 5:03 pm

    Thank you Rebecca – this has brought so much love into my heart today. My temptation today was to feel so much spiritual pressure as it is 11-11-11. your channeled message from Sanat Kumara gave me instant feeling of peace and a place to channel my heart’s flame.

    Love and Blessings to you,


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