No Money? Do this…

As a Spiritual Channel, I connect with and recieve messages from many high Beings of Light.

Recently, a Powerful Sufi saint, Data Dastagir Badshah asked me to help those who are having problems with money.

Because I am Both a Channel and Energy healer, I will guide you in an energy healing technique which Data asked me to give you.

It is helpful to gaze in Data Dastagir’s Eyes before doing the exercise.

If you find his name hard to wrap your tounge around, simply call him…”The Sainted One”

"The Sainted One"

"The Sainted One"

In this exercise/prayer, we will be holding certain energy points to amp up the process.
“Third eye point”  in the middle of forehead- Increases psychic vision
 The “Inner Eye Points” are where every accupressure meridian enters the brain
 The “Under Eye points” address fear.
*Hold the points with a light touch.
*Your thumb and fourth (ring) finger hold the inner eye points.
*Your Pinky rests on either of the ‘under eye points”
*Your forefinger and middle finger rest at the corners of the third eye- imagine that you are slightly stretching the third eye open. (You really are)
Holding Eye Points

Holding Eye Points

I am including a video of how to do the Exercise/ prayer to clear your obstacles to Prosperity. However, if your computer does not support video, here are the written instructions.
#1 Relax, you cannot clear your energy in a tense state.
#2. Thump your thymus (center of chest right above the heart) say, “Balance” 
#3. Hold Eye Points (like the picture) breathe in and out a few times and relax
#4. Say this prayer, ‘O Sainted One, Show me what’s blocking my Blessings” Continue to hold the eyepoints and pay attention to what is coming into your awareness. It could be a feeling, vision, thoughts, or words. Don’t judge, just let it be. it is not your job to do anything right now…simply observe.
#5. Holding the eyepoints, “O Sainted One, help me to dissolve, remove or transform this obstacle. Show me if there is any action I need to take”. Once again, simply pay attention to what comes up.
#6. (still holding eyepoints) I give you permission to help me open to recieve, I ask your help in transforming obstacles, I open my heart to you, O Sainted One and ask for your blessings.    
#7. Now just relax and know that the work has begun. When you get inspiration to take some action- do it! You may do this process as often as you like…somthing new may come up for you each time you do this.     
Vidio coming soon!                                           

Posted in


  1. Me on April 20, 2013 at 9:41 am


    The video no longer available. Any chance to repost it?


  2. vipin on October 14, 2012 at 3:41 am

    thank u…

  3. sayra reyalfa emma on October 10, 2011 at 9:13 pm

    I will try to out from my money problem…thanks Rebecca.

  4. Subhash on September 9, 2011 at 6:24 am

    Dear friend Rebecca & Dataji (The SAINTED ONE)

  5. chrys on March 26, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Thank you I will try this will let you know the out come
    Thank you so much for blessing us…………….

  6. Lynn-Gale Lorren on February 19, 2011 at 3:11 pm

    Thank you and the Sainted one for your love, generosity, and all the many blessings I have received from your giftedness and other light beings.


  7. Jannice on February 8, 2011 at 8:31 pm

    Dear Rebecca,
    Thank you very much for your emails, I do listen to the audio and enjoy your guidance. I am it very hard to get my finance together things are very tough at the moment.
    Please can you point me in the right direction.

    Thanking you
    God Bless

  8. Fallon Lewis on February 8, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    There are so many ideas and techniques out there for effectively using the law of attractoion that it has become confusing don’t you find it? Well I have come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is keep it simple. I think the most important aspect is to be sure that your hearts desire ia actually tour hearts desire and not something the ego has put out there. In other words do your best to get clear with your intentions. Then, to the best of your ability, create from a state of joy! Different things work for different people but my dicovery is this; If it aint fun don’t use it! God bless.

  9. Shirley on February 4, 2011 at 11:29 pm

    I believe I believe I believe! Thankyou for the blessing that is unfolding right now Thankyou to the sainted one for blessins This is my last hope I want to be deserving of all the good things in life and pass this on to my 3 boys Michael, Steven and Jesse. Thankyou for the work you do — in Love and light yours Shirley

  10. Shirley on February 4, 2011 at 11:25 pm

    I have just done the money meditation with the sainted one oh I do hope it works I feel at my wits end I love your site and thankyou for offering help I believe, I believe , i believe wish me luck and love I really need it and usually never ask for help . Take care Shirley

  11. Lori on September 2, 2010 at 9:24 am

    Thank you for your guidance Rebecca and to the Divine Sainted One for all the blessings I have received and the blessings I am receiving.

    Love And Peace to you my dear friend.

  12. Dika on July 28, 2010 at 2:52 am

    Thank you Rebecca
    Finally I have found you for I believe you will be my mentor to fulfill my
    Ambition of the EFT business I am starting purposely to help individuals
    Change their way of life to live abundantly and prosperously. Thank you

  13. Vanessa James on July 9, 2010 at 8:39 pm


  14. rossa on July 8, 2010 at 7:30 pm


  15. Sipiwe on June 1, 2010 at 12:10 pm

    Hi Rebecca,
    I have been having lots of problems with lack of prosperity. I thank you for your video. I will do the exercise with the Enlightened One and then I will let u know the changes in my life.

  16. leela on May 25, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    Dear Rebecca,
    A friend sent your website to me. I love it .
    I always believe things come to me when i most need it.
    I am at rock bottom right now. I am a single mom. MY husband, my five year old daughter and i moved to Vancouver last August from Singapore. My husband left my daughter and me two and a half months after we arrived.He has not supported us at all and has been doing things behind my back to hurt me and bring me to my knees…..because i would not do his bidding. I have trusted in God and he has brought us this far. I am using up the last of my savings and pretty soon i will be giving up my job to pursue my passion which is healing especially EFT. I know that i have been directed to you for a reason. Please help me / advice me on how to go about setting up my practice and doing it in such a way that i make enough money to live comfortably with my daughter and also contribute to others with my gift of healing.
    Thank you.
    God bless you.

  17. Natalie Manning on May 13, 2010 at 1:24 pm

    Thank you for this! I have been depressed lately, and I “suddenly” came to this…God is so good. I am thankful for you and the work that you continue to give others.

    Bless you!

  18. Tracey-Lee on February 22, 2010 at 3:10 am

    Really trying to keep the faith that this is going to work, need all the help I can get right now !

  19. Kristin on February 21, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    Rebecca, Thank you! You are becoming more and more beautiful as time goes by, your inner light makes you glow! Kristin

  20. Joan on February 21, 2010 at 8:54 am


    Your a Doll and as real as it get’s. I just love your work.

    God Bless you, your work and your Family.


  21. Carol on February 20, 2010 at 9:15 pm

    I would love to see the video but keep getting security warnings from microsoft. The website is not coming up properly.

  22. Joti on February 20, 2010 at 7:22 pm

    Hi Rebecca,

    I too felt an amazing energy coming from the eyes of The Sainted One..

    Coincidentally (!) I just happened to tune into you during the very time you were holding your Money Clearing Seminar today… Sat 20th… Guess I picked up on the vibration subconsciously…

    Thanks so much for the free video and guidance… I shall practice this often, and report back when things clear!



  23. Rebecca Burton on February 19, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    Thank you Rebecca and thank you Data Dastagir Badshah for this blessing!

    Sending you love and light

  24. Patricia on February 19, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    Rebecca…. you are such a love for helping those of us who are stressed about money. This is only Feb .. last month and this month I have had ot ask my son for money to get thru the month… I do not want to continue the next months doing this…

    Blessings to you for all your are doing for many of us


  25. Jenny Bryans on February 17, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    Hi Rebecca!

    I love this! I have been very stressed about money lately and asking for help. You were the answer to my prayers! : ) If this works for me, you’ll “see” me on the calls this weekend! : ) Have a wonderful day!


    Jenny : )

  26. Magic Maria on February 17, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    Thank you, Rebecca! Inspiring and motivating, as always!

    I’ll let you know when it arrives…

    Love & Light from France,

    : ) Maria

  27. End Money Worries! | Rebecca Marina on February 17, 2010 at 6:22 pm

    […] No Money? Do This! […]

  28. Sandra on February 17, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    Dear Rebecca:

    Thank you so much for the exercise! I appreciate your love and generosity. I am in need of a prosperity treatment and plan to do this exercise on a regular basis.

    With love and appreciation,


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