Cure Money & Success Phobias with EFT


Cure your Money and Success Phobias with EFT.

My Christmas Gift to you – no-cost teleclass

You can listen to this mind-changing teleseminar by audio! CLICK HERE Right now!


  1. sune on December 7, 2008 at 8:44 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna.

    I’ve read in books about multi-diemensionality, Teleporting, creating in an instant like Illusionists do…….Flying in freedom…..infinite peace in heart…..Dear mother Azna….is there a short-cut way to get pass the barriers or rocky walls created by the little human mind???
    Thank you…I love you!!

  2. Val on December 7, 2008 at 12:44 am

    Hello Rebecca.

    How does one find out, or treat, a subconscious blockage, about money!!! I have done all the usual EFT, affirmations, proclamations, declarations etc etc and I still find that wonderful stuff to be very elusive!!! (I am endeavoring not to put a negative spin on this) but I must put it “out there” in the most positive way I can!!! Any comments?

    Blessings of Love and Abundance


  3. Brian on December 4, 2008 at 1:34 am


    Thank you for all you do! I have grown tremendously and have learned to help lots of family with the techniques you are teaching. Thank you Thank you Thank You! I wanted to ask you a question for Mother Azna. I’ve been pondering the fact that anything that the human mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. I can’t explain it, but I’ve had the desire to learn to transport myself from one place to another without the use of a vehicle. Like from my home to anywhere in the world. (Think of the people you could help!) The thought keeps coming back to me that if I just believe, it can happen. So I told my wife about it, thinking she would think I was really getting into weird things, when she said she had the very same thought. My question for Mother Azna is how that can be accomplished. Any thoughts?

  4. Brian on December 4, 2008 at 1:34 am


    Thank you for all you do! I have grown tremendously and have learned to help lots of family with the techniques you are teaching. Thank you Thank you Thank You! I wanted to ask you a question for Mother Azna. I’ve been pondering the fact that anything that the human mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. I can’t explain it, but I’ve had the desire to learn to transport myself from one place to another without the use of a vehicle. Like from my home to anywhere in the world. (Think of the people you could help!) The thought keeps coming back to me that if I just believe, it can happen. So I told my wife about it, thinking she would think I was really getting into weird things, when she said she had the very same thought. My question for Mother Azna is how that can be accomplished. Any thoughts?

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