A 3 year Old made my day

Today at dance class theowner brought her little grandson.

He did not even know me and he came over and gave me a great big kiss on the cheek!

What a lovable little sweetheart! He kissed every lady that walked in.

3 years old and such a charmer! Children are so delightful. You know, I have 5 of them myself (honest, I only Meant tohave one)

Today, we learned salsa. What a workout. I found it easy to do the basic step. i thought I had it going on and then the teacher would throw in some fancy "slides’ and walkarounds.

On an exciting note…gas was 282 a gallon at a local station.

That’s waaay better than 382! Right?

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  1. Christine on October 23, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    Children really are our glimpse at what life is meant to be. they come here with “knowing”…. knowing where they are heading and what is good in the world…. like kissing women because it makes THEM feel good!

    Christine Hiebel

  2. Christine on October 23, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    Children really are our glimpse at what life is meant to be. they come here with “knowing”…. knowing where they are heading and what is good in the world…. like kissing women because it makes THEM feel good!

    Christine Hiebel

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