Toe readings…

Yup, that’s right, one of my good friends Teri Freesmeyer, is into toes, feet and getting psychic vibes off them.

I asked her to write an article for me about it.


Discover the stories your toes are talking?
Are you walking your destined path?
Discover the potentiality in your toes by having your toes read.
Acknowledge your toe talk and unveil your Sole energy both internally and externally.
It is the metaphysical understanding that the direction and formation of the toes are the physical printout of the path a person’s life has taken.
The toes are one of our bodies’ depositories for stories and emotions.
The energy of emotion changes the shape of the toes, especially if it is negative.
A Toe Reader is someone who honors the stories coded in the toes and is spiritually and emotionally available to unlock the storyline stored in the cells of the body, specifically stored in the hologram of the toes.
WHO? WHAT? WHERE? to find a Toe Reader?
Teri Freesmeyer, Shaman and Energy Practitioner brings an eclectic blend of her Intuitive skills and background in Transformational Bodywork, Elemental Balancing and Toe Reading into an educational, inquisitive and TOE-tally curious journey. Contact her via her website at, (sign up for the newsletter to find out about upcoming teleclasses and events.
You can also email Teri at or phone 217-899-5247. Phone session’s, workshops, and group event opportunities are available.
Find out how aligned you are with “walking your talk”. Re-write your own tune to “THIS LITTLE PIGGY”. Have a toe reading and see your toes respond before your very eyes. Each toe and area has a symbolic and elemental representation. The Chakras are also depicted in the feet.Kick off your shoes and send me a picture of your toes and LETS TOE READ!
You can find Teri and other Toe Readers at

Teri Freesmeyer

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