Spiritual Paralysis? or State of Samadhi?

A few weeks ago, as I was out walking my two old girls, Sadie and Dottie…the Divine spoke to me quite clearly.

Three sessions for the price of ONE  * special offer!

14 years old, we walk almost every day. My joy!

14 years old, we walk almost every day. My joy!

“Rebecca, are you ready for your life to change in a drastic way?”

Yikes, I thought to myself…DRASTIC? I do not like the sound of that!

However, I know that the Divine would not ask if it was not important.

So I made a few stipulations…

  • I do not want to suffer.
  • I desire a partner to support me
  • My finances will be taken care of

So, you must be wondering what the Divine is asking of me. I do not have all the details, I only know that I am being asked to channel in “the energies of renewal”, the new Nuctemeron!

This was first mentioned in a very ancient text,(De Vita De Moysis) the Nuctemeron tells the story of the first twelve hours of the creation of man.

The first twelve hours of creation are governed by 72 Genius spirits (Genii, personified virtues, who understand every aspect of human creation)

History reference:

  • The Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana
  • The Nuctemeron according to the Hebrews (extracted from the ancient Talmud.)

I am being asked to be very still. The Divine said…for the next two months, don’t do much of anything. Don’t teach a lot of classes, mostly “be still”.

My little baby.

My little baby.

Now, after I said “yes” I will do the channeling (even though there are 72 individual spirits desiring to come through) I expected to begin channeling the energies and messages right away.

Imagine my surprise when I sat each morning with pen in hand and got…absolutely NOTHING!

What I DID get, I did not understand until my precious Sri Yukteswar , famous Indian Holy man reminded me…’Rebecca, you are sitting in Samadhi, an intense state of union with the Divine where time stands still. In Samadhi, you are not concerned about anything, you have absolute trust the Divine is taking care of everything.”

As I would sit, expecting to start channeling messages of the “New Nuctemeron” …a strange spiritual paralysis would overtake me. I could do nothing but sit for hours each morning in a state of pure bliss!

I wanted to write to you…but, I could not do it. You may have noticed the communication has been very brief the last few weeks.

My logical mind would say…Rebecca, you promised to channel in these energies, to write down the messages and you can’t even move!

Goddess in forest

Then spirit would whisper…Rebecca, you ARE doing the work, your body must be prepared for this most powerful influx that you will be receiving and giving out.

At the very beginning, when the 72 Genii first approached me, I did challenge them. I dared them to give me some useful and profound information about any silly topic I chose.

I have written those messages down and will pass them along to you as soon as I am permitted.

I am continuing to be in the “State of Samadhi” each morning for as many hours as I am guided. I can’t do much about it anyway, as soon as I go into meditation, the bliss overtakes me and I am in spiritual paralysis. Spirit says that for every minute I am in this state, the energies are flowing out to multitudes.

I am permitted to see a few private clients in the afternoons.

In keeping with the Black Friday/cyber Monday spirit, I am placing the private sessions on special.


Because I am in a heightened state of spirituality, I do expect any sessions to be especially powerful.

These sessions will be available from 1 to 6 PM eastern. This way, I can still devote my morning hours to “being the vessel through the state of Samadhi”

Special offer:

One healing session with me is normally 497. During this offer you can have 3 sessions for the price of one. (use them at any time during the year.) If it is an emergency, I will get you in right away.

(You do not have to use the sessions all at once, you may spread them out over a years time)

There are ten packages available at this low price. When they are taken, I will disable the pay link.

 How the sessions work:

I ask you your general needs, then I go into meditation and get Divine Guidance for you. Sometimes it involves doing healing techniques with you as well as past life healing, curse removal, guidance for your next step,multidimensional work, reclaiming your power…whatever spirit directs is usually what you need the most!

(Nitika, ancient spirit of wealth is offering His advice too- he is one of the 72 genii of the Nuctemeron)

A Treasure Chest of Wisdom!

A Treasure Chest of Wisdom!

PS: Please do not confuse “The Nuctemeron”, story of the first 12 hours of creation with the heavy metal music group.

They have NOTHING in common.

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