The Truth about Light and Dark (Portal Update)

love the dark

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By the time you read this, I should be very close to the site where I am to open  the Peace Portal.

If you are just now reading about this…Spirit has directed me to be the “Gate Master” for a Peace Summit.

A Summit where BOTH sides are on neutral territory.

Complete story of the 08/13 Peace Portal

 Our world can shift for the better!


Here are a few issues up for Negotiation at this Spiritual Peace Summit.

  • Releasing the dark side’s ban on cures for cancer and other diseases (already discovered- just covered up)
  • Releasing the ban on cheap, clean energy sources. (already discovered- just covered up)
  • Releasing the greed that causes big companies to rape and pillage our Earth Mother.
  • Releasing the hatred that causes wars.
  • Releasing the Poverty of Light workers that keeps them unable to be the Greatest Light.

 Wanna Partner with Me?

 3 ways to Support, to Be a Partner in this Mission.

#1. Belief Support:

Believe that our earth can be uplifted as we host this Evolutionary Conference.

#2. Light Support.

This conference is Sanctioned and Convened by Prime Creator. The only frequency deemed suitable is Prime Creators Benevolent Light: Perfect Prayer:” Prime Creator, I honor Your Wisdom in this Peace summit. My Soul’s Intent is  for the Highest Good”

#3. Financial Support:

Drop to your heart and see if you are being called to assist financially. You may contribute now and as many times as are guided.

Contribute any amount as your heart Guides.

I Believe and I desire to help.

(The expenses are not covered by my business budget, yet I am more compelled to open this Portal than all the others combined. I have NEVER felt more dedicated to anything in this life-time.)

The key here is “Whom do you wish to follow”?

Many entities are being “loved into the Light” by people just like you.

People what are willing to ‘send light to the chaos’- instead of reacting with hatred.

As I go, I am singing sacred language of Love to the air, the ground, the people, the entities.

Join me and let us Love together!

Let’s make some Noise for The Light and our Earth…

musical note

Love and Happiness to you,


PS: Remember, I told you that for this portal, I did not need the tobacco and cornmeal offerings?

I am directed to do “sound healing” all along the way. I am to pound the earth with a “Moses Staff”.

Well, I had no idea where to get a Moses Staff!

I told Mother…well, you will have to get me one.

Guess what?

I was GIFTED a most wonderful “Moses Staff”!

(By someone I had never met and who did not have a clue what he was giving to me)

That story is an email all to itself- I will write you about that separately. (Too Good NOT to share)

Me and my Moses Staff…staff

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