The Dangers of Interfering with Someone else’s Journey/Karma: What to do instead

Two Topics:

#1. Two new sessions this week for “Healing Your Blocks to Love: Pleiadian Style.”

#2. The Dangers of Interfering with Someone else’s Journey/Karma: What to do instead


#1.Two new sessions this week for “Healing Your Blocks to Love: Pleiadian Style.”

There was a waiting list and several have already taken their spots.

Class times are:

Tues Feb 23 at 8 PM eastern

Fri Feb 26 at 12 Noon eastern


If you cannot attend either session- register and I will scan you Absentee. I’m getting wonderful reports from those who chose this option.

Get your spot before they are gone. (Room for 10 in each class)

Get Your Spot


#2. The Dangers of Interfering with Someone else’s Journey/Karma: What to do instead

There is an old Pentecostal song from my childhood that says…. “Let Go and Let God have His wonderful way, your sorrows will vanish, your night turn to day. Let go and let God have his way:

Ok, I wasn't singing a Gospel Hymn...but I was singing!

Ok, I wasn’t singing a Gospel Hymn…but I was singing!

However, when it comes to those we deeply care about…this is very hard to do!

WE can see someone we love is unhappy and ruining their own life and we feel helpless to do anything about it.

Worse, I think is the guilt! We, (at least I do) feel guilty because we see the pain they are in and they won’t do a cotten’ picking thing to change it.

By Golly, if we could change it for them…we would!

I have learned the Very Hard Way that interfering not only DOESN’T help them…it can ruin you!

It’s almost as if YOU take on their journey when you interfere. Now, not only do you have YOUR Burdens to carry…you have theirs as well.

I have been here...Have you?

I have been here…Have you?

Not fun!

See if you can relate to this experience from my own life. (I pray you never have to)

I had a dear friend whose business was failing. At the time, mine was doing great!

So, I thought…well, I have it, they don’t have it…why don’t I share my bounty with them?

Biggest Financial lesson I ever had to learn!

No matter how much cash I threw down the sucking vortex of despair it was never enough. Finally, I gave my friend the money to “commit bankruptcy”.

The business never improved and the interfering I did sent my own finances into a tailspin!

It’s as if I took on the karmic journey of my friend!

My friend went their merry way and never looked back. I felt like I was stuck holding the bag…by now, an empty one!

Even harder to resist “Interfering in the Karmic Journey “is when it involves one of our children or family members.

Money blowing away...

Money blowing away…

Even harder to resist “Interfering in the Karmic Journey “is when it involves one of our children or family members.

One more example and then I will tell you what to do instead.

One of my children is over 100 pounds overweight. I have talked with them, done surrogate work, everything.

Nothing seems to help.


Because it is THEIR journey!

Even though it HURTS me deeply to see one of my darlings going through this pain, I cannot force the issue.

(Come to think of it, aren’t you glad one of YOUR family members cannot force YOU to do something just because THEY feel it is right?)

So, I was whining a little to Spirit asking…”Well doggone it! What CAN I do, what will NOT interfere with the  karmic journey?


Here is the answer I got…

You know that you are multi-denominational right?

…and you know the person you are concerned about is multi-dimensional too, right?

You know that in another dimension this person is NOT having this trial right?

You realize that they CHOSE to have this issue in THIS Dimension…right?

So, why are you trying to rob them of the experiences they have chosen?

(Gee, because I can’t stand to see their pain?)

Here’s the only “Legal” thing you can do without bringing more heartache to yourself.

(BTW, it took me almost 7 years to recover from the financial devastation my little rescue operation caused)

Visualize them in another dimension where they are healthy. happy and have plenty of sustenance.

Healthy and Happy!

Healthy and Happy!

Caution: You should NOT visualize them as YOU think they ought to be…just healthy and happy.

Take your time in visualizing this…absorb some of the vibrations of this healthier decisions.

When you come back from this visualization, hold it and use it when you start to panic again.

Your “worry” energy is actually HURTING the one you desire to help.

You are contributing to them being in the mess they made far longer than if you took off your worries.

Remember, I’m preaching to the choir here!

I love you!



PS: Go get your spot for the Pleiadian Love=scan while you still can.

Get Your Spot

PSS: If I had my love-frequencies all straightened out back then…I would NEVER even have been in that situation.

Gee, have I ever mentioned that it seems I have to learn everything by experience? So that I can teach from a place or “True Knowing”.

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