8 Days of Power: Mystical Marriage, Gateway to Angelic Realms and Siddhi Powers (Audio Program)

Mystical Marriage, “8 Days of Power” Portal to Angelic Realms and Siddhi Powers (Super normal Powers)

NOW and Exciting Deep Spiritual AUDIO Program.

It’s time…

Time for those who hunger for spiritual food to feast at the banquet.

 Imagine basking in and merging with a specific Angelic presence every day. Imagine being guided into the fifth dimension and beyond. Imagine what it would be like to have years of seeking come to fruition in just 8 days!

The Mystical Marriage ceremony is a Divine Union between the Pituitary Gland and the Pineal Gland. According to Ascended Master Kuthumi, this ceremony is the gateway to the fifth dimension and beyond.  This causes a sacred union of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine within yourself.

The birthing of new realms of power must have the balance of male and female.

Master Kuthumi says…”There is no greater tool of spiritual advancement available today than the Mystical Marriage Ceremony.” Engaging in this ceremony causes such a leap in spiritual advancement, it is the beginning to developing Siddhi Powers. (Supernormal Powers)

The frequency generated by doing the ceremony broadcasts your energy and causes Angels and High Beings of light to come bask in your auric field. Kuthumi says, “You become  a ‘relay station’ of light where YOU become the giver of sustenance to Beings of Light.”


Each day, you will experience the Mystical Marriage ceremony and the ‘awakening’ effect is cumulative. Just doing the ceremony once is a boost…doing it 8 days in a row will cause exponential growth.


For this series, we will focus on the Angelic realms. Imagine being blessed each day by actually merging with an Angelic Presence! Day one will focus on Archangel Gabriel.


Because Gabriel is the Messenger…the bringer of good news!

Each day, we will bring in a specific Angelic presence to merge with us. Mother Azna asks me to be sure and call in her special Realm, “The Thrones” on one of the days.

I will channel a specific angel message each day…more importantly, I will lead you in getting your own angel message.

If you’ve been with me for a while, then you know I like to have a specific purpose for anything I teach.

So, is exponential spiritual growth enough?

Perhaps it should be…but I want MORE for you.

Imagine being guided to merge with a different Angelic being every day for 8 days.

So that, you can gain power in their realm …and be of service to them.

Imagine being guided to discover, awaken, and ignite your gift that is most needed now,

so that you can begin to fully live your soul purpose.

Imagine finally feeling SURE of your soul purpose for this lifetime,

so that you are confidant and filled with spiritual authority.

All this and more will happen for you during the “8 Days of Power” Gateway to Angelic Realms and Siddhi Powers

NOW and Exciting Deep Spiritual AUDIO Program

“Show me my most luminous gift. Increase it and guide me in ways to use it.”

All of us have many gifts. Yet, in the spiritual timeline…a “blossoming” occurs. When the need for a specific gift grows urgent.

Spiritual Gifts!

So each of the 8 days will have:

  • A focus on a specific angel or angelic realm.
  • Receiving angelic guidance.
  • A focus on revealing, awakening and strengthening your most needed gift.
  • Feeling more certain in your calling.
  • Having more courage and boldness to embrace your calling.

(Beside, of course experiencing the magic of the Mystical Marriage ceremony)

Here is my personal experience since beginning the Mystical Marriage Ceremony.

  • I was shown my most luminous gift at present is “awakening” and activating other light workers to a higher calling.
  • I was shown that I should more fully embrace my office of Priestess.
  • I feel even bolder (if you can believe that) to share the messages that are given to me.
  • I have a deeper sense of “prophetic knowing”.
  • Channeling seems to be even more effortless.
  • I feel a renewed urgency to be of service to those who are ready.
  • Curiously, financial issues seem to be melted away. I have a greater sense of trust that as I follow my path…all will be taken care of.

…and finally, on a very personal level, I realize that my heart is ready to be open to my Divine Counterpart. Sure, I’ve been in relationships but I always got scared when it got serious. A fear of making a mistake and “being trapped” kept me from allowing the right person to come to me.

This priestess is now ready to embrace the mate that Mother Azna sends to me. (Azna is the name Divine Mother is known by on the other side.)

Now, according to all marketing gurus…I should call to your attention some  pain that taking this “8 Days of Power” class will alleviate.

However, if you are like me, there is no pain… only a ‘deep hunger’ that can only be satisfied by taking action toward your spiritual advancement. Your soul purpose if you will.

I think about when I went to India. There was no pain I was trying to eradicate…there was only hunger for more growth. I felt pulled there by my heartstrings.

When I went to Singapore to learn from DR. Pillai…again, no pain, just a deep hunger for more knowledge and to sit in his presence.

We all have our “WHY” about fulfilling our soul purpose, or calling and developing our spiritual gifts.

What’s your ‘Why’?

Are you ready to move even deeper than before?

Are you ready to discover your most needed and luminous gift now?

Are you ready to move toward developing Siddhi Powers?

Are you ready to stop being so timid about your gifts?

Are you ready to walk in the true power and purpose you came here for?

NOW and Exciting Deep Spiritual AUDIO Program.

Q. How much is the course?

A. I thought of $50 per session. That would be $400. Very well worth it but out of reach for many.

So, I took off $180 lowering this amazing growth opportunity to only $220!

$220 Pay now.

Or, Let me finance this for you.

2 payments @ 115.each

Click for 2 payments of 115 each.

3 payments @ 77. Each

 Click for 3 payments @ 77.each

Certification available:

At present,  I am the only one authorized to teach the Mystical Marriage in the specific way Master Kuthumi has ordained. If you desire to be certified and authorized…I will train you. (Training will be via teleseminar 2 weeks after “8 Days of Power” ends.

Fee $400 (includes “8 days of Power” and full instructions and training on how you can do this ceremony for others. Groups or individuals- plus special transfer of anointing from Kuthumi)

Click for 400 certification training.

*Let me know if you need a payment plan for this.

Also, if you want to discuss with me anything about certification. Email or call. childsuzy@yahoo.com (private email) 956-457-5568

So Beloveds…are you hungry for more?

Drop to your heart and let your heart speak to you. Your heart knows if this is for your highest and best advancement.

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