Dynomite Under the Butte!

Ok…we are on the second month of 2020…have you sprang into action as you planned? Or…could you use a little dynomite under the Butte?

This Powerful Audio program is NOW on sale for half price!

See details below…

Please read from readers just like YOU!


Thank you so much for the class. (Azna’s Dynomite Under the Butte)

During the meditation not only was I united with my soul but my mother who passed nearly 2 months ago
was there to embrace me and celebrate that I got what she came to teach me through the example and
contrast in her life.

It was amazing because I had not really felt the direct presence of my mother, but she was there with us,
cheering and rejoicing and showering me with the love that I recognized as her.  I still feel her love
with me, and somehow that is filling and healing the places in my heart where I used to doubt my worthiness.

What a miracle!

Cassandra Batson CQTPI, CHLC
Intuitive Healer
Holistic Consultant


This Powerful Audio program is NOW on sale for half price!

Reg $67-

Now only $33.33 to heal your Ancestral Roots!

Get it now and be ‘doing it’ in less than 5 minutes!


What is this Audio program?

  •  Dynamite Under the Butte…It gets you MOVING!
  • Healing the “first and greatest insult ever…against your clan that has kept you in bondage”
  • The most Unique, Intense, Ancestral Healing and Poverty Cleansing in the history of mankind.

What do all these bullets have in common?

All 3 could be the title to this most amazing class from Mother God. A revelation  to clear your prosperity issues like never before.

The following story is not sales copy…it is simply an account of my conversation with Mother God Azna.

Here’s what happened…

I had just read about the 5th email from different folks– all in deep distress over their financial issues. Seems they had tried everything (including some of my stuff) and just couldn’t get ahead.

“Oh Mother”, I implored…”please give me something that has not been done before…something that will be like a bulldozer to plow through even the hardest cases.   I care and  feel deeply distressed when people are still so stuck despite all the ‘prosperity healing’ info out there.”

“OK, Rebecca,” says Mother Azna, “I will give you techniques and processes so powerful they can change the very consciousness of humanity; but there are two conditions that must be met.”

#1. There must be at least 100 people willing to hear this message.

#2. Participants Must be willing to allow you to light a “fire of inspiration under their buttes”


About Condition #1.

Q. Mother, why is it necessary to have 100 participants?

A. Because, to change consciousness we will call upon the “100th Monkey” theory.

(The 100th monkey theory states that when a small group starts changing behavior it can affect a whole culture. Japanese Scientists studying the Macaca Fuscata monkey noted that when one monkey began washing their sweet potatoes before eating and taught their young as well…monkeys on neighboring islands began to wash their sweet potatoes as well although no contact between islands was possible. Hence, the 100th monkey theory was born)

What Mother is saying is that when a small group unites in a powerful way, it can affect a much larger population.

Only $33.33 to heal your Ancestral Roots!

Get it now and be ‘doing it’ in less than 5 minutes!



About Condition #2.

Q. Mother why do you want participants who will allow me to “light a fire of inspiration” under their buttes?

  • Because “faith without works is dead”
  • Because so often, people take classes, get clear, and do nothing with it…they just lie around waiting for goldbars from heaven to drop down upon them.
  • Because they don’t know how to “take inspired action”

Continued answer from Azna…

Rebecca, when you teach this class, you must make sure to have enough class time. They must discover easy ways  to take action… so they may get the full benifit of this powerhouse clearing.

Teach them:

  • How to GET inspired to take action
  • How to know the difference between “I really ought to act” and “Inspired Action”
  • How to jump into inspired action without being terrified of what others will think

This Powerful Audio program is NOW on sale for half price!

See details below…

Q. Mother, why is so much of  humanity  in  a poverty mess?

A.  Since the beginning of time, contrasting forces sought to create havoc upon the human race. To do this, these  forces brought a great insult upon our clan- our first ancestors.


By causing us to believe we were unworthy and separate from God.

All your current issues, financial, relationship, emotional… stem from this insulting lie!

Q. Mother, how are we  to remedy a thing that happened long before we were born?

A. By going  sideways in time with me, Mother Azna leading the way… carrying the sword of truth. Together, we will change history for your clan for we will stop the “nafts” before they perpetrate the evil lie upon your ancestors!

Only $33.33 to heal your Ancestral Roots!

Get it now and be ‘doing it’ in less than 5 minutes!


Believing the lie of separation, the lie that we are not worthy… is the reason for all war, all deceit, all poverty and all grief.

Q. Mother, what makes this “Ancestral healing, Poverty Cleansing” different than other methods taught so far? What makes it like ‘dynomite under the butte?’

  • Soul Mastery: You will do this healing in collaboration with your soul, this guidance has not been available before now. (your soul was there when the original insult was perpetrated and accepted as truth by your clan)
  • You will clear both ancestral and past life issues and insults that are blocking prosperity right now.
  • Mother God Azna will be leading the way…wielding her sword of truth and cutting away any interference

Q. What more, Dear Azna, do you want people to know about this class?

A. Up until now, you have not had the knowledge that  can change the conditions of your life by learning “Soul mastery”. This is one of the foundations of ‘Heart Point Technique’ (Newest healing technique straight from the Divine Feminine) and it is time to bring this teaching forth.

Now, with the willing assistance of your soul, you can travel to the very beginning of your clan’s existence, reverse the curse, erase the lie, lift your people from the depths of despair and reap the rewards of a pristine, spiritual, family lineage!

Q. Mother, what benefits can participants expect because they took this class?

A. Let me preface this by saying that students must be ‘fully present’ and do every exercise with their whole being.

Furthermore, Rebecca, do not try and talk anyone into taking this class. Let them know about it with plenty of notices but I, Mother God, am already calling those who are to come.

Q. Mother, how will they know if they should take this class or not?

A. They will feel a tug on the heart, a leaping of joy, a feeling like they Want to come.

Q. Mother, even though this class is reasonably priced, there will be some who want to come…yet cannot afford it.

A. If they want to get the same benefits as the participants , ask them to pray and bless those who are taking the class. This creates an ‘energy link’ and they will benefit in a powerful way. Ask them to clear any resentment first ( resentment clearing exercise https://rebeccamarina.com/?p=3515  ), otherwise they will be bringing “poison chicken soup” to the table.

Q. Mother, why can’t I just offer this class for no-cost?

A. Several reasons:

  • You have already offered the last 5 teleclasses you taught… at no charge
  • There Must be an ‘exchange of energy’ for this depth of clearing
  • Those who want to be part of this can pray, bless, and ‘energy link’ with those who are taking this class and reap great benefits.

This Powerful Audio program is NOW on sale for half price!

Only $33.33 to heal your Ancestral Roots!

Get it now and be ‘doing it’ in less than 5 minutes!


I understand, Mother…how can someone know if they need this class or not?

Signs you need this class:

  • Feeling like things are out of your control
  • Barely able to keep your head above water
  • You’re broke, got relationship trouble, feel lousy…or, want to leap forward in spiritual growth, feel peaceful and be a hero for your ancestors and descendants!

Ok, Mother, let’s get back to the benefits…What can one expect to get out of this class?

  • Freedom from the lie of unworthiness (because they believed in me enough to experience guided “soul mastery” and do that which has never been done before)
  • Exponential spiritual growth (because they believed in me- ‘Mother God’ enough to exchange energy and do this- even if it sounded ‘far out there’)
  • Abundance in finance, relationships, and emotional health (because they are no longer held prisoner by lies of the past)

***Note from Rebecca, “every time I teach a class, I am still amazed at how many of us Still Suffer from feeling unworthy. No one can be in true abundance as long as they feel unworthy. Your energy will chase away the good that is trying to get to you for nothing can penetrate the ‘field of unworthiness’-

Please…let’s heal this once and for all!

Q. How long of a class time does this need to be?

A. Two and a half hours (available on audio right now!)

  • First hour: clear- present day, (voices that say you will never make it, resentment, angers, victimhood)
  • Second hour: clear- past lives and deep-rooted clannish, ancestral bondage. (Change the very course of your history)
  • Third half hour: Light that fire under the butte! (Now you will know how to move with personal authority)

Q. How will I be able to lead the students and clear all this, dear Mother?

A. You will use Heart Point Technique and the special deep meditations created just for this purpose.

Q. How much should this cost? Sounds like the class of the century.

Yes, it is the class of the century and it is likely the most valuable class anyone could ever take…however,  to make this very affordable Accept $67 for this 2.5 hour life-changing class.


From Rebecca:

Purchase this powerful audio class now and I will give you all THREE audios of every time I taught this!

$67 for the most powerful, money healing, ancestral clearing available today!

This Powerful Audio program is NOW on sale for half price!

Only $33.33 to heal your Ancestral Roots!

Get it now and be ‘doing it’ in less than 5 minutes!



Read testimonies of others who have taken this class!

Hello Rebecca~
This class was truly amazing.(Azna’s Dynomite Under the Butte)

There were a couple of main areas of my life that have been influenced.
First, I joined this class because I was having issues with feeling that assets in my recent divorce
were not divided equally. I was feeling that I did not fight hard enough for my rights and that my ex
knows better how to work HIS way round the whole thing….to his benefit.

Like one of the callers, my attorney did not support me much…..not totally incompetent but not a person
who supported me. The feelings toward my ex are GONE!!!  That happened when I did the “If I feel worthy…”
part of the class.

But that was only the beginning. Doctors tell me I have a macular hole in my right eye and that surgery is
scheduled for Aug. 4th. A couple weeks ago, I encountered my grandfather’s spirit,  and he told me that he
was responsible for that macular hole. Long story…but there was some ancestral healing then…..surgery
is still scheduled. I am so proud that I am the head of the ancestral clan…(I did not know that)

After class today I did an ordering of the Universe thanking the Universe for two healthy eyes. Last year
a partial healing occured and surgery was cancelled. I am very grateful to you for sharing your knowledge
and guiding me through this class. Please send more healing energy as Aug.4 is not here yet.
(From Rebecca,let’s all send Elain some healing energy)
I am so grateful for you.

Blessings and smiles.

This Powerful Audio program is NOW on sale for half price!

Only $33.33 to heal your Ancestral Roots!

Another letter…

Rebecca, I am truly honored that you have asked for my input. First, let me
give you my impressions of you as a teacher and your conduct of today’s
class.(Azna’s Dynomite Under the Butte)  I am consistently struck by:

*   Your conscientiousness in making certain that everyone understands
the concepts, exercises, etc. You always take time to ask if anyone has
questions and you do this  throughout the class;

*   Your non-judgmental approach.  No matter what someone says, you
never react with judgment, shock, surprise or any kind of emotion.  Often,
if someone expresses hurt or anger, you will empathize by saying something
like, “that would make me want to punch his lights out. Perfectly normal

Identifying with your students and using humor  creates a “safe
space” for both the person who is articulating his/her feelings and for
those of us who are listening;

*   Your pacing.  You know that by now I have taken many, many classes
with you. I am always amazed at how well paced the classes are. You take as
much time as is needed but yet you keep things moving. If you have to go
over the allotted time, you announce that we’ll be gong over and you
understand if someone has to leave the class early;

*   Your ability to be in the moment and dance with the participants.
You are right there with us, moment to moment. You don’t seem to have
pre-conceived notions. You listen to what is said and react, moment to

Bottom line, as a coach and teleclass leader, I learn much from you. Thank
you, Rebecca…

I had some very powerful experiences today.  I’ve been thinking for sometime
now that there must have been some traumatic emotional incident way, way
back that has manifested itself by interfering with my ability to
create/attract true financial freedom.

Your teleclasses have helped me to come to this realization. Today, when we did
the deep meditation, the ancestral healing meditation, I had images of being
wrongly imprisoned.

Feeling caged.

Being accused of things that I didn’t do but  there was no
away out.  I couldn’t get out of this prison cell. I saw an image of a
chicken.  The feeling of being “boxed in,” “caged,” “trapped” “beside
myself” all came up for me.

Those are feelings   that have occurred throughout my life. I just wasn’t always
conscious of them or of the patterns.

Then, today, I realized that my heritage, which is Jewish/Russian/Irish
carries a long history of imprisonment/bondage, etc.  The Jews were enslaved
over and over; The Irish have a history of indentured servants. Russia has a
history of pograms and harsh treatment of Jews, especially those who were
drafted into the Russian army.

So, I think I must have been wrongly imprisoned, misunderstood.

People in prison are almost always poor. They don’t own anything. Nothing is
yours. No one listens to you. If I am in prison, I can’t move. I don’t have
an opportunity to generate money, let alone anything else.

Combine that withparents, especially my mother, who were extremely loving but
whenever I wanted to do something different, the refrain was, “She can’t do that.”
That set off a lot of fear  to really go after something that I wanted.

When you asked what kind of energy was needed to heal this incident, what
came up for me was the energy of golden light, the energy of shiny gold,
jewels.  Straight up through my body.  Golden light to melt those prison
bars. That is the light that I saw. Then, I thought, “Now, everything that I
touch turns to gold. ” Wow!

How liberating it was to stand up and heal all of my ancestors who suffered
this same fate…  That was pretty darn amazing. Yes, We are all free now. I
saw them standing up and cheering. Free at last…

Thinking about the kind of energy that it would take to heal this incident
was such a different way of dealing with trauma. Rebecca, you have given me
so much to think about. I do apologize for the length of my response. You
see what happens when you ask for my impressions?! I made a profound
discovery today.
Am I ready to release the trauma of the past? You bet… Already have. Now, I
simply have to be vigilant and stay conscious of my thoughts. Take inspired

Yes, I always tell my students, “follow your passion, take inspired
action!”  Today, my inspired action was taking your teleclass… I’ve been
waiting for this. Thank you so much, Rebecca, With much love, appreciation,
and respect, Linda Cassell, Executive Coach, Quantum Leap Coaching and
Training,   http://www.quantumleapcoachingandtraining.com

Linda W. Cassell, CPCC
Executive Coach
Quantum Leap Coaching and Training
3003 Van Ness Street NW #W632
Washington, DC 20008

I am so looking forward to sharing this breakthrough cleansing. Get ready for freedom you have never experienced in your lifetime.

Love and Blessings, Rebecca