Contributions N Rewards

If you’re a bit like me…you want to know what your contribution is being used for.

In supporting this Ministry you are helping to:

  • Be a part of more healing videos and audios.  (takes Lots of time and effort)
  • Be a part of supporting the channeled messages Spirit is bringing to us daily (everyone may NOT feel ready to be a channel, yet your support MAKES you a channel too!
  • Be a part of the Upcoming  books and articles . Support goes to help with expenses of editing, design and publishing.

 It is joy  doing the channeling and the work…your financial assistance is needed and appreciated!

Besides the rewards listed below, all contributors will receive the first two chapters PLUS…be the first to receive the finished version in Ebook format. 

Drop to your heart and ask ,Is it right for me to help at this time?

How much is right for me to give?

Any amount  is appreciated and rewarded.

While not everyone is called to be a teacher or healer, you can be part of this ministry as your heart guides you.

A Contribution of ANY Amount gets you all the Rewards listed below.

* You may not be interested in ALL the rewards- simply delete those that hold no
attraction for you.

Yes, I want to help


Reward #1. Three Pleiadian Diet Tips

This will change the way you feel about food and
eating for good!…and in a GOOD way!
(I have never shared these tips before)

Reward #2. How to attract PAYING Clients when you’re first starting out.
This is very important to start off the right way!

(You can use these tips even if you already have a healing business)


Reward #3.  Motherly Arms to Hold you

Telling you how precious you are.
Night time Motherly Nurturing Audio:

Reward #4. How to Look Skinnier in any photo.

My daughter Belin is the QUEEN of making ANYONE look good in a photo.

She has created a wonderful guide that is easy to follow and will absolutely make you look your thinnest.


Reward #5. Five Outrageous Tips to better ORGASMS!

Bet you NEVER heard of these!

Warning…I DID say Outrageous!

Reward #6. How to sell your House (or anything quickly)

I sold my home in two weeks…to the first person who looked at it.

It works!

Reward #7. How to Find the perfect NEW place to live

*I found my new precious, peaceful place to live within one week of deciding that I was ready to move.
(Works for new car too- I used this to find the perfect new car.)


Reward #8. Crystal Clear Animal Communication

Please have pen and paper ready. Also, have a pet in mind that you wish to
communicate with.

Drop to your heart and ask “Is it  beneficial for me to help at this time?”

Any amount. large or small is appreciated and rewarded.

I really appreciate your help with this work.

Love, Rebecca

Click to help