Warning: Beware Being Sucked in by These 5 Destructive Energies Affecting Us For the Next Few Days!
Warning: Beware Being Sucked in by These 5 Destructive Energies Affecting Us Now and for the NEXT FEW DAYS!
June 5th is an exceptional full moon and lunar eclipse…very intense…
Because of the planetary alignments of this time…this can have devastating effects to the “Unaware”.
Please don’t be one of the many ‘unaware’ and get caught in the vortexes of chaos energies that are so prevalent now.
Normally, I don’t pay much attention to astrology, yet I feel guided to warn you about this particular planetary time. (See my recommended video if you missed it.)
For the next few days:
- Avoid getting sucked into constant negative news reports of death,violence, and chaos. (Instead focus on the energy of peace and chant Divine peace)
- Avoid focusing on your own feelings of fear and hopelessness. (Instead trust the Divine to keep you safe, peace be still)
- Avoid making any major decisions about relationships, career or finances. (Instead, remain calm and be still. If any person wants to start an argument with you, resist the temptation to react….tempers can flare out of control and irreparable damage can be done)
- Avoid having any unnecessary surgeries. (instead postpone until AFTER Mid July when these energies will be more calm)
- Avoid criticizing political figures or those in authority at this time. You will add negative energy and the figure will be MORE likely to make decisions you will NOT agree with! (instead pray for the highest good for all those in authority. They have their OWN guides and angels who may need some energetic help to reach them) These actions do not say “I agree with bad policies”…instead praying for the highest good gives MORE ENERGETIC help to the forces of Light!
Gaia is in a birthing process right now and we can pray for HER!
Chanting “Divine Light “ is one way.
Asking for guidance as to what we can do is another.
Being at peace within your own being is a HUGE help.
Resist JUDGING yourself for getting sucked into any of these vortexes…forgive yourself and start again in every moment.
Love and Blessings for YOUR Highest Good!
PS: If you want to get your mind completely off this chaos…join me this weekend as we contact and channel Three Divine masculine High Beings of Light who can ‘help like crazy’!!!
Thoth, Wise Priest King
Zeus, Father of Thunder
Saint Francis, peacekeeper, Guardian of Animals and the Environment.
PPS: And YOU don’t have to worry…I will help you learn to channel real easy.
Kindergarten style is my motto when it comes to teaching!