Divine Mother was Behind the Whole Portal Opening!

 New Anointing Ritual this weekend…YOU can still sponsor!

The Anti-War Portal is now open and Warriors of Light are still pouring through to assist us against the dark forces that was against us!

On the morning I left for the first part of the journey to the distant country…I asked Lord Odin if he had a message for us.
It was not really surprising for me to discover that the Divine Mother was behind the entire project!
Dear Odin,
Do you have a message for us as I leave on the first leg of the journey?


Yes…this is a great time in your evolution!
The Great Mother has seen and heard the distress of those fallen in the Battle of Life. 
It is SHE who has initiated my approach to you.

It is She, great Creatrix Sophia who has assembled these Warriors of Light!


She has mercy for those so wounded in the struggle for a peaceful life.
There has been much chaos and darkness touching the lives of her precious children.

We come now with full power and might to be of assistance.

In Service…Your Friend,
Lord Odin, Commander of the Warriors of Light.
Photos from the Portal opening site

Another sample prayer:

Oh Great Mother…
Thank you for your care of your children.
As your child, I ask you to send the Warriors of Light to assist me with ____________________ (fill in your request).
Then move swiftly into gratitude.
 Just ask once and then be in gratitude.
Resist constantly asking when the job will be done.

For all those who have supported this mission…

I made a magickal elixir according to the instructions of Lord Odin.
I said special prayers for each person  and anointed a prayer cloth with their names written on it.


(Odin was well versed in the use of Divine White Magick)

…and so,

 It is true that there is power in the elements, power in the combination of certain ingredients, power in the recitation of sacred sounds, and most of all, POWER in the Intent to do good!

Just because the Portal is now opened does not mean that you cannot still receive the Blessing of Sponsorship and the rewards that go with it!

I will be doing this Magical Prayer Ceremony again several times for all those who Choose to SPONSOR this portal.

(ALL sponsors included in every ceremony)

For all those who  support this Anti War Portal…

Lord Odin directs me to anoint your name and prayer request with this potion.

 All will benefit whether or not they  support this Portal of Anti-War….yet your financial support is greatly appreciated!

All who contribute will receive instructions to send me your prayer requests.

Photos from the Portal opening site

The potion is now created, for all sponsors of this great journey…

I will anoint your requests with the Elixir, and bless them with Holy Spirit Fire!

Then… I will take a picture of your name on the prayer cloth after it is  anointed… and email it to you!

Lord Odin says that One ingredient that makes the potion so powerful is the Human element.

This includes, willingness to sacrifice, faith in the Mission and TRUST that the Portal WILL benefit ALL of humanity.

We are still over 940 shy of covering the expenses of the journey.

Drop to your heart and see if you are being guided to help us.

Sponsorship Options and Rewards:





$Other Amount   (If you don’t like any of the amounts above… put in any amount you desire)

PS: Remember, as soon as you sponsor this Portal Opening Mission…you will receive instructions to send me your prayer requests.

I will begin to pray for your requests as soon as I receive them…

In case you are concerned about the Ingredients of the Lord Odin Magic Potions…he has given me permission to share them with you. You will see why this is so rare!

  • Earth from the portal opening site
  • Oil of rosemary (stinks but clears dark energy)
  • Essence of Enemy of the Devils incense (can only be obtained from a Master Sufi healer and cost 100 for only 10 grams)
  • Oil of Bergamot increases prosperity
  • Ashitaba herb of immortality (native to a small volcanic island off the coast of japan)
  • My faith, love, trust and life force energy
  • Activated by Holy Spirit Fire!
Photos from the Portal opening site

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