How do I release this Energy?

Dear Azna:

When I was 12, I was very psychically open and received lots of message/info.
I was handed a hat from a little boy who had been abducted. I knew the boy had died a horrible HORRIBLE death.

The woman speaking with the parents asked me what I saw. I could NOT speak the words that were in my head. I shut down my abilities after that and I soon developed TMJ.

My angels recently showed me the connection between the pain clenching my jaw and my inability at 12 years old to tell the parents their child was dead.

How do I release this from my energy? I would like to open up again and speak freely. Thank you so much for speaking through Rebecca and thank you Rebecca for being a beautiful clear channel.


Dear CS,

I speak in the language that will be most helpful. EFT will help you immensely in this situation.

Tap for releasing guilt, somehow feeling responsible, powerless to do anything about that situation.

Send Divine love and forgiveness to yourself. It is only natural that you would find a way to cope the best way you could.

Months ago, Rebecca’s guide and I had her make a video to heal this very situation.
Watch the video, do the exercises. When you allow Divine energy to help with this work, you will find your abilities are not gone…simply resting.

Ask they your gift be opened up slowly. You have the power to direct Divine energy, everyone does.

You are loved,


PS_ from Rebecca

You will find this video (I made it just for people like you) very helpful in healing that place in your life where you shut down your intuition.

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  1. Sherrie on January 4, 2011 at 9:29 pm

    So many people are going through their trial right now. Well I have been there for the last 3 years.

    What am I missing? What is I need to do to be released?

    It has caused me much depression and hoplessness.

    I want to live and to step into my place of abundance.

    I want to be a healer for others.

    So when does it all end for me> So I can function and exist again.

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