Why Use the Name Azna?


Below are the words form the video transcribed for thos of you who prefer to read. :


So Azna wanted me to tell you about the power of using her name…

Azna is a name Mother God is known by on the other side.

But she’s also known by many names: Sophia, Mata, Divine Mother, Heavenly Mother. And each name carries a different vibration. So you might want to call on a certain name when you need a certain thing. They’re all one. However, each essence is a different vibration.

Sounds create energy. Each sound has a different energy signature or ‘sound signature’.

Azna is important at this time in our being because Azna represents perfect balance.

For instance Mother says, if you can imagine, ‘“az” is yes and “na” is no. Yes, no. Perfect balance. Positive, negative.’ I said, “Well, why the heck do you want to have the negative in there anyway?” And she says, “There is no light without dark. There is no anything without its polar opposite.

..And when the two are blended together in love, great blessings can occur.” So Azna — perfect balance.

Azna is not here to overthrow the male regime or the divine masculine at all. It is a divine marriage and there are masculine and feminine aspects within yourself. And simply by using her name, Azna, you can bring yourself into more balance.

Using the name Azna also helps to balance both hemispheres of your brain — right brain, left brain.

So Azna, thank you for giving us that information about your name, and how we can use it to bring ourselves into balance.

So also some of you might be new to Heart Point Technique. Mother Azna will be talking about it a lot today. You know why? It’s her healing modality.

Now I‘ve actually been reading lots of different books and there are aspects of Heart Point Technique in many, many books. There’s references to the great abstract mind which is the great connector of the right and left-hand sides of the brain. This is the corpus callosum. So there are certain points of HPT that you can either hold or you can actually, last seminar she said people that like tapping, have them tap on those points. So I’m going to explain those points to you.

The higher self  point is 18-24 inches above your head.

This is a gateway of blessings. A gateway. A gateway to other worlds. I believe Tom Kenyon refers to it as the celestial soul. And then we fill that with light and we stream the light down through the crown and into the corpus callosum. This is vitally important because each time you stream the light through the corpus callosum its becoming more permeable. How will that help you? Easier to transfer messages from the right to the left.

All messages from Spirit come to the right side of the brain. So the light streams through there and then into the pineal gland, and then the hypothalamus, and then into the actual third eye.

And Mother likes all these points around the eye, like in EFT, beginning of eyebrow, side of eye, under eye and then she adds this point here which is known from TAT and is actually the Acupressure meridian where every single meridian enters the brain. So you could just shortcut and tap right here, hold here. But we hold here to give an extra charge from our hands to those points.

Then the light streams down the throat into the hidden recesses of the heart.

Why is this important? Because every single thing you ever wanted to know is already written on the walls of your heart. Isn’t that great?

So then there’s one more point which we can use for consolidation which is at the nape of the neck, where the head joins the neck.

Just use your whole hand and you will get it. So, Azna wants you to understand about HPT because when we answer the questions from folks, she’ll probably give us some exercises and have you actually using this wonderful healing modality.

What people find when they use Heart Point Technique is that they get insights that they never thought of.

I’ve learned to just do the cotton-picking HPT, instead of trying to guess. Just do HPT and you will see things, feel things, notice things that you never knew before.

Now I had a question …. but this lady wrote and said she hesitated to use Heart Point Technique because it was so difficult for her to visualize, to visualize light streaming.

And so my answer to you or to anyone who has trouble visualizing is think about ‘what did you have for breakfast?’

Can you remember what that looks like? Think about a light bulb. Can you remember what that looks like? It’s light, right? And Mother says the easiest way to envision the golden light streaming down is something that anyone can get a hold of for visualization. If I would have had some of this in my kitchen cabinet, I would have it right now. Visualize golden honey, like you are squeezing that little honey bear, and the golden light. If you do that, you will give yourself a visual to refer to and imagine that golden light is just streaming.

And then Mother Azna likes us to use the word An Nur. A-N N-U-R It’s an ancient Arabic word which means God’s Light. Its incorruptible light and its self-adjusting light. So when you don’t know what to say, say An Nur. It carries its own sound signature that millions of Arabic folks and folks who use the 99 names of God have been saying for years.

Balance using HPT tapping!

So there you have the fundamentals of Heart Point Technique. So, we can use the tapping with Heart Point Technique to bring ourselves into balance so that the words from Mother Azna will be more deeply received by you.

It’s always good to start off with a balance exercise.

So how do you tap on the HPT points? You would start at the crown of the head you can say balance, or since Azna is the perfect balance, let’s use Azna. Then tap your third eye. Azna. Tap the beginning of the eyebrow. Tap side of eye, under eye,  Azna. Azna. Azna. And then the inside corner of the eye.  Azna. Azna. And then tap the actual heart center. Azna Azna. And then the consolidation point.(consaladation point is at the nape of the neck)

Azna. Woooh! I’m feeling more balanced already.

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  1. Susannah Blanco on December 4, 2013 at 11:46 pm

    Archangels lead the Angelic Kingdomas they serve to protect Divine Will and the Divine Virtue of love. Elohim lead the Devic Kingdom as they serve to protect Divine Form and the Divine Virtue of will. Ascended Masters lead the Human Kingdom as they serve to protect Divine Consciousness and the Divine Virtue of wisdom.
    Angels, like fountains, produce a continuous stream of the particular quality of the Ray on which they serve. Angels are like rechargeable batteries, and they absorb their leader’s energy by being in their aura. When the angel becomes totally “full”, they are sent to administer and radiate that quality to humans and other members of the physical world. They radiate primarily through their feelings. Once the angels become “empty”, they return to their leader and “fill up” with that quality, to be sent out once again.
    As angels evolve, they continuously improve hold more and more of this specialized quality. They also learn to hold it for longer periods of “time” without contamination from adverse external conditions. As angels continue to specialize in the quality of the Ray they serve on, they too become a fountainhead for that quality to which many lesser angels come to replenish themselves. Through the radiation of the Divine Qualities, angels remind humans and elementals of their Celestial Source and assist them in conforming to their true Path.
    Angels serve from the Emotional Plane to assist humans to infuse Divine Will into our emotions.
    Angels are experts at creating force fields through the use of sacred geometry and symmetric patterns. By joining together, they can create much more powerful and effective force fields than they could by working alone. Angels also function as inter-dimensional messengers of energies, both up and down, between the fourth dimensional sub-planes 5, 6 and 7. In the “up” direction, they gather all the hopes, aspirations, wishes and prayers of humanity and deliver them to the appropriate beings in the higher planes. In the “down” direction, they send beneficial, higher dimensional energies to persons and places on the Physical Plane. Angels are the “Messengers of God.”
    The Cupids angels are able to project the purest love work with the pink ray and with archangels CHAMOEL and CHARITY, usually they take to darts and arrows to hurt constantly to the enamoured ones, because they are tremendous in their customs are enough. Legions of these young Angels play musical and sing in the celestial kingdom, to make company to God, the Saints of the Celestial Court who dwell there in beatific existence. When a pair must settle pending accounts, it happens that these angels project pink rays to them that a magical effect produces that makes see beautiful, attractive and accept to marry or to catch up with the being to who they must something. BEING OF PURE LOVE THAT PROJECTED ENERGY, it allows that is itself adorable the person with who they create to have enamoured. Although these rays are impersonal, both beings are impressed accept the union. It is a false love in fact because they do not feel it internally. As they see, the religious concept of the Angels, although enough is really distorted, has something. Really, those beautiful beings by numerous legions exist, like instruments of the Divine Will for the good of the Humanity; but they do not dedicate themselves single to make company to God, the Saints of the Celestial Hierarchy and to sing and to play musical, but that makes infinity of services at no visible level, in aid of the human being, like answer to orations and invocations. They are the right hand of the Divine Will in action, lead by the left hand of the incommensurable Love. In the Hierarchy Angelica, they are the Angels of the Seven Rays that serve to the Humanity during many millennia. There are legions of Angels in Rays: Target, Rose, Green, Violet, Blue, Gold Ruby and Golden. They have a body to similar to the human, although subtle, beautiful and much more perfect. They move very quickly by the power of the thought where they want to be, to make some service of perfectly fulfilled love. In fact, the Hierarchy Angelica is a single organization where Angeles and Archangels integrate themselves. According to the carried out workings, to the ray that belong, they receive different names:
    Thrones are denominated those angels of the blue ray who are under the responsibility of the Archangel Miguel, in that omnipotent God presides over the fulfilment of their decrees. They protect and they solve our difficulties to us. As in our language we called thrones to the seats, receive the name of thrones of God those that are so full of the divine grace, that in them is based God and by means of them it decrees his dispositions. Those that serve to the Blue Ray under the authority as MIGUEL and FAITH Archangel are known like Thrones. They protect to the spiritual groupings, they foment the faith in the human being, have the power to cut the fastenings, the appearances of conflicts and difficulties, if they are invoked. In spite of being to the service of Loved Miguel, they cannot penetrate in the low astral sub-planes by the great density and imperfection that there is there.
    The Cherubs serves in the Golden Ray as JODFIEL and CRISTINA. They come being very useful at time of examinations, to help to surpass those tests of the human plane. The Seraphs of the Second Golden Ray act under the influence of Jodfiel. They help to Oromasis and to Cosmic Christ Sai Baba, to intensify to the Sacred Fire of the heart and to expand the Triple Flame. They protect the people and contribute to the union and to the harmony.
    The Dominations belong to the followers of GABRIEL and PURITY (White Ray). They are in charge to coordinate workings made in common between all the Angels. They accompany and they help to the beings in the profit of the Ascent. Dominations are called those that surpass in even being able to the principalities, because to preside over it is to be to the front, but to dominate is to have subject to the others. So that the angelical military services that excel by their extraordinary one to be able, as soon as have subjects to their obedience to the others, are called dominations.
    Together with RAFAEL and MARIA, they are the Principalities, always arranged to lend his aid to the children. Are presents, at no visible level, in the medical centres and courts of justice. They serve in the Green Ray. They receive the name of principalities those that they direct to the other good spirits, ordering whatever to them must do; these are those that preside over in the fulfilment of the divine dispositions.
    The Virtues, of the Ray Gold Ruby under the orders of the Archangels URIEL and AURORA, are Angels who grant to desires and requests to the people. Flame also you animate yourself to them blessed. They listen to and they grant those requests that people make the Saints of the churches.
    Virtues are those angels by means of those who more frequently build the prodigies and miracles.
    In the seventh radiation of the Violet Ray, they are the Powers, they have a great power to eliminate the forces of, the badly always kind ones to the beneficial changes in the countries that, for reasons of renovation and evolution, have to have those improvements.
    All the Angels are beautiful beings of radiating, slim bodies, luminous great eyes, long hair and youthful aspect, are neither old nor no young Angels, except the cupids ones. They dress tunica’s pure colours. Their magnetic bodies radiate much light that has been wrong interpreted like wings. Who are the Seraphs and Cherubs? (Masterful Saint Germain, Avatar of the Era of Aquarius and Director of the Seventh Ray of the Transmutation) it says to us: cherubs and seraphs are also called science fullness; and these exalted armies of angels are denominated cherubs because, the more close by they contemplate to clarity of God, the more as much filled are of one more a perfect science; and thus, as soon as it is possible to creatures, more perfectly know all the things as soon as that, by their dignity, see of clearer way the Creator. Those armies of angels are denominated seraphs who, by their particular proximity to the Creator, burn in an incomparable love. Seraphs is so near God, that among them and God there is no other spirit burn as much more at the most next see him. Certainly its love is flame, because the more subtly they see the clarity of God, as much the more become inflamed in its love. They maintain lives our Triple flame of the heart. In good condition of aid to the Earth they raise and they lower. They are in the ethereal level of our atmosphere, is one more an interpenetrated dimension with the physics plane. From there, they remain alert to our calls of attendance, they take care of to us and they protect us too.
    The highest evolution of the AngelicKingdom is the Archangel. AnArchangel, in unity with His or Her Divine Complement. Each of the Seven Archangels acts as the Director of the Angelic Kingdom for the Ray which they represent.

  2. Tania on October 27, 2011 at 1:21 am

    In bulgarian language Az mean = I
    na = take it (givin someting with my hand)
    It may translate like:”Im giving you my power of blessing”.
    Mother like a word is same in many languages, in bulgarian is maika or mama.
    Rebecca, thanks for your great inspirational work! I love you!

  3. Geraldine Valei Soido on September 29, 2011 at 8:17 am

    Hi Ark nagel Gabriel, I would like to know what my true purpose in life is as sometimes I am doubtful in the work that I’m currently doing working with out-of-school youths in a HIV prevention program.

    I’ve always dreamt of starting my own business selling health products and helping mankind and at the same time being my own boss or independent.Do you see that potential in me?


  4. Regina on September 28, 2011 at 9:13 pm

    Dear Rebecca
    Thanks for your wonderful with Moter Azna work. She is my protector for all my life. I just learn I that was with her when she
    was on earth as Essene.
    I adore her and you for doing her job on earth
    Blessing Love and Joy Regina

  5. Ania on September 28, 2011 at 8:25 pm

    Dearest Rebecca,Thank you so much for this reminder, which comes for me just on time! Things start to show up in my life, which create lots of additional complications, and I have no idea why. This HPT balance technique will surely make things better! I intend to use this technique in the morning, and before going to bed…
    Blessings and love, Ania

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