Too Much Grief and Stress

Dear Divine Mother Azna,

Even though I have experienced many miracles of empowerment, I STILL believe the “no one will ever love you/you should be ashamed/you’ll never earn any money” messages from my childhood. And the outer world continues to hammer me down.
I have so much grief and stress that I just can’t remain happy long enough to Attract Joy and Abundance.
I barely Believe anymore and my Vision desires have been tainted by chronic Disappointment.
EFT is not enough and I feel I can’t make it alone but I have to because my environment is unsupportive. I’m resentful that I lost my blessings and feel I do deserve punishment.
I just don’t believe I can heal nor do I deserve to unless I earn it somehow. I’m just not enough.
So there you go… and there I go in my circle of rage at the perps who victimized me and my self-flagellation for my stupid mistakes. What do you suggest?
Sold Myself Cheap

Dear SYC,

First things first dear One…your brain chemistry is off balance. To help, may I suggest a better nutritional approach.
Your body needs fresh vegetables, a good fish oil supplement, plus a natural vitamin made from a food source (skip the chemical brands).
It is hard for any advice I give you to do you good when your physicality is out of balance.
After a week of better nutrition, let’s address the spiritual/energetic aspects of your problem.
Because of your focus on the negative aspects of your life (partly due to your nutritional deficits) you have created a thought form of dense energy that is dictating your life.
Refer to the instructions I gave Rebecca to release dark energies
After you correct your nutritional deficits and release the dense energies you will find it easier to do your EFT and other energy practices.


(If you cannot find “food-source” vitamins in your area check with newsun They carry organic food source supplements of the highest vibration)

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