How to Release “Connected Souls”

How to Release ‘Connected souls’

First, let me say…this info is not meant
to frighten you.
You should know if your energy field feels
‘clear’, then you likely don’t have any
unwanted “connections”.

This exercise is for releasing
“unwanted connected souls”-
not your spirit guides or loved
one who are guiding you.

Sometimes, souls that have not
“gone to the Light yet” get trapped
here and get connected to our energy field.

How does this happen and who does it
happen to?

It happens to almost everyone at some
point in life.

Many times, a connected soul will get
angelic help and
go on to the light and you will never
know… except that
you may suddenly feel lighter.

I have counted as many as 600 connected
souls connected to a nurse who had worked
with trauma for many years.
(Sometimes, if a person dies and They have
connected souls, you
might ‘inherit’ a whole boatload)

Many health care workers pick up these
poor lost energies. They see your light
and get attached.

Now this doesn’t mean this is a dark energy-
just a lost soul that has not found its
way to the light of home.

You would think that every time a person
dies, they go straight to the light.
Sometimes, this does not happen…especially,
if a person is in a sudden accident.

Most of these souls do not even know
they are dead.
How can we help?

We can say prayers for the dead and call
in the archangel Michael to bring these
souls to the light.
Almost every time, I pass the cemetery
near my home, I saya prayer for any lost
souls that may need some help to find
the Light Home.

There are special angels that do this
work but our human input can help.

Here are some methods I use to release
connected souls.
(I will suggest an exercise for releasing
darker energies
at the end of this tutorial.)

Here are the steps:

A. Ground Yourself (If you don’t have
a method- see mine)

B. Do a Protection exercise.
(If you don’t know one, see mine) 
scroll down to the “psychic protection” video)

C. Call in your own angels, guides and
Call in the Archangel Michael; he is
really good at taking lost souls home.

D. Tense your body slightly all over-
then release.
This causes a build up of energy.

E. Place the tip of your tongue on the
roof of your mouth.
(This strengthens all positive intent)

F. Place your hand over your heart center,
imagine the energy of you heart connecting
to the Divine energy of
the whole universe…growing brighter and

In your imagination, tell the connected
souls that you are no longer their host.

Tell them it is time to go to the light.

Imagine that you are returning any energy
you may have taken from them.
Imagine they are returning any energy
they may have taken from you.

Now, imagine that a huge burst of light
emits from your heart and explodes throughout
your energy field…from the heart outward.

The angels are waiting to take the connected
souls to the light as they can no longer stay
in your energy field.

You have the spiritual authority to say
“NO! There is no home for you here”.

The souls will be very happy you did this

This gives the angels a little extra help.
Sometimes, the connected souls cannot
“see” the angel light until you help them.

Never leave any space you have cleared empty.

Ask for the angels to soothe and heal any
tears in your auric field. Imagine your field
is being filled with extra special healing
and relaxing light for you.

G. Say a thank you to your spirit helpers.

D. To protect yourself from further
infestation, do the psychic  protection
exercise daily. 
(scroll down to the “psychic protection video)

**** I have found that playing this special
“Avana method” music reduces the number of
connected souls and darker
energies all by itself. I play this everyday.

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  1. Delight on March 21, 2010 at 9:12 pm

    nice arctical, how can we release a soul that isn’t lost but stuck in another body without killing the body?

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