Find your Beloved

What if you were your own “Beloved?”

You know how we all sit around and wait for our “Beloved” to show up? Or our soul mate? What if we did not have to wait?

So, what if we gave ourselves permission to be our own “beloved”?

How would we treat ourselves if we were our own beloved?

Hmmmmm…let us explore this. How would a “beloved” treat me?

As my own Beloved, I would feed myself the best, most fresh organic food I could find.
As my own Beloved, I would bless every morsel of food and drink that passed my beloved lips.
I would choose clothing that was soft against my skin.

If I were my own Beloved I would “shush” the inner critic at the first peep.
If I were my own Beloved I would say NO to things my heart really did not want to do.
If I were my own Beloved I would I would smile lovingly at myself all throughout the day.
If I were my own Beloved I would not criticize my age spots, I would pat them lovingly, kiss them and rub some lotion on them.
If I were my own Beloved I would say “yes’ to others when my heart was really in it and that one yes would be more fruitful than 10 halfhearted yeses.
If I were my own Beloved I would I would encourage myself to read and watch materials that were uplifting or made me laugh.
If I were my own Beloved I would be compassionate and kind to others but not allow myself to get sucked down into a sad vortex.

If I were my own Beloved I would see my business as an extension of my heart and nurture it the same way I nurture myself. (I am happy to say that I DO see my business as an extension of my heart…truly.)

So- let’s treat ourselves as our own beloveds for just one day and see how wonderful that feels. A Beloved would protect, cherish, honor, love, and respect us in all things. Let’s do that for ourselves and see how we feel at the end of the day.

Please leave your comments and share ways you would treat yourself as your own Beloved.

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  1. Julie Bernstein Engelmann on January 1, 2010 at 9:27 pm

    Wow, did I ever come across this at the right moment! Rebecca, you never cease to amaze me. Thank you for your confidence in Spirit.

    Oh, I should mention that you inspired me to find my voice and start Julie’s Spiritual Space at . I have loved working within that channel.

    In the Light and Sound, Julie

  2. Linda on August 30, 2009 at 10:09 am

    A few decades ago when I was about 13 years old I was at a store and remember feeling miserable about something. I was riding on a escalator and looked up at the opposite side at the people riding down. All of a sudden this boy saw me and gave me a big smile. It immediately lighten up my mood! I got off the escalator and walked back to see if I could see him again but he was nowhere to be seen. All those years ago and the power of that smile remains with me. Wonder if I have done that for someone???

  3. Victory on July 13, 2009 at 6:56 am

    I wonder
    …What stops us acting as “Our own Beloved?”
    Finding the answers might clarify us many , many things.
    Thank you Rebecca for sending us your unique loving lines !
    God bless you for your prayers!

  4. Deb regnier on July 11, 2009 at 8:14 pm

    Wow ! That was awesome advice.I love it .thanks.
    Peace & love,Debi

  5. Deb regnier on July 11, 2009 at 8:14 pm

    Wow ! That was awesome advice.I love it .thanks.
    Peace & love,Debi

  6. KiKi on July 8, 2009 at 12:27 am

    Rebecca Darling,

    How sweet it is to love with all your being your “Self”. I truly believe what you hold in your heart, your true feelings towards yourself is reflected in your reality. If you look in the mirror and can stand naked and say I LOVE YOU.. You are amazing.. you are brilliant and touch yourself , your whole body, caress every inch without judgment, only love and realize you are truly amazing touching your whole body doing that for 30 minutes a day for one month… your whole life will transform… I truly believe you will only have love returned to you, and that includes abundance in all forms. If you loved yourself unconditionally so completely, then you would adopt the inner knowing that there is nothing you don’t deserve! If you loved yourself unconditionally you would see you are worthy of anything and EVERY thing you could think of. And it would come easily and effortlessly to you wrapped in a blanket of love.

    There is also tremendous power in a smile… smile to everyone and watch the world smile back. Try it even in your car driving places at stop lights. I do it and get smiles back everytime. You don’t know what challenges another person is having and that one smile you send to them might have made their day. Extend it further by saying hello, or tell someone have a great day, or thanks for being awesome, give someone a genuine compliment… we walk around with so much negative self talk we are shocked when we hear a compliment from another person…we need to do more of that… but keep it real…. what you send out comes back to you 10 fold .. anyways, that is my 2 cents.. I love your classes and have bought your “stuff” ’cause you do what you do so well.. so keep doin’ it!!! LOL!! We love all you share in the way only you know how…. There is a genuine compliment for you!! Much love and light … to your optimum health, happiness and abundance…KiKi in Canada

  7. zannie on July 6, 2009 at 3:57 am

    made me smile when I read about patting those age spots…will make me behave differently today!! :~)

  8. paul on July 6, 2009 at 3:15 am

    this is wonderful wisdom
    clearly if we see our beloved inside our true beloved will surely find
    us .
    thank you

  9. Carol on July 5, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    Rebecca, your Heart touches my Heart. Thank you so much for being who you are! I loved this particular piece – as I have loved everything you do. This one I really needed at this time, though. Thank you, dear.

  10. Nanette Geiger on July 5, 2009 at 8:34 pm

    Very sweet words of wisdom. I love it.

  11. andrew on July 5, 2009 at 8:07 pm

    Youre great, loved your teleseminars, you make me feel good!

  12. Judith on July 5, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    Thank you Rebecca putting in words what I do every day. You have given it power, so now I will do it with more awareness.

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