Past Lives, Persecution, and Your Pocketbook

Past Lives, Persecution & Your Pocketbook

This is a true story of my "self past life regression" and how I discovered what HUGE effects a past life trauma can have on you and your finances. Using self hypnosis, I gently guided myself back to a time when I was a gifted young healer accused of Witchcraft.

Whether you believe in reincarnation or not- you can still benifit from this lesson.. You can be holding traumatic memories from your Ancestors in your cellular memory that have the same effect.

Your past life story may be different but still can affect your ability to "put yourself out there".

My story:

Susannah, a lovely girl with milky white skin and dark, wavy hair was born in the early 1700”s.

At an early age she innately understood the magical energies of nature. So innocent was she, that some thought her a touch ‘simple-minded”.

Susannah spent her days roaming the forest, communing with nature and discovering the healing elements in plants and herbs.

Word soon spread the Susannah knew just which herbs would bring relief from that awful headache. Susannah knew how to make a poultice to draw the poison from a boil or infected cut.

Susannah knew how to bring blessed relief to a woman suffering the pains of childbirth.

Healing and helping gave Susannah great pleasure as she took the wellbeing of the villagers to her healer’s heart.

One day, a visiting bishop came to town and incited the villagers to turn against poor Susannah calling her, a witch.

After all, was she not able to heal by the use of some unknown power?

Witch! Witch! They cried.

Encouraged by the bishop, the villagers surrounded Susannah and tied her hands behind her back. So trusting was she- there was not even a flicker of resistance as they led her to the center of the village.

Without the benefit of a trial, the frenzied villagers began to build a “burning pyre” and placed Susannah in the middle of it.

Tears slipped silently down her cheeks as Susannah heard the cries of WITCH, WITCH, echoing in her ears.

Wasn’t that Patricia whom she had helped when her baby was coming into this world breech?

There was Thomas whose hand had been nearly sliced off by an axe and Susannah had deftly sewed it up while applying pain relieving herbs.

And wasn’t that Seth whose leg had been run over by an oxcart and she set it back into place so that he could walk and tend his farm?

The last thing Susannah felt before slipping into unconsciousness was extreme grief and bewilderment. Why? Why? Why?

Fast forward in time to April 29, 1953.

A daughter, Rebecca was born to very strict religious parents. Rebecca was raised in fear of going off the path. Taught that any deviation from “doctrine” lead straight to the devil and hellfire, she struggled to answer her own calling.

That young girl was me, both Susannah and Rebecca. I came forth into this lifetime with cellular memories of persecution in place so that I could heal this for myself and my family line.

I could NEVER do what I do today if I had not experienced healing of the “fear of using my gifts”.

I chose the perfect parents to set up the prefect fears for me to transform by the power of Holy Spirit Light.

What I realized is that a pattern of “fear of developing or using your gifts” can be the greatest hold on your pocketbook as well as your emotional wellbeing.

Take this quiz and see if it applies to you.

Do youever great get guidance for a

*new idea,



* healing

that will really help yourself and others?

What do you do?

You- (chose as many as apply)
A. Trust, move forward, finding out more as you go, and make solid plans as to how to use this.
B. Doubt that it was divine guidance at all.
C. Felt excited but needed to get approval
from family members, friends, spouse, church.
D. Felt excited but fearful and somehow paralyzed about moving forward.

If you chose A-

you do not need this class. You probably already healed this issue.

If you chose B-

yes, you need this class.

If you chose C- you have a “need for tribal approval” pattern and you for sure need this class. This is a safety issue for you.

If you chose D-

you need this class to heal your fears.

Here is what spirit said to me…
“Many times, along with a “fear of persecution” pattern comes a “need for tribal approval” pattern.

This is caused because in some lifetime or ancestry, you got into trouble because you went against the ‘tribal” norms to use your gifts.

How can you be financially sound when you are afraid all the time?

* Afraid to follow your dreams.
* Afraid to open or expand your business.

* Afraid to leave a loveless marriage.
* Afraid to trust your intuition.
* Afraid to speak your truth.
* Afraid to develop your gifts.
* Afraid to move forward on Divine revelation.

*Afraid of success (hard to believe but true)

How does FEAR limit your own finances?

To heal this past life or ancestral experience that caused these patterns to set up, we will be using past life regression and energy healing combined.

What makes this class really different is that we will be bringing back to the present the energy of those gifts and talents you were persecuted for developing.

If you are a healer or want to be and you are NOT where you desire in the finance dept- you need this class.

(Remember, if you answered A. on the quiz you probably don’t need this class.)

As we do the past life regression- you will be in the “observant” position so that you will NOT experience a healing crisis of any kind.

If you do not believe in past lives but have all these fears then you can heal from a place of “Ancestral cellular memory”.

Spirit says that if you have this “fear of persecution” in your cellular memories then you volunteered to come here and heal it in this lifetime.

This also includes religious persecution, racial persecution, and cultural persecution.

(Audio is 90 mins )

I want to heal this by fully participating in this audio class.


(Official class time is 90 mins but allow for extra time so we can share our awesome experiences- this is too good to keep to yourself & we are all of “like mind”)

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