HPT for Animals

Techniques used: HPT and tools from 4 week Intensive Animal Communication Course
Pet: Snowball 8 year old Cat
Issue.  Owner is concerned over a change in Snowball’s behavior. The cat has been crying in the middle of the night as well as not eating normal amounts of food.  The owner wants to address emotional issues and rule out any health problems.

During the Animal Communication reading we learned that Snowball is morning the loss of another pet (cat) that passed away several months ago. A change in surrounds has her very upset as well. It was determined that she was in some discomfort in her bladder as well.

Using HPT we called in the Soul of the pet and put her at ease over the move and learned what she would like to have to make her more comfortable in the new surroundings as well as the loss of her compaion.  We learned that she did not want a replacement.   We found that she wanted more wet rather than dry food.
A vet visit confirmed a bladder infection.
Treatment suggested:
For the physical issues a Healers Who Share DNA reading was suggested to rule out any other illness.
Homeopathy Broadcase Healing for Grief and Stress
Owner was in agreement and treatment was started.
At the 1 month mark.  Bladder is healthy, other virus found from HWS reading healing well and Snowball is much more comfortable in her surrounds and adjusting well.

Pam Rennie
Certified Advanced HPT Energy Healer