Thoth/ Seshat (Elnor) V-I-R-U-S Expose Part 2

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Thoth Expose Part Two

  1. How much longer will this last? Will it be over soon?
  2. Is this V-I-R-U-S associated with F-I-V-E- G (if so, why is China getting better when they have a LARGE number of towers?)
  3. Is the V even a real thing? Is it accomplishing it’s purpose?
  4. What has the REAL purpose of this been?
  5. What are the Good things that are coming out of this.
  6. How can we prevent this reoccurring?
  7. What  is the Only NEW information about the V-I-R-U-S you REALLY need to know!

You won’t hear any of this on the news…

There will be a Q and A at the end of the presentation.

The Only NEW information about the V-I-R-U-S you REALLY need to know!

In the first transmission on March 25, Thoth revealed Many shocking  truths.

Later, they were confirmed by whistleblowers!

And Now…

Thoth is back with Extra Powerful Information as He is Joined by His Consort Seshat.

(Egyptian Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge, Writing and Keeper of records (especially Magick spells and Incantations)
In Egyptian times, she was known as Seshat, S-E-S-H-A-T.

However, her association with Thoth goes back to Atlantean times where she was known Elnor, E-L-N-O-R, Galactic Leader of Atlantean Warrior Women.

According to The Emerald Tablets…It was Elnor who had been held captive by the dark Lords.

Together, Thoth and Elnor balance the divine masculine and divine feminine.

Thoth is going to give us information, however;

Thoth and Seshat BOTH agree that there is something you need

far more than just more information!

They are going to give it to you in this transmission!

Why is Thoth the Atlantean coming forth so strong at this time?

Because the same serpent headed shape-shifters are who brought the ultimate destruction of Atlantis are active today.

These Shape shifters are assisting the cabal to try and bring about complete control of the human race.

Why is Seshat/ Elnor coming forward?

It was that very same patriarchal control that held Elnor prisoner by the dark lords.

Thoth called her forth and she became empowered and led the Atlantean Priestesses to become Warriors of Light.

It is time to rekindle the energy of these Atlantean priestess warriors of light.

Thoth and Elnor (she prefers this name of power) have asked me to hold a worldwide information prayer and power session.

They offered to be vessels of holy spirit flame to help me to open a portal of more power for humanity.

In a nutshell, learn what the cabal never dreamed this pandemic would do.

Thoth and Elnor say that what we need now is not more information.

No, we need more power.

There is  much exposing of this sinister plan all over the internet.

What is needed now is to reclaim our power, to have more power, just as Thoth reclaimed Elnor from the stranglehold of the dark lords.




We shall not only reclaim our power from these dark lords, we will ignite our Holy Spirit Light to a degree we have never experienced before!

Join me, it’s free or a love offering.

In appreciation of a love offering, Thoth and Elnor have authorized me to offer you a special gift.

A transmission of the Atlantean pineal gland balance and upgrade.

This technique uses the power of Thoth and Elnor together, along with ancient incantations from an ancient book of spells.

I did this Atlantean Pineal Technique to myself just before I gave a reading. It was the most powerful reading I have ever given!

(It put me in orbit for two days, I will give you a slightly lighter version of this)

*You will be able to tell immediately that your Pineal is Stronger!

A bit more about Seshat…

Seshat bore the title ‘Egyptian Fairy Godmother’.

Her magic wand, with its seven pointed star, was the symbol which represented the source of all creative ideas, consciousness.

Her powers of cause and effect for any affectation were legendary before the founding of Egypt.

Now an Audio program>..Register and get it now!

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(Live class and the the audio)


Love offering, Pay what you can (Live class, audio and transmission of the Atlantean Pineal Gland Upgrade.)

Seshat/Elnor says that this Technique is so powerful, you will be able to measure the difference immediately!

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A Love Offering Helps pay expenses so that I can continue to bring you cutting edge Transmissions!

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