Releasing the Pain of “Toxic Mothering”

When your own mother is mean…it feels like you are hit with an emotional tornado!

It can wreck your life!


Mean Momacita!

So…we are all sort of stuck at the house…why not use this time to do some inner work?

I personally am taking time to read more, walk more, and do personal things I have never found time for.

What kind of inner work have you been putting off?

Just think, when this virus is “put to bed” we can all feel healthier in body, mind and soul!

So…in this time of isolation, let us look at perhaps the WORST WOUND of all, the wound caused by Toxic Mothering.


Remember that old movie that portrayed Joan Crawford as a “Toxic Mother”?

Just because someone is rich and famous does not mean they are a good mother!

Drastic PAIN calls for a drastic CURE!

I’m talking about the pain from childhood – pain because you were exposed to a “Toxic Mother.”

Toxic Mothering can make you feel as if you are being KICKED off a cliff!

Without the one you expect to protect you…you feel cast into a VOID!

man about to kick woman standing on cliff







Sure, we wish every mother was kind and loving, yet let’s face it, some women simply were not cut out to be mothers.

They carried you in their womb and brought you into this world… but they might as well have left you on someone else’s doorstep emotionally. 

Perhaps your mother was not nurturing, not protective, did not believe in you, criticized you, tormented you, or perhaps she was downright cruel. 

Whether the pain was mild or drastic…to a  little kid, it’s all drastic!

Photo by markzfilter

When wounds are inflicted in childhood, they can only be successfully healed from the childhood perspective.


We must go back to the “entry point.”

Sometimes this is as far back as the womb, or even conception.

         Using my unique “Inner Child Volcano Technique,” we give power back to the Child.

Power to overcome that helpless feeling.

Power to overcome shame, abuse, and all pain that our “Toxic Mother” inflicted upon us as a helpless Child.

“Toxic Mother” abuse, left untreated, causes you to go through life with your head hung down, and your tail between your legs.

Signs you are STILL carrying the trauma of “Toxic Mothering”:

  • No Confidence – How could you have confidence if your own mother didn’t believe in you?
  • No Real Friends – How can you trust anyone to be a real friend, your own mother was not trustworthy.
  • Feeling like a Failure – You failed to ever please the one who brought you into this world, how can you be anything BUT a failure?
  • Just plain miserable! (your life sucks and it is all her fault!-OK a bit exaggerated but it feels like it!)
  • Every time you think of Mother you CRINGE!(some people have told me their mother still haunts them even after she is dead)

Are you just plain sick and tired of having a crappy life, because of the pain inflicted by an unconscious mother?

Are you tired of feeling like a failure because you just can not let it go – no matter how many therapy sessions you have?

Has this feeling of “not being good enough” become so familiar that you are afraid of falling apart if you let it go?

Are you tired of passing every relationship through the lens of the “Toxic Mother” viewpoint? 

Come to my class if you want to be healed.

I must warn you…  your inner child may need to cuss,

may need to scream,

or even threaten bodily harm. 

She/he never got to do any of those things when she really needed to.

She/he was told to shut up…children are meant to be seen and NOT heard!

She/he may have been called, ugly, fat, stupid, retarded, worthless.

She/he may have been told they were the wrong gender, came at the wrong time, did not measure up to siblings, had no sense, would never amount to anything…

SHALL I go on?

Any of this sounding familiar?

It’s NEVER too late to change your life. I don’t care how long you have carried this burden of guilt, shame and remorse that a “Toxic Mother” relationship brings.

Q. But Rebecca, aren’t we supposed to forgive and move on?

A. How has THAT been working for you?

You would not have read this far, if you were able to simply forgive and let go.

First, we must allow that wounded child to speak up, to throw that tantrum, to take back the power that was robbed away in childhood…

THEN, and only THEN, can you move into true forgiveness.

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