Can Resentment & Jealousy FROM Others…Kill you?

In teaching this class on “Removing the Albatross Pattern” I am discovering it is deeper than I ever imagined…

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One surprising thing I am noticing about this Albatross pattern is that it has a LOT to do with Two major things.
One would expect Uncleared Shame to be way up there…but the other MAJOR force is RESENTMENT!

Not so much our resentment… but the hidden resentment of others towards us!

OMG! When people resent you or are jealous of you, it is like your energy field is under attack ALL the TIME!

This is one reason you may feel so tired and overwhelmed all the time.

Your body is literally trying to defend itself against energetic onslaughts that you may not even be aware of.

Where do you feel heaviness in your life?
In your body?
In your spirit?

Details of class:  (last chance tonight)

Could be an Albatross pattern of ‘perceived wrong’ from someone else be YOUR culprit?
It can also be that someone else feels you OWE them and resents you for that.


Yes, resentment CAN kill you!
It can kill your dreams, your wellbeing, even your finances can be affected.

This is your chance to find out, clear it and move forward!

Monday June 17 from 7 PM to 9 PM eastern.
Or…join by audio replay and get the same healing benefits.

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I am looking forward to helping YOU discover the Albatross and Remove it.

Love, Rebecca and the Albatross Removal Team


Last chance tonight

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