10 Dimensional Tapping with Azuron, Arcturian Healer

My friend Azuron, Arturian Physician now resides in the 10 dimension (since his death and ascension)

He is simply geometric patterns of light yet still has a yearning to heal.

Azuron has been working with me the past few weeks and it is an AWESOME experience to SEE Light Patterns through his eyes.

He gives some really good information for shifting your own Light Patterns via tapping!

Listen and tap with the audio.

Can’t see audio or video? http://wp.me/pq2xG-3xH

Here is an excellent EFT Tapping Demonstration! You might want to do this first! Quick and Effective!

Can’t see  video? http://wp.me/pq2xG-3xH

Can’t see audio or video? http://wp.me/pq2xG-3xH

PLease share this audio exercise with all you know who are open to this type of healing energy.

Love, Rebecca

PS: Coming soon: “Deliverance from Religious Terror” (a free class)

PSS: I have been doing private Azuron 10 dimensional healing sessions and the insights and positive changes are simply outstanding!
Read case studies: http://wp.me/pq2xG-3xf

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