Better than Valium

Most wonderful truths are discovered by what I term, “spirit-guided accident.”

Sadly these pioneers suffer ridicule for years until… the value is proven.

Take the existence of germs and bacteria as living creatures…


In the late 1600’s, a simple button salesman from Holland, Antoni van  Leeuwenhoek accidentally discovered the existence of live germs!

In his spare time, Antoni liked to play with grinding eyeglass lenses. He created one that magnified 270 times…Presto, first microscope!

One day he scraped some gunk off his teeth and placed it under the lens, took a look, and was gobsmacked! His teeth were covered, with active creatures, monsters!

discovered germs

Even though he sent his findings to prestigeous medical sources, none paid him heed until his work piqued the interest of the czar of Russia, Peter the Great. The czar asked for a private demonstration…the rest is history!

(Info from national geographic)

Germs contribute to infection and death:

What about Joseph Lister (late 1800’s) who discovered that germs cause infection and death in post-surgical patients. His peers certainly did not want to believe. (gee, wash my hands before operating? too much work!)

Proof became apparent as most of Dr. Lister’s patients survived… while many of the other doctors patients did not.

Did you know that at that time, doctors walked around with bloody smocks on as a sign of prestige?

bloody smock

(Gee, look at how many people I butchered on today!)

How I use things in unconventional ways.

My family makes fun of me for using things in ways they were NOT intended.

For instance, I use my dogs shampoo now on a regular basis. I ran out of mine and his COST more- so I tried it and now have fluffier, shinier hair. (Woo woof)

What else?

I discovered that my dog’s mange medicine works wonders on any type skin irritations.

I had some horrible bug bites that just weren’t getting better, I took a chance and applied the mange medicine and it was almost miraculous…

The swelling went down and the redness faded almost immediately!

(The vet said it would not hurt the dog to lick it, so it won’t hurt me either…but don’t worry, I won’t be licking the smelling stuff!)

Now, The label also says “ promotes fastest hair growth, Regrows hair even on old wounds”– I know for a fact that it re-grew the hair on my rescue pup, Stevie. (He had to be shaved and had horrible bald spots)

You KNOW what’s coming next don’t you?

Yep, I’M gonna slather this stuff on my own thinning hair spots. Only one problem… I may have to go to a desert island for awhile  because it stinks to high heaven! (I’ll let you know how that turns out)

Shoot, I almost forgot I was gonna tell you about another accidental discovery I made.

Better than valium, best anti-anxiety formula I ever found.

It’s hi-burn 8.


Originally, I got it to help me sculpt my body while losing weight (and it works great for that) You are directed to take it at night before bed, to tighten your skin and muscles while you sleep.

The other day, I was having some anxiety…actually I was highly aggravated, at somebody that was just annoying the heck out of me. (very unspiritual, ha ha)

You know what it’s like when you get anxiety and it plays over and over in your mind?

Monkey Mind, grrr!

Monkey Mind, grrr!

I got the idea to take a shot of hiburn8. The ingredients are calming and all natural. Within moments of taking a swig, I felt so mellow I was ready to hug and kiss the offending party!

Click to get info:

I have assembled a guide in case you decide to get some Hiburn 8 and try it for anxiety too!

#1. Slightly anxious but you want to keep working

Take ½ dose (follow direction on bottle)

#2. Pretty freakin’ annoyed or anxious- take full dose (on bottle)

#3. Steam coming out both ears or about to have panic attack- Take a BIG swig straight out of the bottle! Tastes so good it’s hard NOT to swig anyway.

Note: Best scenario if you are annoyed at someone…get them to take a big swig, then you take a swig too…you may be huggin’ and a-kissin within moments.

What we all want!

What we all want!

You can call me about this if you want, but please take a look at the ingredients Before calling.



Love and blessings,

Your experimenting priestess,


Stevie n Me

Stevie n Me

PS: If you order some of the “Better than valium; Hiburn 8, they will give me a commission. If that’s Ok with you, I’ll use it get myself plenty more so that I can give some to all the grouchy people in my life.

DISCLAIMER: The company that makes Hiburn8 does not know about the way  use it- so don’t expect to find that info anywhere but here.

PSS: Soon I will let you in on the details for the ‘Eye of Horus’ Pineal certification training. Nothing like it has ever been done. (Except in the ancient Egyptian Mystery schools)

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