Are the crazy energies affecting you? Coaxing you to be a Victim…

Are the crazy energies affecting you? Coaxing you to be a Victim…

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The last few days have felt so topsy-turvy and others I’ve talked to have had the same experience?

What about you?

Chaos Energies

Chaos Energies

When frustratiing things happen to us… why is it so easy to fall into victim mentality?

Why is the victim mentality so appealing?
Why are we so eager to jump into blaming? … “Poor me, look what they did to me!”

What could we do instead?
This victim mentality is in itself an aberrant slave-mind pattern.

Victims don’t rule the world… (They sure don’t save the world either)

Victims lose or just plain give-away their power without even realizing it!

Look what THEY did to me...

Look what THEY did to me…

As long as we are broadcasting “poor me, look what they did to me”… We stifle any easy solution that is trying to find us.

It’s so easy for emotion to take it over and… for us to sink into despair.
Also easy to blame others for our situation!

So ask yourself… how am I being a victim?

Who am I blaming?
What could I do instead?
How can I take back my power?

The most sincere way to solve anything is to ask the right questions of the universe.
How can I take responsibility for this crappy situation?
What’s the best and easiest way for me to solve this?
Do I need to ask for help to solve it?

Yes! You can ask for Help to soplve it...

Yes! You can ask for Help to soplve it…

Who can I ask for help to solve it?

And then my friend take inspired, non- blaming action on the answers you receive.
This will cause a major shift toward becoming empowered in every area of your life!

You cannot manifest anything good as long as you’re stuck in the victim mentality.

I had my own simple (embarressing) example of this yesterday.

I went to the fridge to get some eggs for breakfast, and… I couldn’t find the eggs!

Who stole my eggs?

Who stole my eggs?

Immediately I said, “I’ll bet somebody ate all of these eggs and didn’t leave me any”… when in truth the eggs were just moved to another part of the refrigerator.

Divine Mother said to me, “ see, you yourself are so quick to jump into blaming… this is a prime example of how it happened to you in such a sneaky way. This is something for us to pay real close attention too.

Do we want to take responsibility for what we attract into our lives…or do we want to stay STUCK and never know why?

Loving on Purpose

I myself am going to be more aware of where my energy is headed.

Join me?

Love, Rebecca

PS: Share on social media if you feel this is worthy.

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