Full Disclosure: 08/13/2016 Peace Portal, Pictorial Review, Location, Dark T-Shirt, Flood rescue.

I’m finally back home. It was a long  journey to open the Peace Portal, and long journey home.

I am happy to do “Normal” things…like cook my baby boy a big ole pan of Macaroni casserole.

Macaroni Casserole

Macaroni Casserole

Full disclosure of the trip divided into sections.

(In case you only want to know a little bit)

#1. What the peace portal is for, plus the missing ingredient.(And Meeting with a Dark One, a Lizzie)

#2. The early beginnings (I didn’t have a clue I was going to be asked to do this)

#3. Adventures of the journey there (The miracle of the “Moses Staff)

#4, Portal Opening. The location, The Experience, The Poison Ivy and weird Black flies

#5. Adventures of the journey home (trapped by the flood waters in Louisiana)

# 6. The benefits the portal is already bringing

# 7. How we can all keep the good going stronger and stronger

#8. The next great thing (10 days of Free Divine Mother Healing sessions)

#9. Be privileged to contribute to the expenses incurred by the long journey.


The Missing Ingredient: The Unwavering Blind Faith of one Human Heart.(Plus Meeting the Dark T-shirt)

I have told you before that the most powerful force in the whole of the Galaxies is the powerful magnetism of the human heart. Beloveds, this has been a hidden truth and it’s time to bring it into the full light of your awareness.

It was needed for just one, fully trusting human heart to start out blindly following Divine Guidance. Perhaps the Divine asked several hearts before me…I don’t know. All I know is that the “Knowing” was so strong, I KNEW I had to do it.

I want the Transcript!

I even said to a dear friend…”This is so strong, even if I die on the way, my spirit will leave my body and finish the job”.

(BTW, I DID meet a Lizzie or Dark T-shirt- in the first segment of the journey.)

He would have gladly killed me, but was under orders to only let me know that His side was represented too!

Just before this “Lizzie” crossed my path, I had to step over a dead lizard, belly up.

Later I reflected…thank goodness it was the Lizard that was dead and not me!dead lizard

That is all I will ever disclose about the “dark T shirt encounter” so don’t ask.

I do NOT give Glory to the dark or support conversations that spark fear!

PS: On this…curiously, I was NOT afraid, even though I KNEW this entity had indeed killed me in previous lifetimes. I even remarked that I knew this to be true.

At one point in the meeting, his fingers curled around my neck and I knew he wanted to squeeze, I did not flinch as I KNEW I was protected.


#2. The early beginnings (I didn’t have a clue I was going to be asked to do this)

End of July, my daughter and family went on vacation. This meant they had to leave their little Scottie, Owen, in the care of a neighbor. Since I can do my job from anywhere, I asked if I could come ‘dog-sit: while they were gone.



It was in the stillness of being alone that the instructions came to me.

You are to open an Intergalactic peace Portal where entities can choose to be transformed.

  • You are to make offering of Sacred sound along the way.
  • Go in the general direction towards Savannah Georgia.
  • Take a circuitous route.
  • Tell NO ONE, not even your family where you are going.
  • For the opening of the portal, you need a “Moses Staff” to pound the ground with.(Gee, where am I going to get that?)
  • Share the basics with your readers, allow them to assist in adding to your own “Blind faith”


#3. Adventures of the journey there (The miracle of the “Moses Staff)

My circuitous route took me to from Houston Tx, to  Northern Louisiana, then to Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and finally into Georgia.

After North Louisiana, I felt directed to go to Mobile Alabama. I had spent many childhood years in a little town near there. (Robertsdale)

Old Downtown Mobile

Old Downtown Mobile

While there, I met a man I only knew briefly through a joint business endeavor. When he heard I was coming through Mobile, he offered to “take me for a bite to eat” as they say in the South.

I innately trusted him completely! Turns out, we are RELATED by marriage and his family knows my family. George Naman. (Of course he did not have a clue as to why I was going through Mobile)

…And, his idea of “a bite to eat” was a 4 course dinner at the famous Wintzells Oyster house. We had dozens of raw oysters, gumbo, oysters Bienville, Rockefeller, baked and stuffed!

I didn't bother with the crackers!

I didn’t bother with the crackers!

(Thankfully, George had also introduced me to a great weight-management supplement which I will share with you at another time)

As he pulled back up to the hotel to deliver me safely home, he said…

“I have a few things to give you”…he proceeded to pull out homegrown vegetables that he had put up, a drinking cup and finally,…he turned around with the “Moses Staff” in his hands! 

Moses Staff

Moses Staff

Poor guy, I’m not sure he meant to give me the staff, but once he saw my eyes light up, he just had too!

This was proof to me of 3 things.

#1. The Divine will provide

#2. I could trust the ‘giver of the staff’

#3. I could trust the “business endeavor” George had introduced me too (Will share about that another time)

I stayed in Mobile a couple of days. I was just too weary to get back in the care after my zig zaggy route.( Besides, I had to digest all those oysters!)

I then resumed my journey in the general direction of Savannah Georgia.

Another encouraging sign (literally)

Somewhere in Louisiana

Somewhere in Louisiana


#4, Portal Opening. The location, The Experience, The Poison Ivy and weird Black flies

So, how did I know the portal was to be opened in or near Savanah Ga?

Well, my Divine Guidance for one…and the other Ha Ha. I was looking at Savanah on the ‘net and guess what popped up?

A place called “The Wormhole”!


Because I had been advised the portal was “more like a wormhole”, I knew I was headed in the right direction.

I actually WENT to the Wormhole, it was an “alternative” bar and the next big event was a fetish fest. (Not for me to be judgmental about that)

The city proper of Savanah did not feel “right”- so I just started driving with instructions to my car…”Take me in the right direction”

After about an hour of driving, a motel “called” to me and I pulled in. It was light and airy and they had room for me. I had asked Spirit to please find me one with a place to eat within walking distance (There was a good restaurant almost in the parking lot)

When I walked into the room, the clock read 444.

I KNEW I could just relax for this was near the place.

The next day, I explored and discovered a perfect little grove very near, Perfect for the ritual to open the portal.



The day of the opening dawned bright and clear and hot!

I spent the morning in prayer, meditation and sacred soul singing.

AS I walked into the grove with my staff, I did have a fleeting thought…wonder what poison Ivy looks like.

There were clusters of weird black flies that never moved. Normally, flies will buzz all around when a person approached…these never moved! (I figured they too represented the dark)

Weird Black Flies

Weird Black Flies

At exactly the appointed time, I struck the earth with my staff and announced…The Peace Portal is Now Opened!

Waves of electrical energy swept over my being, sacred language gushed forth from my lips and tears formed in my eyes.

My inner vision saw countless entities being drawn up into the vortex.

All shades of dark from gray, to black to dirty white.

My work was done…I left the grove and made my way back to my hotel.

I fell upon the bed in utter exhaustion, apparently it takes a lot of life-force energy to hold that much space.

I did notice a curious stinging and itching on my arms and neck area.


#5.. Adventures of the journey home (trapped by the flood waters)

 By the next morning, huge welts covered my arm, I had blisters and the itch was driving me crazy!

I had gotten into poison Ivy!

I tried a paste of baking soda which helped some.

Arm covered in Baking Soda

Arm covered in Baking Soda

As I began the long drive towards home, I wondered how I could keep from clawing my arm off! I didn’t dare take Benadryl because then I couldn’t drive.

Because I wanted to take the most direct route home, I planned on driving as far as I could each day, (Crossing 5 states takes a long time)

I made two Big mistakes on this journey.

#1. I did not know what poison Ivy looked like.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

#2. I never watch the news so I did not know there was horrible flooding in Louisiana. (None of my family knew where I was so they could not warn me)

As I approached  Louisiana, the expressway was closed. I had no idea why… Traffic was directed to a little backwoods road. As I drove, it looked like a scene from one of those Apocalypse movies.


Cars were abandoned along the roadside, all willy-nilly like something horrible had happened (It had!)

So sad

So sad

There were piles of furniture alongside the road as folks were trying to clean out there homes. The area I was in had experienced the worst of the flooding with over 4 feet of water in their homes.

Many lost everything…some lost their lives.

As I was trying to find some way to head back in the direction of home, I because frustrated and a little scared (“I’m allowed, right?)

The road I was on closed down, I had to take the only one open…then THAT closed down and I had no idea where I was or HOW I was going to get out of there! Every time I took a different road, I only went a few miles before IT WAS Closed down too!

My Rescue Angel!

Finally, in desperation, I turned down a side street. The devastation brought a deep sadness to my heart. I took a few photos but I almost felt like I was an interloper into their misery.

I saw a young man in a pickup coming towards me and flagged him down… 

I asked him, “Can I get out of here this way?”

He replied, “No, but if you follow me I can get you into Baton Rouge, from there, you can only go North”

He was local and knew of little back roads my Garmin wasn’t listing.

What an angel!

He waited for me, put his blinker on when he was going to turn and led me safely to a main road! He pulled over to direct me to the next good road, north… he told me that he had lost everything in the flood. I pray for him to be so richly rewarded for taking the time to help a stranger.

From there, I had to head north for hours before I could get back on target. Even though I had NOT planned on taking a circuitous route home…I did anyway. That meant even MORE nights in a hotel.

The location of that Portal was still being kept secret for 3 days. It is no longer in that location as it has the ability to move. So, it doesn’t matter who knows.


# 6. The benefits the portal is already bringing

I believe the work we are all doing to “toss Light into the darkness” is changing the severity of the worst earth changes and prophecies of doom.We are giving chaos energies a chance to be transformed!

Last year, about this same time, I was actually in Louisiana. I had a prophetic dream so vivid, I could still see it with my eyes open!

A sea creature rose up out of the water to warn me of impending doom. He said one word…FLOOD!

I saw waters rising and many dead bodies tumbling about.

It was widespread and devastating.

While a flood DID come to the area…there was little loss of life compared to what I saw in the dream.

It could have been MUCH worse!

I do believe with all my heart that our efforts are doing much good.

(BTW, the dream affected me so deeply that I left Louisiana almost immediately- I thought the flood might be coming right then)

#7. How we can we keep the good going stronger and stronger?

We can continue to send the Light to the Dark or chaos energies. Be aware of when you are moving into fear, rage, hatred or any negative emotions. This is FOOD to the chaos energies.

Instead of “getting all up into that” weave a net of light and toss it out over the chaos. Sending light to the chaos energies send them towards the portal!

Create Net of Pink Light /Intertwine Gold

Create Net of Pink Light /Intertwine Gold

While it’s possible to ‘love the dark into the light’, it is NOT possible to ‘hate the dark’ into anything but more chaos!

#8. The next great thing (10 days of Free Divine Mother Healing sessions)

In gratitude for my safe journey and return, I am presenting Free, “Ten days of Divine Mother Healing” beginning this Wednesday. Each day you will receive a short healing transmission.Divine Mother Azna

Not only for yourself, for those you love and for the heart of Gaia.

Register for that here. (Attend by audio if you cannot come live)


#9. Be privileged to contribute to expenses incurred by the long journey.

Much gratitude to all who have contributed either by prayers or finance. Your contributions strengthen the work of the Peace Portal. Your belief is vital for this work. I put most of the expenses on my personal credit card, and would do so again.

It really is a privilege to be a part of an adventure like this. Please Bless yourself and this work by your contribution.

I Believe and I desire to help.

You are so loved!


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