Find Your Own Backdoor to Your Hidden Abundance!

If there was a Front Door to Abundance…wouldn’t we all have found it and walked right in?

Sometimes, we are clueless about the biggest blocks in our lives.

Here is my personal story of how I discovered a HUGE block (caused by ‘Belief Over-ride)’and the steps it took to resolve it.

I have never shared this revealing life event with you. I never knew the tremendous impact this past (and humiliating) event had on me until just a few days ago.

Here’s what happened…

In 2009, my business was generating almost a quarter million dollars yearly, just me by myself… teaching teleclasses as inspired by Spirit.
Yes, simply offering classes that helped people and their deepest need. Many of these classes were about abundance.

I felt I could truly teach about abundance because I had come from a place of being dirt poor for most of my life.

These  spiritual abundance principles,  helped thousands and my business was  well compensated in the process- win- win.



Then in 2010, I had a major life change… a divorce, which put me in a bit of an emotional spin.

Attendance to classes went down a little and I got worried… so I decided I should hire a coach to help me. (And BTW, I am still for hiring a coach when needed)

Of course I thought the more the coach charged, the better they were… so I hired a gentleman that was very famous.

The fee was $8000 down and 3500 per month… however this guy was known for catapulting business forward in a big way.

The first couple of sessions were very encouraging. The coach even joined my mailing list to keep up with my progress.

Then disaster struck!

I announced a certain class on abundance that I was very proud of. I knew from experience that these proven techniques would help people break through barriers to more and more abundance.



Imagine my surprise and Utter Horror to get a scathing email from my coach reprimanding me for my presentation of this class.

His words were something like…” Instead of teaching techniques like these of changing money consciousness you should be teaching people actual skills to make money!”

I was crushed, flabbergasted, worse… his words caused me to feel ashamed, like I had done something wrong. (Ashamed of my Divine Inspiration?)

After all he was the high dollar expert… right? I was paying an enormous amount of money to be coached by this famous person.

Sadly, I allowed his words to totally shame me. I felt about an inch high… pretty much like a worm. I’m sad to say, in that moment I surrendered a huge chunk of my power.

Here is a PRIME Example of my “Belief Over-Ride”. (Has this happened to you?)

I had no more desire or inspiration to teach that class on attracting abundance, consequently, it was pretty much a flop!

(Of course, after that incident I decided not to work with that coach anymore but the damage was done. If a coach does not ‘lift you up’, then something ain’t right.)

Even though that was a few years ago…it’s only in recent days that I realized what a significant life event that was…and how my energy was still tied up- way back there.

You see, after that incident, I had no more confidence to teach much about abundance. If you’ve been with me a while, you may have noticed that most of my topics the past few years have been on other things.
Sexuality, spirituality, self-improvement, energy healing, mediumship… not that much about abundance.

It’s only recently and doing deep forgiveness work with the help of Ho’oponopono that I realized the crippling damage that had never been healed completely.

Still, every time I saw my old coach’s name, I got this horrible, yucky feeling in the pit of my stomach.

This also made me realize that I still had work to do.

I began with…

My own forgiveness of self-first… for giving away a part of my power.

Then forgiveness of my unconscious which was still harboring resentments, blame, and hurt.

After doing this intense work… It was like a miracle!

Feeling the Miracle!

Once I completely resolved that incident and all the levels and layers that went with it…the windows of heaven’s revelation opened.

I discovered several mistakes in bookkeeping that, once corrected, would release a large amount of funds that I didn’t even know about.

I felt a sense of peace like I have not felt in years.

Best of all, I did a “cleansing energy exchange” with this gentleman and took back my power!

(So, you can expect some dynamite classes on abundance from me…starting with this very one)

Because I personally go through everything I teach (sigh) it made me think of you. How can you benefit from what I went through? What significant or seemingly insignificant life event has knocked you for a loop? How are you going to get out of it? How is this blocking your abundance right now?

What if you’re like I was… and you’re not even sure what it is… or how much you are being affected?

What hidden damage has this event done? Is it still holding you down?

Here’s how you can tell…
Whatever is causing you to have a “yucky feeling” in the pit of your stomach is one sure fire clue.

Because when these things happen… it’s like being kicked in the gut!

Maybe it started as a lighter feeling and grew…or maybe, you felt like you had the breath knocked out of you at the time.
That’s why you CAN trust that “yucky feeling” in the pit of your stomach.

Some of these life events don’t seem like they were so significant at the time …however, the damage they have done is very significant and affecting you right now.

And furthermore what’s the use of discovering any debilitating life event if you don’t have the cure?

I’ve gone through this…

However, I did not realize the significance of my own disastrous “power draining, abundance blocking, life event until just a few days ago.

You know why?

Because I needed to have the experience myself so that I could help you  better. (Spirit never warns me if I have agreed to experience something in order to be a better teacher of it)

So that I could empathize with you.
So that I can help you discover that life event, person, place, thing, that perhaps knocked you off your rocker and put you in a tailspin.

You see, it’s not always some big thing.
No, it’s the smaller insidious events that are the real culprits.

Let me help you find the key to unlock your own mystery. If things in your life have not been going so well lately… I can pretty much guarantee that there was a pivot point, a seemingly insignificant life event that started the downward spiral.

Simply finding the source, will do nothing except… shine the light on the pain. The key is to find it and transform every layer, level, and energy tentacle.

Listen… I knew the scathing email from high dollar coach hurt, but I thought I had healed it.I did not realize I suffered from “Belief Over-ride”… I thought the significant life event that put me in a bit of a spin, was the divorce… it wasn’t.

The real event was the giving away of my power and allowing someone else to make me feel shame about my teaching on abundance.

This class isn’t a onetime shot. You can use the techniques I teach you on myriads of lifetime events.

Events that eat away at your confidence about anything.

Where is your own personal “lack of abundance”?





Feeling accepted?

Using a combination of hypnosis, Heart Point Technique and Ho’oponopono, we will bring to light and cure your biggest block to Abundance right now!


Same topic 3 times for your convenience. (Come to one or all)

Tues. June 23 at12 noon Eastern

Tues. June 23 at 7 Pm Eastern

Wed. June 24 at 7 Pm Eastern

Fee $67

Add transcript for 10 more.


Wait…the Bonus I am offering to those who take this class is outstanding!

Bonus you can use right now!

Bonus you can use right now!

The Peruvian/ Pleadian Cleansing Ray.

I have already created this for you- so you can began to absorb it the moment you get registered!

High in the mountains of Peru, there is a hidden cave. You can only get there if Spirit takes you!

My Peruvian Master shaman took me there years ago before I even heard of the Pleadians. This cave holds the mysteries of healing for our planet.

I will take you there. Once there, you will receive the transmission of the Peruvian/Pleadian Ray of cleansing that is very transformative. Just channeling this Ray caused me to go into a state of ‘otherworldliness’.

It’s so delicious you will not want to leave- and…you can listen as often as you like. The ray is meant to be used gradually. It seeks out and eliminates destructive particles in your system of every kind. Be they parasitic, invasive, abnormal cells, and energy that is not beneficial this ray will target.

You will feel a surge of strength after just one application (that is when you come back down to earth)

Tues. June 23 at12 noon Eastern

Tues. June 23 at 7 Pm Eastern

Wed. June 24 at 12 noon Eastern

Wed. June 24 at 7 Pm Eastern

I usually teach each topic only 3 times, but I felt this so important I offer it 4 times.

Fee $67

Add transcript for 10 more.


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