Is Your Hypothalamus Shrouded? Awesome Audio Program!

 Fix Metabolism…Get Charged Up, Have Brilliant Ideas,Be Wonderful! 

Get Your Energy Back FAST!!!

Like penicillin, most greatest discoveries occur by accident…

Here’s how it happened…
My good friend Sue and I are doing a cleansing food program together.

Her Phat-loss progress got stuck so I asked Mother, ” what can I do to
help my friend move forward”. (mine was slow but steady)

Divine mother said, “Rebecca, you need to take the ‘shroud’ off her
hypothalamus… and try it on Yourself First.

Now, I have no idea how to take a ‘shroud’ off anybody’s hypothalamus
(or what the heck a ‘shroud’ could be composed of)

Here’s what Divine Mother said…

“Rebecca, if your hypothalamus is shrouded, you aren’t going to feel like doing much of anything, you will not have enthusiasm, you will procrastinate…and you will feel sluggish”.

Further, a shrouded hypothalamus can cause : (Have any of these signs?)
Inability to release FAT from your body
 Slow metabolism leading to phat storage
 Stuck or cloudy thinking- inability to focus (monkey mind)
 Low Sex Drive
 Inability to reason, feeling helpless
 No motivation – discouragement
 Hideous procrastination (cause you just don’t feel like doing anything)

Bottom Line…the Hypothalamus governs metabolism. If yours is shrouded,
it ain’t gonna work right!

Mother God Azna wants to do Miracles for you!

Divine Mother Says…

DIvine mother says: “There are three components that keep a hypothalamus
from full function.”

#1. Chemical – Pesticides, MSG, Chlorine, fluorides, even old dental
filling residues

#2. Emotional- All emotion that is not positive can be the culprit

#3. Gatekeeper-A mysterious Force that prevents you from getting your freedom
(’cause the first thing you’re gonna want to do is kick the Gatekeepers’ butt!)

I did the process(which, thankfully She gave me)

to myself and I was shocked to discover…

•Chemically-there was a Benzocain-like substance clouding my hypothalamus

•Emotionally -I carried sadness, fear of heartbreak and distancing myself
from others that keeps eligible mates away

•Gatekeeper– The Archetype of Moses, reluctance of leading the people due to
criticism,. lack of appreciation and worry of responsibility

Mother gave me a Unique process to clear these

and I became filled with energy that very day!

I couldn’t believe the clarity that came to me. My ‘to do’ list became
like nothing…
Tasks I had been putting off for weeks got magically done.
…and inspired? Out the Yazoo!

I could’t wait to “do the technique” to my friend Sue.

Did it work for her?

Oh yes!

Her phat-loss took off,she started doing projects she had been putting off
for weeks (horrible task like cleaning out the garage, cleaning the gutters
and hauling clutter off to the Donation center.

It’s been several days and both Sue and I continue to be motivated, filled with
enthusiasm, and “feel like getting stuff done”.

How can you get this process done to you?

I’m offering this as a groundbreaking Audio Course.  Be Getting Your Energy Back less than 5 minutes!
(Take it via web no matter where you live)

Audio program- take this right now!

How much? 67 (and worth every cent and more)

(enter the code COW in the box, then press “apply”)

Not only will I guide you and removing the shroud from your own hypothalamus
but we will turn that gate keeper into a gate opener

And of course, you need something special in order to keep your hypothalamus
squeaky clean so that you can keep your metabolism going strong.

You’ll you’ll be filled with energy and feel like a million
… all the freaking time

Audio program- take this right now!

How much? $67 for this awesome program that never been offered before

PS: AS I was finishing writing this, my friend Sue texted me…

“Had the best time with you Friday and yesterday, working”


(Who ever heard of having a great time working?)

Fact is: When you are motivated from within…

you just feel like getting stuff done!

 Photo of Hypothalamus and Thalamus

Is it me...or does this resemble a vulva and a clitoris? Hey, it DOES regulate sex drive!

Is it me…or does this resemble a vulva and a clitoris? Hey, it DOES regulate sex drive!

According to Wikipedia:

The hypothalamus is located below the thalamus, just above the brainstem. In the terminology of neuroanatomy, it forms the ventral part of the diencephalon. All vertebrate brains contain a hypothalamus. In humans, it is roughly the size of an almond.

The hypothalamus is responsible for certain metabolic processes and other activities of the autonomic nervous system. It synthesizes and secretes certain neurohormones, often called releasing hormones or hypothalamic hormones, and these in turn stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones. The hypothalamus controls body temperaturehunger, important aspects of parenting and attachment behaviors, thirst,[1] fatigue, sleep, and circadian rhythms.

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  1. Dorothy - Matrix Remimprinting with EFT on July 1, 2014 at 8:32 pm

    Its so refreshing to listen to you Rebecca. You are such an open person. You speak without fear of any sort and share such insights with all. It reminds me of the quality of fresh air which sustains the life, of all humans, birds, animals etc. The most ;precious attribute to Air/oxygen is that it doesn’t discriminate as to whom should have this life sustaining necessity. Such beautiful neutrality that feeds consciousness and Life within. Life needing life. Consciousness needing life. The God within needing life and all this is so automatic. All we need is to do is be awaire of this magnificent, unconditional Love and its power of truth and love for us here on earth.
    I see you Rebecca, as a precious symbol of this unfailing Love which keeps us alive and enlightened in so many ways.

    Echardt Tolle, the great philosopher and still lives in the flesh today, understood perfectly how to truly master the tool of the breath of Life which connects with our consciousness and immediately corrects our external circumstances when we breath in life sustaining oxygen at the moment of negative thought. This is one of his exercises in one of his latest books. His name can be found of the web. He lives in Canada.

  2. Carol Lustig on June 26, 2014 at 4:30 pm

    You said the hipothalmus controls energy, metabolism and motivation, sex drive, etc, but just below the picture of the brain, it indicates the hipothalmus controls body temperature, hunger, parenting/attachment behaviors, thirst, sleep and circadian rhthyms. It doesn’t say anything about energy, metabolism & movitation, sex drive, etc.. Why didn’t the explanation below the picture of the brain list the ones you said above:???? There appears to be some discrepancy here and I would like to know why. I’m considering taking the class Sat (June 28) and would some clarification before I sign up. Thanks so much.

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