If You Could Have Any Spiritual Gift…what would you ask for?


#1. What Gift Would you ask for?

#2. Why would you want it?

#3.What would you do with it?

#4.What would be your fears about using it?

Please use comment section below to let me know.

I am guided (actually ORDERED) to do some Awakening session about this soon.

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  1. Samuel on April 24, 2014 at 10:47 am

    1) I would ask for Ultimate Wisdom holisticly.
    2) Well to posess such power and keeping it locked at home will be a selfish act. I will be traveling the Globe.
    3) I would Heal all who need healing in all spheres. Assisst with those who needs to shift to the next level so they could help and assisst in their respective communities.
    I will be able to guide, counsel and empower. Setting up community projects to assist with Spiritual guidance and poverty aleviation.
    For the sake of Mankind, Universal peace and the Systainability of the Universe.
    4) My fears will be at home in my community how will they percieve my powers as a result of stigmatisation. Also jealousy is one of my fears.

  2. Marie H. on April 5, 2014 at 6:18 pm

    #1. What Gift Would you ask for? I would ask for healing.
    #2. Why would you want it? I really want to help people and animals
    #3.What would you do with it? Well I would heal people when I could.
    #4.What would be your fears about using it? People wouldn’t leave me alone.

  3. Heather on April 5, 2014 at 10:01 am

    I would want more control on my intuitive abilities. My fear? Not understanding how to do just that.

  4. sandra on April 4, 2014 at 2:09 pm

    Hi! I´ll want to heal people. Me, my loved ones and everyone else. In an easy way with no suffering to anybody. Thank you for all your help Rebbeca. And happy birthday!!!

  5. Lara on April 4, 2014 at 8:27 am

    I really wish I could heal physical and psychical illnesses and traumas with just one touch and I wish to be spiritually wise as an incarnated soul can be – I wish I could end the suffering of the animal and plant kingdoms and let them be happy and safe and cared for and loved for all their earthly experiences

  6. elizabeth ann on April 4, 2014 at 7:34 am

    that this planet earth was cleared of envy avarice and dishonesty. that i live long enough to see my grandchildren and my daughters realizing their dreams and living in a peaceful world. and that i have the income to support them all .

  7. shakira on April 4, 2014 at 3:39 am

    For me to help and assist everyone in need of healing And for me to unite with heaven, for me to work hand in hand with mother Eart fixing all misunderstanding – love you Rebecca .

  8. Nicole on April 3, 2014 at 7:39 pm

    Hi Rebecca!!

    Hmm….let’s see! I would want to have the power to be able to *powerfully* heal but not be around people, tragic situations, etc to do it. . As an empath, I immediately soak up negativity in any form like a sponge and get tired and stressed out. No fears.

  9. Tammy on April 3, 2014 at 5:49 pm

    I would the ability to grow my Reiki practice tremendously.

  10. Lynn on April 3, 2014 at 5:06 pm

    HI! I want to have the ability to know everyone’s highest potential, communicate that to the person in a way that they could FEEL it and remember it. The intention is to activate their energy in a way that there is “no going back”…….and they are now set on a new path and in a new energetic state. NO more forgetting. The impact would be amazing and lightening fast. It would revolutionize and “evolutionize” humanity. Thanks Lynn
    PS I am not seeing a downside to this.:)

  11. Jim on April 3, 2014 at 5:02 pm

    the gift I would like when you say spiritually is healing and then prophecy.I would go around healing the sick as for as being scared,I am 56 would not be scared maybe nervous at first until confidence came.Libra Jim,thanks

  12. Tina on April 3, 2014 at 4:50 pm

    communicate telepathically, with animals especially but also with small children. I would use it to help people better understand animals and children (including myself) and treat them better as a result. I would use it every and anywhere that I thought it would be helpful. No fears other than misinterpreting what I was being told

  13. Kathy on April 3, 2014 at 4:32 pm

    Hi –
    I don’t have any fears but I sure want to hear my guides and angels.
    I am trying to open up.
    Thanks and Many Blessings,

  14. ray on April 3, 2014 at 4:23 pm

    oh my God that’s easy 3 times what and one time why
    3 times it and one time i(f)t takes away the fears makes ears

    thank you for all you do, Rebecca that will be a good one to come!

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