What do you want?

What would you like to recieve in the “10 days of Divine Mother Healing and Blessing”

coming up oct 5 thru 15?

And…are thee teachings bringing up questions for you? Please put your questions in the comment sections. You may also put your needs.

One lady asked if Divine Mother could sing to her…I thought that was very sweet.

I do know that on day One… Divine Mother will tell us all how to get our prayers answered more often.

But…what kinds of blessings would do you the most good?

I will consider all the comments and be a willing channel to bring you all that I can from Divine Mother.

Just leave your requests in the comment section below.

(remeber this is public- so use a fake name if you don’t want anyone (but Mother) to know who you are.

I love you, Rebecca

PS_ if you did’t register yet go here and do it right now

https://rebeccamarina.com/2011/09/10-days/ (only those registerd will get the info to attend)

Posted in


  1. Barbara on October 8, 2011 at 4:32 am

    Please pray for my marriage and family. We have all suffered this past several years with illness and financial desaster. My mother lost her house and she’s loosing her husband, my step-dad from cancer. I fell at work and ruptured the L4 disk and two in my neck are neck are bulged. Six weeks ago, I was laidoff my job and I’m going to court 10/24 regarding the foreclosure of our house. I ask for healing and a financial blessing for me and my family. Thank You!

  2. Ken St. Charles Aspinwall on October 8, 2011 at 3:30 am

    God has sent me to help the people who have believed for money attraction and a life full of joy, love, hope, peace and prosperity. Quite frankly, I was on YouTube and was led to this site. That has to be a leading from the Spirit because I had no clue or no apparent direction. I merely came here while walking my path of prosperity. [Let us show thankfulness for people are about to receive many blessings, as God has called me to be the messenger of hope.]

    God tells me that fear has been blocking some of you. Before I can render the blessing, you must have the courage to banish your fears. God wants you to know that perfect love casts out all fear and God’s love for you is perfect. [Thank you, Divine Father.]

    Maybe you have been ripped off. Maybe you were told that you would never amount to anything. Maybe you have had some kind of gloomy barrier. Any mountain can be moved when your faith is in the Universal Spirit.

    As the servant of the Father, I am allowed to say this. We were all made in the image of God. Any voice that tends to destroy you is not of God. You are loved, but it is your place to resist the evil voice that attacks your mind, your emotions and even your health. Your desire to live in abundance must be stronger than any contrary voice. You must hear The Voice of love, benevolence, peace, joy, hope and prosperity.

    God is telling me that I can assist people who understand that one must have the courage to go forward in life and claim their heritage. Listen to The Voice and receive abundant life.

    Do you believe in Divine appointments? Are you reading this message? How did you get here? Do not be amazed. If you are reading this message, it was God’s intention to get it to you. So, rejoice and be glad in this day that God has made. Allow the Voice of life to sink into your mind.

    Probably, just like me, you were walking on your path. You are seeking knowledge and guidance. You’ve been praying and seeking for a better way.

    Do you want to receive $100-300-500-1500-3500 or more? Cast your fear aside. Gather your courage. You deserve to live with a full sense of God’s loving provision.

    Click on my name. It will send you to the Needs Assessment survey. Follow exact instructions. If you are being called by the Spirit, you will get to the end of the survey and I will see the results.

    Repeat. If you are truly ready, the path has been marked out for you and the door is now open. You may pass and you will get to the end of the survey.

    God has already told me what to do and how to assist people who are ready. God blessed me with the blueprint and it was made for every budget. It is so accessible that you will sense your destiny when you comprehend the concept that God gave me last Christmas.

    God wants us to live a bold life with abundance. God has great love for us and wants us to receive untold blessings

    Click my name. Submit the survey. Be sure to mention this site in the referral box, as I desire to send a blessing their way for making our communication possible.

    Now, be blessed with perfect peace and goodness. May your burdens be lifted. May you embrace your legacy.

    Let love rule your hearts. Amen.

  3. Vivek Kulkarni on October 8, 2011 at 12:12 am

    I want enough money to pay off my debts promptly, which are in the range of Indian Rupees 636,000.00. I quoted a lower figure yesterday, viz., Indian Rupees 342,000.00. I hope the actual figure become lower, i.e., Indian Rupees 294,000.00.

  4. Peace on October 7, 2011 at 7:12 pm

    concrete help without delay.
    i am not patient, i do not manage to tame my temper
    i feel like talking to walls, no one hears nor can thus help
    those who could , are no more allowed to

    i thought repentence was enough to start again afresh
    but it does not work , either because i do not know how to repent properly and in a lasting way or because it is too late.

    i see no hand holding help despite thick and thin.

  5. tracy jones on October 7, 2011 at 5:53 pm

    I would like to know why I am not getting a job.. I have been looking since last November and everyone is asking me about it. I m trying, applying but no one is hiring me! I want to open my own shop in November, but with no money, how will this happen?

  6. Joann on October 7, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Divine Mother;

    The question that come up for me today during this session was, how can I protect myself from those dark energies, that you spoke of, that are trying to keep me from achieving my life’s purpose in this world?

    Thank you Rebecca and Divine Mother for the past three days and those days yet to come.

  7. diana balgaard on October 7, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    i want toknow if i should go on the medication for my chronic condition, he c, or would i live just as long or longer without it.
    i need a direction in my life. i do Reiki.

  8. Morning Star on October 7, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    Dear Mother; I really need a Physical Healing by tomorrow 13h at the latest in my bronchi and vocal cords. Gotta sing and direct a choral concert – singing Lord’s praises on top of it.
    Also, I really would love having my energy field opened up to receiving much more financial inflow more often and also more opportunities to exercises my musical talents for loving, appreciating clients who love to pay me generously and take care of my material needs – while I am helping to uplift their spirits.
    thanks very much
    Morning Star

  9. Lydia on October 7, 2011 at 2:06 pm

    Dear Mother Azna,

    How can I tell the difference between the energies?

    Is the obstacle / difficulty / challenge in front of me from
    1. A dark / chaotic energy trying to stop / prevent me from doing what I planned on doing? – or
    2. Have I blocked myself from proceeding? – or
    3. Is Heaven / Higher Self trying to tell me, “Not this way,”

    How can I tell whether to proceed despite the obstacles or whether to stop and look for the good in the situation?

    Thanks Mother Azna

  10. Paula on October 7, 2011 at 10:38 am

    Dear Divine Mother, Please help me with this financial mess I am in. I believe the stress of it is ruining our health. Mentally my health has taken a toll and I need to be restored back to my mental state before this financial situation reeked havoc on my life. I need clear direction in my life on which path to take. Please bless my family with good health and success.
    Thank you so much!

  11. Julie on October 7, 2011 at 8:23 am

    Please guide heal and protect my family bring into our lives healthy relationships please heal all of our addictions and bring us to a place of happiness. I am having a breast cancer fundraiser please bring the energy of success and fulfillment may this also bring in new customers and clients. Let those who are in need of my services find me quickly and easily with plenty of time to work together. Please help my husband find peace with his job and his sister. Help my children stay drug and alcohol free may they be successful with healthy loving kind compassioniate relationships female as well as male. May their working environment be blessed with deep satisfaction and financial abundance.

    I ask for all of humanity to be blessed mentally, emotionally physically and spiritually. May we all find peace love wisdom compassion and of course financial freedom and security for all.

    Please help my family with our health everyone of us.
    Bless my business with success,joy peace and fulfillment.

  12. Vivek Kulkarni on October 7, 2011 at 7:25 am

    1. I need a great permanent job in Mumbai, India, with a net monthly income of at least Indian Rupees 175,000.00 to Indian Rupees 200,000.00.

    2. In addition to this, I want enough money quickly to pay off my debts, which are in the range of Indian Rupees 342,000.00.

    3. We want a house of our own in Mumbai, India.

    4. I want harmony and love among all our family-members – I, wife, son and daughter.

    5. I want both my kids to do well in school and have a bright future. I want Mother Azna to bless all the four of us to have happiness, bliss, love and harmony within ourselves and I want that we spread happiness, bliss, love and harmony to all beings generously. I want that we have material wealth, emotional wealth and spiritual wealth in abundance, enough for ourselves and abundant enough for sharing it with the needy..

  13. Shirin on October 7, 2011 at 3:25 am

    Dear Rebecca, I know my question is stupid (this is regarding day 1 teachings), but could you ask mother Azna to tell us how do we know what is our heart desire? I have few desires/passions but I am not sure which of them are my hearts desires?

    Your help is really appreciated

    Thank you,


  14. michele on October 7, 2011 at 2:12 am

    dearest rebecca and divine mother ,my friend who joined in watching the video and i are 2 women who have been pretty darn successful at what we do however, the both of us are at the end of our rope and really want to move ahead in our careers. we both want to continue as artists not to stop performing but to branch out. especially we both really want to help animals. my friend already is starting an organization to auction off costumes for critters. pls send us help and guidance. Thank you!!!!! love, michele

  15. rose on October 7, 2011 at 1:45 am

    Dear mother azna and rebecca,
    please help me to open my intuition , my heart and channels so I recieve messeges from you &divine father.
    I am asking for all blessing in any aspect in our life.for all humanity,my friend ,myself and my family . health, joy , happiness , financial and other.and manifest them asap so we can have abundance and prosperity .my daughter need to remove all stress and fear so she can gain confident to continue college that she is so worry about financial situation.Help me continue my career that I always desire .I think I have blockages in my chakras.please transform all the bad energy and blockages around us to the divine light. love and thank you

  16. mandi on October 6, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    Thank goodness for Mother God! Thank you for choosing me I love you so much! I am so lucky to have found Mother God and the Divine Light in the dark dark world. I want to walk for the divine first by treating myself as a sacred temple, After being an example to myself I will teach sick ones about sacred plants and helpful exercise that heal. Thank you for Day:2 of Mother’s Divine Healing, it answered every question that I had the day before, I was amazed. I ask you to prepare all of my cells for sacred healing. I am glad I can enjoy with You the experience of learning the knowledge after the experience of no hope. Please help my every cell prepare for the abundant blessings in store.—AMEN

  17. Peace on October 6, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    i don’t get what is mother god, holy father, holy spirit, God, and prophets.
    i don’t have vision, self confidence to trust
    i don’t understand why there are payments which are required for learning a heart technique

    nothing seems simple, straight and immediate with me.

  18. Arie on October 6, 2011 at 8:11 pm

    Peace, health, and financial abundance to help others. Thank you.

  19. J on October 6, 2011 at 6:49 pm

    Rebecca and mother azna, I love conencting with you both in this way, and I am so grateful to feel the presence of spirit through these teachings and in my daily life!
    I would like to know the learning that can be found in watching others struggle and suffer and feeling powerless to help them – whether becuase I respect that this may be their ‘contract’ – even though How do I know if it is or isn’t and they may really need help- or they do not want to change their outlook for a different kind of thought/action etc. that I might see as a possible solution – I am a nutritionist so its usually diet and supplements 🙂
    I am also affected by the suffering of animals especially –
    I don’t want to impose on someone elses journey, but I feel the suffering – is it my ego that thinks suffering should end, and that I have a solution, and how should I look at the pain that arises in me when I ‘feel’ the suffering of others?

    Many thanks and love to you both

  20. Vabumero on October 6, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    Thank you so much Mother Divine and Rebbecca I ask for financial blessings to manifest money as soon as possible to fullfil my life dreams and be debt free for the rest of my life financial freedom with love and in God’s light

  21. Vabumero on October 6, 2011 at 3:25 pm

    Thank you so much Mother Divine I am asking for financial blessings to manifest money as soon as possible to fullfil my dreams and be debt free for the rest of my life

  22. ELizabeth on October 6, 2011 at 2:35 pm

    I am asking the Divine Mother for peace of mind. Health on all levels physical, spiritual, emotional and other. Magnificent job. Health for my children and all the children in the world. Better and loving relationships with the closest family members and all that I come in contact with. To be guided and directed to the next task what ever that might be. Sense of connection, love and peace with the divine. Abundance to fulfill the dreams.

  23. Irene Morawski on October 6, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    Dear Rebecca,

    Thanks for your heroic work. I pray for prospering while living within my life purpose, and for safety and prosperity for all those around me, including distant family. Thanks

  24. Regina on October 6, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    Dear Mother Aza / Rebecca
    Thank for all the Blessing
    Help my son find right path for him Restore his health to perfection. Protect my grandauther so they are children of God.
    Restore health my beloved so he can live in balanced happy life.
    Inspire all humanity to walk on Godly path .
    Thank thank thank Love love love Regina

  25. Shawn on October 6, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    Thank you for your wonderful work with the Divine Mother. I pray for Divine Success for the inaugural Bahamas Law Enforcement Sport’s Challenge. I have been invited to organize the event. I have, successfully organized international celebrity and charity golf tournaments. Now we are inviting over 1,000 atheletes and their families from all over the world to experience our Bahamian hospitaliy and compete in over 20 sports. I ask for Divine Ideas, right relationships and Divine substance so that everyone can feel our appreciation for the brave men and women who serve us.
    Your kind and humorous spirit has been a wonderful friend for me through the months that I have “known” you. Thank you.

  26. Henriette on October 6, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    A question
    Can we download the audio/video?
    thank you

  27. Bernice on October 6, 2011 at 1:55 pm

    I ask to be released of the mental viruses that keep me stuck financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

    Also, I ask to be able to love myself and always speak my truth from a space of love.

    Kind Regards,
    San Diego

  28. Becky on October 6, 2011 at 1:04 pm

    Dear Mother,
    I give thanks and appreciation for all of your loving work. I ask for healing for myself all on levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I would like to do the work that I am destined to do for my everyday work and get paid abundantly for it. I would like to start a center that will enable anyone, regardless of ability to pay, to attend yoga, meditation, health and wellness classes and alternative healings. I want to share with everyone the bliss that comes from within and the connection through spirit.
    I also ask for healing for all of the children, women and men who have been abused in any way, to enable them to begin to see the light that shines brightly within them.

  29. liz on October 6, 2011 at 12:21 pm

    Grant me peace of mind, success in my 3 business ventures so I can be financially free and help my husband stop worrying about money since he retired. Help my oldest daughter find the perfect mate so she can feel loved and happy. Heal my mom’s ringing in her left ear, her digestion issues and any other aches and pains she has.

  30. Tisha on October 6, 2011 at 11:53 am

    Rebecca, please ask Mother Azna to open the floodgates to my prior home being sold finally by the bank that took it from me so that I am no longer financially responsible and so some other person can enjoy liviing there. And please have her remove the blocks to the bank sending me the 1099 form so I can do my taxes next year with the loss and foreclosure so that chapter of my life can be closed. Thank You:)

  31. Heather on October 6, 2011 at 11:46 am

    Dear Mother, please help my grandson become free of the dark cloud he is under at present and let him go free to pursue his life path, also please help me to become more free financially to move forward Blessing to you and Rebecca the angel of hope xx

  32. bb on October 6, 2011 at 11:29 am

    Please pray for healing of my family .I dont know if their is a such thing as a curse but this money problems and physical problems has been going on for years.I am on disability please heal my blood and body so I can take care of my grandchildren we need help fincally I had 2 strokes this year but I am blessed They said i wouldnt live but God has the last word please open up that will recieve blessing to pay all our bills and car and our own home.love and happiness and open my daughters eyes to see someone in her life that really cares about her.And my son to take care of his family and stop cheating on his girlfriend and my odestson health. thank you and bless you for helping

  33. Linda Loredo on October 6, 2011 at 11:23 am

    I want Mother Azna to help me get the justice we deserve in an ongoing lawsuite with Robert Lueddeke who stole 500K dollars of my families money. I have lawyers on the case for a few years and it is costing so much money. Mother please just make it that he not only has to pay us back, but does actually pay us back in full and very very soon…it is so stressful on my family, especially my mom who I love more then anything and don’t want her to be worrying about this, especially at 82 years old..please help..please.
    I love you Mother

  34. sayra reyalfa emma on October 6, 2011 at 10:21 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother God
    I need your help, my problem is money and love….I really want have a lot of money and i need someone who really love me …..I want be a succses women but i dont know what i must doing..please help me.

  35. Renata on October 6, 2011 at 9:59 am

    Dear mother, I want to be healthy, to loose weight, to have a great income so that I can have freedom to do what I want, I want to learn how to comunicate easily with my husband about anythyng. But I also want to thank endlessly Mother God for giving me my beatiful perfect daughter, that makes my life so complete and happy.

  36. Sandra on October 6, 2011 at 9:37 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother God!

    Thank you for your effort helping all who ask you healing.
    Please help to my family to get bigger living space before birth of my 4th kid. We really need bigger living space. Please help me make money saving for maternity leave as I could care about my kid with out need to go to job at least 1 year.
    Thank you!


  37. Mura on October 6, 2011 at 9:33 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna,

    I often ask myself, why I still struggle in so many aspects, even though I KNOW it better. The egoic me is still very strong and often overwhelming.

    Please help me and everyone who chooses to, to:

    – loose the anxiety, which kicks in since years, every morning when I wake up.
    – to release blame and all old connected stories.
    – to release my need for control and help me to accept whatever situation unfolds, especially in my business.
    – to release all old stuff that still stands in my way to loving myself deeply and truly and to FEEL my true self.

    I am asking a lot and I am genuinely grateful for your blessings and help. Thanks to both of you for the wonderful work, which you do for the world.

    THANK YOU!!! LOVE to you,

  38. kitty on October 6, 2011 at 9:26 am

    Thank you Rebecca and Mother Azna,

    I would like to find my true purpose in life, to give unconditonal love and find true happiness and peace of mind.

  39. anne tone on October 6, 2011 at 9:07 am

    Dear mother God
    First I want to thank you for my experiences in life,Now I would like to get better life,wealth and happy life and what I ask for me I wish for everybody on earth, Also I ask for peace on earth

    Thank you Anne

  40. Melinie on October 6, 2011 at 8:06 am

    First of all, a big thank you to you Rebecca for bringing us this wonderful opportunity.

    Dear Mother God,

    My requests for these 10 beautiful days of prayer are: Finding my life purpose; Financial stability, Finding my soulmate and healing my body of candida and healing my hair-loss.

    I’m so grateful and thankful.

  41. Katherine on October 6, 2011 at 7:00 am

    I also want to share my gratitude for all of the my gifts from the universe and thank you for all of that I still have to receive. I too, am requesting much of what many have already requested. Financial stability, good, loving communication, abundance, health and complete blessings for myself, my family and friends, etc… and as I request these things, I am requesting them with the ultimate goal of living a life of joy and abundance. I do not have enough of it in my life if any sometimes. Jesus died on the cross so that we may live a life of joy and abundance. Satan is robbing us of this joy by causing struggle, lack and poverty living. It is not what we believers deserve or want in our lives, so I ask that these things be removed for myself and all the others. It appears to be a regular request from us higher beings so we desire to have this answered Mother Azna. Thank you, and Amen. Namaste

  42. Amy on October 6, 2011 at 4:05 am

    Dear Divine Mother, please assist me with my spiritual journey and growth, open my channels to receive messages, to see the truth and to communicate with Divine, angels, ascended masters, nature, animals and spirits. Please send blessings to my marriage, home, studies, family, health, my car, career, business and every aspects of me and my life in all time and open me and my family to receive these blessings. Sending love to all my loved ones! Thank you thank you thank you! Also thank you Rebecca! love & light, Amy

  43. Martha on October 6, 2011 at 3:49 am

    Dear Divine Mother,

    Please grant me the blessing of healing life-energy to relieve the pain that has been inhabiting my body for over 20 years.

  44. Joli on October 6, 2011 at 2:50 am

    Dear Rebecca & Divine Mother,

    First I would like to say “THANK YOU FOR REBECCA, may she continue to be Blessed and Granted Health and Prosperity for all that she does for all your followers! Rebecca, You are an amazing Being of Light and your Life is very evident of that! Be Blessed Rebecca!

    I ask the Divine Mother for Health and Prosperity for my family, their business and myself!

    I am handicapped because of a car accident almost 6 years ago but look forward to each day to live in the Light of the Divine Mother and her Precious Son! I have many health problems related to this accident including Epilepsy, diabetes, loss of muscles throughout my body causing daily pain which I do not take medication for. I ask that the Divine Mother heal me from head to toe and that I may be able to get my seizures and Diabetes under control. I had a heart attack last year and continue to have occasional chest pain and I am in my late 50’s. I want to LIVE and enjoy the things that were taken away from me for the past 6 years! Simple things like bowling with my kids, being able to go out alone because of the seizures I cannot go out alone! I want to be able to dance again and go out and dance and be like a normal person instead of a prisoner in my home.

    Most of all I ask for you to help the Earth to heal itself despite all the damage us humans are doing to her…her wrath is strong and furious and we need her and every person on Earth to heal.

    Thank you Divine Mother for all of your Love as a Mother and for caring about your children whether or not we are on the right path or not! Your belief and faith in the Human Race is awesome as a Mother and I personally Thank You for helping me to make it to where I am. I have come a long way but I need complete healing to attain my goals in my life!

    Please ask the Divine Mother to Grace me with Healing and peace of mind. I also ask her to send my soulmate to me…I am tired of being alone! Thank You Again Rebecca & Divine Mother for everything you do to help us!

  45. Ellen F on October 6, 2011 at 12:36 am

    Divine Mother Azna

    Thank you for all that you do. Please help me stay focused on one thing and that is the business endeavor I have chosen. As I help others reach their goals, you will help reach mine.

    And so it is.

  46. Ahna on October 6, 2011 at 12:29 am

    Please help me heal my heart, my soul. 18 months into my marriage My husband started an emotional affair with his ex-girlfriend. I found out on our youngest sons birthday. His affair with her lasted for 18 months, for exactly half of our marriage, he put this other women before his children and his wife. I don’ t know how to move forward, to forgive, heal. I’m so hurt, betrayed, my trust is broken…. I also need blessings in the financial department. Everything seems to be falling apart, i have no way to fix things. I need, pray for financial help so I can pay for school lunches, buy diapers, medicine when the kids are sick, have rent on time. To be able to afford a babysitter and all my bills. I live pay check to pay check. Please send me financial abundance!.. I ask that you bless my husbands ex-girlfriend and her family, may she be fulfilled with her own family. Please watch over her husband as he puts his life on the line for us, serving in the Military. Please bless on the people on this website. I open my self to healing my mind, body, and spirit.

    Much love,

  47. R Marie on October 5, 2011 at 11:27 pm

    Thank you Rebecca and all your assistants for the generosity of providing us with this opportunity to connect with Mother Azna.

    I pray( ask) for our house to sell this month or at least before the winter snows come again.I pray for the abundant flow of finances for those who are buying this house and for us going forward to purchase a home for our needs. I pray for generational healing regarding finances and health.

    For so many comments already mentioned …I second it…and Mother Azna knows what I and the collective need.Thank you Thank you.Thank you.

  48. Indalecio on October 5, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    I ask for peace, love, health, prosperity and abundance for me and my family.
    Thanks and blessings to all.

  49. MM on October 5, 2011 at 9:42 pm

    I ask for enlightment, abundance in all areas of my life, and financial prosperity so I may always manifest or have more than enough money at hand to easily and joyfully cover all my expenses all of the time, and so I may also help others, as their needs arise. I also ask for perfect physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health for me my familyand all others in the Universe and in my life.

    Thank you

  50. Allison on October 5, 2011 at 7:46 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Divine Mother,

    Thank you for this opportunity of growth and clarity! I would love to receive your blessing on my work. My passion is empowering women to achieve success in EVERY area of their lives, yet I find that my messages fall short in their delivery. Please guide me to those that I can serve best and guide them to me. Please also open my ability to clarify my services in a way that conveys the help I have to share.

    Bright Blessings to you both.


  51. Cynthia on October 5, 2011 at 7:04 pm

    I would like to connect more fully with my angels, the ascended masters and my guides, so that I can follow my pathway more clearly, and help others to follow theirs.
    Thank you for all the blessings you bring to this world Rebecca.

  52. Mary on October 5, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Our Glorious and Divine Mother

    Essential requirements: raising my levels of consciousness,
    continued healing for health, general well being and lifting of
    financial restrictions. To be able to walk as a daughter of the light and hold my head high, and radiate like a beacon to others around me.

    A Godzillion of blessings and gratitude to our Mother God Azna and to Rebecca, Fritz and Bellin and the other HPT workers.

  53. Nicola Clark on October 5, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    Dear Divine Mother
    Please help me develop trust in the benevolence of this beautiful universe. I know you do bless my life – please help me manage my finances and guide me to meet, recognise and love a beautiful spiritual partner. Most of all just now, I ask for your blessings and healing for my mother who has been diagnosed with cancer. Comfort her, don’t let her feel alone.
    Thank you.

  54. Thelma Williams on October 5, 2011 at 4:34 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Divine Mother Anza I ask for a financial blessing that will allow me to help myself and others that are suffering financial lack.I further ask for healing of the world’s health issues,disharmony, and for permanent peace through the world.please send healing energy for broken homes,relationships, and for each one to find the right relationship for what ever endeavor that they may be involved in. Thank you for the work that you do for all. Peace and Blessings to you.

  55. Kerry on October 5, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    Dear Mother Azna, I need direction, healing and finances after the passing of my husband in February. I feel like there’s so many things going on in my mind that I feel scattered. I need I job and haven’t had success there yet. Can you help? Thank you so much!

  56. isa goje on October 5, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    And the last wishes,..to all life being of the great Universe..
    Tat Twam Asi….Aum shanti shanti Aum

  57. isa goje on October 5, 2011 at 4:08 pm

    Thank you very much to rebecca you…never heard of you before but i trust you…and i would to say thank you to “Mother Azna” Divine Conciousness to invite me to this place…terimakasih…

    “Maafkan aku , aku tidak membawa minyak sekarang, munkin besok oh bunda semesta yang penuh kasih dan pemurah….”

    Read my mind bunda semesta Azna,…you know what i’m dreamin about right now or for this year…you know….i hope You help me and relieve me from obstacle, …
    Wash my Karma, my past life …money,finacial,abundance, wealthy mind..Prosperity
    Karuniakanlah aku badan yan sehat,awet muda, dan kuat
    dan semoga ‘dia’ senang melihatku saat kita bertemu nanti…

    I love her, oh …jadikan kami bersatu …dalam talian kasih keluarga yan mapan,bahagia, spt y di inini ibuku y tlh tiada…

    Berkahilah, ibuku yng kini telah meninggalkan kami,semoga dalam karunia kasih dan sayangmu, give the light for her soul…
    Amen…and thank you very much….
    isagoje….I trust to You, Great Divine Mother ,…Azna

    Put me on the right track, ihdinaashshirathaal mustaqiim…
    show me the path,give the light to my heart…
    Selebihnya, Engkau telah menerti sebelum kukatakan seluruhnya..
    aku menunggu dan berharap secepatnya…
    Thank you very much oh DIvine Light…

  58. lula's girl on October 5, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca,
    I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired! I surrend. Help me to find the courage to fully deal with my self-sabotaging behaviors regarding creating the abundant life I envision for myself. I know that this abundant life is available for me, I just want some help getting out of my own way in order to bring into physical manifestation. Thank you, with love and graditute.

  59. Bonnie Helt on October 5, 2011 at 3:50 pm

    Dear Mother,
    I am requesting the Love, Light, and Healing Energies of the One to surround my family and friends as well as myself. I have called on You often in the past few years for strength and courage to face what has been placed before me. I am truly grateful for your loving energy! I would like to request this loving energy surround all the beings of the Earth. I believe the time awaiting us in our near future to be a glorious one. I speak with my Higher Self often about how I may aid in facilitating this. I am honored to be a part of the movement to search out who we truly are and return Gaia to the incredible beauty that she is. Is there something I may do to further spread your love?
    With much love,

  60. sofia on October 5, 2011 at 3:50 pm

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca,

    My heart desire is to make a big difference on this planet, to help our mother earth and humanity to ascend with ease and grace. And to make this planet a better place to live for everyone in peace, love, happiness and joy, with great health and abundance.

    I’m planning to start a new business very soon, please bless the work that I’m planning to do and help me attract new opportunities, the best team, abundant financial supply and everything else I’ll need to fulfil my mission.

    Thank you
    Love & blessings,

  61. Rebecca Johnson on October 5, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Rebecca, not a question from today’s live session, but a “thank you” to Divine Mother for many things. Especially, 1) the reminder that service is not equal to suffering, and 2) the Candy Store example that is such a perfect illustration. The time was very uplifting and comforting.

    Thank you for making this time with Divine Mother available. 🙂

    Rebecca J.

  62. Puja on October 5, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    i would also like to ask the divine mother how to have a constant and steady flow of clients and prosperity that is continuously increasing and in a way that I can really take care of myself and be happy and joyful while I do my work. I would like to know how to effectiviely keep my own energy up while I do this and how to increase my self confidence, value, and prices. I would also like to be in peace as I do this- and not so stressed out. I would like to be able to see clearly and choose my direction well. I would like my heart to open fully so i can be much more in flow and i would like all things to come to me gently and on time.

  63. Peace on October 5, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    it feels good to read and feel the messages of hope and true knowledge of all that is One.

    I pray to go back from where i came from.

    Though this life is a huge terrible hell (due to our ignorance), it is once we step on the other side of the mirror, the best beautiful love story, between God and His creation. The most beautiful love story that i can ever imagine.

    May God complete His favors upon us all, ameen.

  64. oneida on October 5, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    Dear Divine Mother & Rebecca,
    I ask for an abundant life in all areas of my life including financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually for myself and my family. I would like to become financially independent.
    Thank you for your blessings,

  65. Vera on October 5, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    Dear AZNA and Rebecca,
    Oh, how gladly I would like to trust, surrender and receive your LOVE..
    I am too impatient and think I have to do everything.
    Not thinking bu t letting go, trusting in YOU would be bliss

  66. La Diana on October 5, 2011 at 2:16 pm

    I would like Divine Mother to open my heart and quicken my vibration with her blessing, so that I FEEL it emotionally and physically for the rest of the day. Thank you for all you’re doing Rebecca to help us connect with our Divine Selves.

  67. Rita on October 5, 2011 at 2:03 pm

    Help with my financial, spiritual, and physical healing. I can hardly make myself get out of bed most days a lot of this is die to condom and chronic fatigue bit also the depression of my financial Augustine and worry about my daughter and the abisive relationship she is in.

  68. Puja on October 5, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    I would like a natural groundedness, more clarity and to become a more clearer channel. I would like financial prosperity and stability and the abiiity to manifest quicker…i would like my healing abilities to increase with more groundedness…and i would like to be able to see the goddess and angels around me. I would also like to bring healing to all my relationships and prosperity and protection and health for my mom and dad and brother.

    I would like to see my business and my parent’s business flourish.

  69. IAM on October 5, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    Thank you and please I ask for direct and clear communication with Mother Goddess and clarity of my most ideal and happy and healthy path in all things.

  70. HOIE on October 5, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna, thank you for your love and service to us. Please grant me an ideal vehicle, living space, income, health, partner, support network, tenacity, courage, confidence, singing voice, communication ability, happy and beautiful body, and much fun travel to explore this amazing planet with happy people. Please help me to receive fully all the good in the world. Please heal my right middle toe and foot, replenish and balance my adrenals, thyroid, and hormones. Thank you!

  71. sheelagh on October 5, 2011 at 1:55 pm

    May all our Hearts’ Garden of Awakening bloom with thousands of beautiful flowers, be kissed by a thousand suns, and be forever be breathed upon by the Violet Flame of Mother Father God!
    May we live in the joyful love of our Divine Nature for eternity.
    May all of our prayers be granted
    May all Beings be FREE of all suffering
    May all Beings be FREE, Healthy, Happy, Abundant, Peaceful
    In Infinite Love and Infinite Gratitude to Rebecca, Mother Azna, and to all Beings of Light.

  72. Ann on October 5, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    I have recently been reminded of a wonderful “mantra” shared with me many years ago to say when I was having difficulty in any interpersonal relationship. “Given the knowledge and experience (that person) has, they are doing the best they know how to do”

    I would ask the Divine Mother to help me remember that mantra when I need to.

    I have also just been at a workshop where we talked about how we are often blessings to other people and I have decided to begin each day asking that I be just such a blessing to everyone I meet. So, I would ask the Divine Mother to help me remember to do that as well.

    Beyond that, I pray for peace in the world and a recognition that we are all connected and that love is really the only answer

  73. Evangelina on October 5, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    I would love healing for my beloved Sunshine so that we can have more days on this side together. I ask for immediate financial restoration: new clients that will allow me to do what I love at an abundant financial rate instead of returning to Corporate America to make money. I ask for masses of venture capital for my “baby” and clearing of any and all blocks for success. I ask for personal health restoration and exclusive and long-term love with Marc.

  74. PZM on October 5, 2011 at 12:59 pm

    Bless your heart, Rebecca, for being so generous, loving and kind in serving humanity from your big, big heart!
    I pray and ask Mother Azna to answer EVERYONE’S prayers, for their highest good, and to continuously bless each and every soul with peace, harmony, love, light, joy, happiness, abundance, prosperity, health and well-being, and spiritual enlightenment….AMEN

  75. Karen M Kelly on October 5, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    I ask for a complete healing of my body, mind and spirit and generation healing for my mother who has passed, my daughters, my son, and my grandchildren. I ask to be greatly blessed and healed of all infirmities in my body and mind. I ask that my house sell now for more than I expected to receive with mulitiple offers to choose from. I need my home to sell and to be able to retire with more than enough money coming in per month. I ask for my true man soul mate to come into my life now. I ask for peace, happiness, joy and prosperity in my life now. I ask all this in grate gratitude and thanks giving. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  76. Mara on October 5, 2011 at 12:21 pm

    Divine Mère et chère Rebecca,

    J’ai un besoin urgent d’argent pour pouvoir garder notre voiture. Cela fait trop longtemps que je me débat avec des soucis financier.
    De plus, j’aimerais qu’il y ait plus de personnes qui appellent mon numéro professionnel, afin que je puisse travailler convenablement.
    Merci pour votre aide et pour l’aide que vous apportez à tous.

  77. Brenda on October 5, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    I am thrilled to be part of this Divine Healing and blessing from Mother Mary and Rebbeca. It makes my heart soar.

    I have had a difficult 2 years……my hubby passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in front of me at the age of 49. My Mom passed away 2 months ago. The stress and grief has come out in my body as Fybromyalgia. I ask that my body and mind be healed of Fybromyalgia and although the grief won’t go away ….that it be softened and that I learn to channel my grief into Love…………….one more little thing : ) I’m not sure if Procrastination can be healed …but I’d love it if it was !

  78. Rosemary on October 5, 2011 at 11:39 am

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca,
    Please heal my blocks to success and attachments to people and substances not in my best interest. Thank you

  79. mo on October 5, 2011 at 11:24 am

    I need money! (“Speak your mind” allowed me to write that. Thank you.)

    I really need to dissolve my barriers to receiving the income I deserve – and so break free of the fear, stress, worry, etc (etc/, etc…) that lack of money fosters.

    There is so much I want to do and be, for myself and others. Money allows that freedom on this physical plane.

    Praying for a miracle, here.

    Thank you, Rebecca, for offering this wonderful gift.

  80. Santoshamo on October 5, 2011 at 11:18 am

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca,

    My request is for all inner and outer obstacles in my path to training many many yoga teachers and serving the spiritual development of future and current clients be removed.

    I also request that my body be healed, well balanced, strong and flexible.

    With a heart full of gratitude and love.

  81. Art on October 5, 2011 at 11:16 am

    I am a most blessed individual. Please help me to be grateful for the blessing I’ve received and am receiving with every breath I take.

  82. Jessica MdL on October 5, 2011 at 11:01 am

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca,
    Thank you for helping us!
    Please restore good, vibrant health to my husband, my mother, my 2 brothers. Also to friends and their loved ones who are going through health challenges.
    Help me with all my animals – that they are healthy and happy, especially the new one, who is very timid and fearful.
    Please bless us with abundance in all its forms and bring our projects into fruition. Especially my brother’s publicly-held company.
    I would also love to have your help in transitioning from my current career to my bliss: yoga, reiki, animal healing and rescue.
    Please help us in our adoption of Diane, Divine, and DJ.
    Bless everyone going through any types of challenges and help the world have more joy, peace, and love.
    I love you Mother and Rebecca!

  83. Deborah on October 5, 2011 at 10:59 am

    oh, one more thing…
    i need to release myself from any and all guilt feelings that i carry.
    thank you.

  84. Deborah on October 5, 2011 at 10:57 am

    Thank you so much for this opportunity.
    I ask for healing, for myself, my parents, my brother & sisters, and my significant other. Healing of all the wounds in our past, those caused by ourselves, and those caused by others, and even those caused long ago and came along in our karma. Let us all be free from past ways of negativity and disbelief and allow us financial, emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and every other type of freedom and successful abundance.
    I also ask for healing of our world, environmentally … and to let there be peace amongst us all.
    Personally, and simply:
    I need confidence and self-esteem again.
    I need a money streamline to help me make my dreams come true.
    I need the eyes of my significant other to open and see/feel the love and positiveness that our relationship really possesses and desire to build upon that, releasing all negative entities that affect our lives.
    I really just want my life to be fixed.
    … and again, i am overwhelmed with gratitiude for this opportunity.

  85. Peggy on October 5, 2011 at 10:52 am

    First, thank you for this wonderful blessing! I am very grateful! I ask Divine Mother to guide all of us humans to be wise, loving, and peaceful, and to realize our divine potential. I ask that my husband and I be blessed with divine guidance, health, happiness, and prosperity and a peaceful resolution to our housing situation for the highest good of all concerned. I ask that our extended families also be blessed with divine guidance, health, happiness, and prosperity.

    With Infinite Love and Gratitude

  86. Robbi on October 5, 2011 at 10:48 am

    I’m asking for good health and prosperity for my family. I ask that my daughter become healthy again removing the dreaded acid reflux from her life and to acquire the job she is seeking. I ask for guidence in all I do daily and to provide me purpose. I ask to provide me and my family with good income and the blessings and miracles of the holy spirit.

  87. Rachel on October 5, 2011 at 10:47 am

    Dear Mother Azna!
    I ask you for the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical health and financial abundance for my family: my husband, my daughter, my son in low and my friends.
    I need more self confidence in my professional life. I lost my job. I want to find the job in the place, where I’ll be comfortable with people and the job itself. I wan tto receive job in PA of NY & NJ and to work on project for new terminal in Laguardia Airoport.

    Thank you

  88. Gloria on October 5, 2011 at 10:40 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna: I am sincerely grateful for all the loving messages and guidance that Mother Azna has already bestowed on us all. I would like to ask Mother Azna for guidance to help me first with belief, trust and focus in and about my life. For all the steps I take to improve my life, health, and financial well being, I also take almost as many to sabotage the success of it. I lack in consistency on the path. I would also like to ask for guidance in being more open to what the Divine’s plan is for the rest of my life. Thank you so much for doing all of this Rebecca. With sincere heart gratitude, love and light!

  89. Denise on October 5, 2011 at 10:14 am

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca, I thankfully request help to release my fears bout starting a new job, to release my lack of confidence, and/or strength to face my fears so I can get unstuck. Please send me guidance to find the right job for me, one that I can do well and be of service while earning a good income. Please help me to release my lack of confidence in my energy healing practice and guidance to fulfill my purpose. Also requesting physical healing for my spine and immune system, as well as help to gently release old anger and resentment I might be holding on to. Please send physical healing for my husband’s spine. Thank you for these blessings. I am very grateful.

  90. Seeker on October 5, 2011 at 10:09 am

    Dear Mother Azna and dear Rebecca,

    I ask for healing of all diseases that are tormenting me now. Help me to be healthy again.
    I ask that my partner see how wrong he was when he left me and return. I need love in my life.
    I ask for health for all my family.
    I would love Mother Azna to show me my path because I’m very confused right now.
    I expect a MIRACLE!!
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

  91. Jennifer Chamberlain on October 5, 2011 at 10:03 am

    My blessing wish for myself is a return to a feeling of plenty and enough of all I need for myself and my family and community of friends. We are all feeling uncertain and unsettled. Not as grounded.
    Thank you for considering my request.

  92. Cynthia O on October 5, 2011 at 9:51 am

    Dearest Mother Anza & Rebecca,

    What do I want?…I really don’t know…I’m lost since my husband/best friend passed away from cancer last month. Maybe I want too much…maybe too little. I was laid off from my job in May (blessing so I could care for my husband). I want to be able to provide for my children and have extra to buy a house or start my own business. I really don’t know…I want more than I need.

    Cynthia O

  93. IC on October 5, 2011 at 9:45 am

    I ask for financial frredom to become debt-free. Thank you.

  94. Peggy on October 5, 2011 at 8:34 am

    Dear Mother Anza & Rabecca,

    I ask for guidence in helping my wayward child find her way and bring her back into the light. I also ask for financial guidence for my family in this time of economic strife. These things I humbly ask.

    Thank you.

  95. amarpreet on October 4, 2011 at 11:44 pm

    i want to buy my own working place now,,,please mother God Azna, help me to get one that i can afford and which suits me,, i want my hard work of all years to be paid off,,and i want to marry Sanjay easily and comfortably…………………….thank you , i know all my wishes are granted by you the moment you hear them,,

  96. Summer Dawn on October 4, 2011 at 10:48 pm

    I ask that miracles happen for all of us. That we all find, love, peace, and stability. That every man, woman, child, animal and nature be blessed. I am so grateful to you, Divine Mother, God and the Angels for everything they do. I want my children to grow up in a world of peace and love, where everyone cares about each other. No war, no hate exists.
    Thank you xxx

  97. Barbara on October 4, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    Dear Mother Azna,

    Please, multiply my health, wealth, love and happiness at least thousand times. Please, do it for the whole population of our planet, too. I thank you so much for every gift I have received from you.

  98. Songdog on October 4, 2011 at 7:28 pm

    A miracle healing on this planet every day, for all the animals, children, plants and trees; peace, love , joy, compassion, truth, grace and beauty in every heart, respect for this earth and all beings, awareness, responsibilty , and gratitude for our lives, and loved ones.
    I have a wonderful life thanks to the angels and Divine Mother, I am always supported and helped because I ask. May we all be so blessed!

  99. E.M on October 4, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    Dear mother Azna,

    I ask for health, wealth, success, prosperity, love, peace, happiness a for everyone and for my self. Thank you.

  100. Therese on October 4, 2011 at 6:55 pm

    Dear Divine Mother, dear Rebecca
    there are so many things I would love to ask Divine Mother to do for me, but I will learn how to ask for personal favor in due time.
    My concern is world consciousness, please Divine Mother give every human joy, love and respect to each other and respect to animals and our Mother Earth. I also ask Divine Mother to heal my mother’s body, mind and soul.
    Thank you Divine Mother and thank you Rebecca.
    Rebecca you are such a special soul. I feel so blessed to know you.
    Love, light and blessings to you and your loved ones.

  101. Julie on October 4, 2011 at 5:54 pm

    I would like to ask that the Mother Azna bring joy to our hearts in the knowing that love and calm action is the true key to happiness. Will you ask her please to keep projecting that to the world? Thank you so much- of course I know you will-

    Inner Love & Light,

  102. Elsa on October 4, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    Blessed Mother Azna
    Please help me to feel divine peace and love in every moment so that I might share that light in the world.
    Much love and gratitude to you and Rebecca.

  103. Celestine on October 4, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    Thank you Azna and Rebecca for this opportunity.
    I would like guidence each day, to speak the words needed in the moment, to bring light and comfort to everyone I meet. For the energy and Light of Source to flow through me in my healing work.
    Please hold me back from “doing it for” others, instead of compassionatly being the observer and seeing everyone as whole
    LightFull Blessings

  104. Kalina on October 4, 2011 at 12:42 pm

    I am grateful of all your devotion on this planet and work for a better life for everyone.
    Please Give me clear guidance for my career to help others to heal on all levels, so that I can serve God. So, I can live a life with financial security, abundance, encountering my soulmate and heal my physical, emotional and spiritual body. So that my feet can walk the path that has been designed fo me by God.

  105. Rachel on October 4, 2011 at 12:31 pm

    Thank you! I ask for help for our family in being grateful for what we have, for health and happiness for my little boy, for every day miracles & hope for all those who are feeling hopeless, and for a great healing for the USA. Thanks and Blessings! xoxo

  106. Andy on October 4, 2011 at 8:06 am

    Dear Azna and Rebecca, Many thanks for all your work on our behalf!
    I would ask for much improvement in my hearing.
    Then, if there’s any left, I would like to be financially secure and for all of my family to be healthy….

    World peace might be too much to ask – but it’s worth a try.

    At least, could you end cruelty to animals, please?
    Many thanks,
    Andy. xxx

  107. Lisa Gabriel on October 4, 2011 at 5:45 am

    Dearest Rebecca and our Divine Mother. Is meditation the way to open up my gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance so that I can become a better healer for myself and others?
    My love always Lisa

  108. SC on October 4, 2011 at 2:43 am

    Dear Mother Azna and dear Rebecca,

    I pray for blessings for my parents health and for them to be filled with peace and happiness and surrounded by love. For my children to acheive all that they have set as their targets. and for me success in my work and financial abundance.

  109. chuann on October 3, 2011 at 11:22 pm

    Thank you!
    From New Delhi, India

  110. chuann on October 3, 2011 at 11:22 pm

    I request healing for my anxiety and self-sabotage.
    I want a miracle in my self-esteem
    I request healing for the related issues in my personal, family and professional life;
    I request healing for our pet Rusty.

  111. M.J. on October 3, 2011 at 9:59 pm

    Thank you Rebecca for your help and generosity.
    I ask for peace and the sure confidence of knowing what to do when.
    I ask for patience and understanding.
    I ask my son be at peace and progress through his God-given prosperous education now and in the future. I ask for alternative solutions if the blessings given are not viable and cannot work in the physical, three dimensional plane.
    I ask for peace between my husband and me, and the sure prosperity that needs to happen for our peace of mind. Clarity to light through the confusion. Patience to bear the dark. Wisdom to understand why it’s all happening. And right action when immediately called for. I ask for the discernment necessary to manage our finances. I ask for the right teachers, the right people to help me in my life. And if not able, I ask to be able to detach, and still be grateful and happy in my heart.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  112. Lydia on October 3, 2011 at 9:49 pm

    Dear Mother Azna,

    Thank you so very much for all of your love, help and support.

    Please help all of us who would like to STOP SMOKING NOW
    – even though there may still be a part of us which does not want to change.

    Thanks Mother Azna

  113. B.L. on October 3, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    Dear Divine Mother,
    I ask for your help and guidance to become a published author and spiritual enterpreneur to serve the light in the most magnificent and profound ways possible.
    Thanks and Blessings to you, Rebecca and everyone on the calls.


  114. Marlene on October 3, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    Just as nearly everyone has written, I need abundance in my life so that I will be able to keep my house. Even though I am 72 years old I am certainly willing to work for whatever money I am able to earn. I also need family communication, love, respect and health concerns to improve among my various family members, especially my sons. We all need to help and support each other through these difficult times. I DO have an attitude of gratitude for my many blessings. Mother Anza and the rest of the universe knows that the more I receive, the more I share. I feel I am being held down, unable to help myself and others. Please let the financial abundance return to my life so that we may all prosper. Thank you

  115. Kathy Schlund on October 3, 2011 at 7:41 pm

    I ask Mother Azna to heal me so I rise to the vibration level that allows abundant flow of money, to replace my income equivalent or greater than that of the year of 2009. And heal me that I am able to release 2.5 pounds per week until I reach a size 10. As it already is, so it is.

  116. Jo-Jo on October 3, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    Divine Mother, please help me to heal deeply and completely from all of the emotional wounds I have acquired since my life went chaotic my tenth grade year of high school. Please heal my mother of all emotional wounds from the ordeal. Help her to find herself . Please heal my sister and especially my father of any and all emotioanl wounds. Help my sister to find the confidence to follow her dreams and to fulfill her destiny, whatever it may be. Only God(you) know. Please clear our home of all negative or chaotic energy and fill it with the highest divine energy and with the energy of your love. Please provide 100% tuition for my sister and my own education. Please give me direct, to-the-point and strong guidance as to what steps to take next in my life. Examples: What college if any shouls I attend?, What should I major and/or minor in?, what career am I meant to be in?, what do I do?, etc. Please answer this as thorough as possible. Please don’t limit the answers to just what I listed as they were only a few of many questions. Please also give me the strength, confidence and most of all faith to move forward with my life mission. Help me to let go of my internal “grip” on things so that I may heal and move forward. Help me to understand “limits” or the “what keeps things separate” thing that I have been wondering about for many years which has been holding me back out of fear of losing somthing. Please heal me of my fear of “losing things” that are most important to me. Please help me to more clearly and strongly hear my intuitive voice and divine guidance. Please help me to accept, own and let go of my fear of losing my spiritual gifts. Guide me as to how to best us them. Show me the way. Take my hand and lead me as a mother leads their child. Guide me out of this pit of darkness into the upmost light and onto my life path.

    Your son.

    P.S: Please answer any other unasked questions or prayers that you see within my heart.

  117. Hug on October 3, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    Divine Mother, I am grateful for all your blessings.
    I would like Divine Mother to help my grandson get the courage to stop smoking pot & drinking. That he go find a job. And not be so angry with everyone.
    I would like wisdom and guidance for my husband and I in what to say or do.
    Thank you to both of you,
    God bless you.

  118. Tamara on October 3, 2011 at 5:10 pm

    I need to get past my throat chakra blockage and speak my authentic truth from an empowered stance without choking up. Please explain how I may do this.

  119. BirtheB on October 3, 2011 at 3:42 pm

    Dear Mother Azna.
    I would like a good and loving life with my children/family. Learn me to heal. Let me, please have nice and bright thoughts. -And from now on, there will be no finantional problems…for anyone. Thank you so much, from Denmark, BirtheB

  120. Marylin on October 3, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Thank you for all your blessings and all that you are doing for us all. I would like to know how to heal old wounds and remove the pain from the past, remove obstacles from my path to love and financial abundance and to forgive those that have caused us pain.

    I thank you for all that you do.

  121. Eugene on October 3, 2011 at 2:18 pm

    Dear Mother Azna,

    Thank you for all my blessings that you are bestowing upon me.
    I still would like to participate in the 2008 Olympic Games in the 50 meter freestyle, the 50 meter butterfly and the 100 meter Butterfly and do well. I also could use some help with more sponsors assisting me getting there.
    Bless your daughter Rebecca A Marina abundantly as well so she can always help a lot of other people for many years to come.

  122. Kitty on October 3, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    First of all, thank you for all your efforts to help.
    I would like to get my old energy back and no more headaches, which I have almost every day.
    Apart from that for myself, I would love it if my granddaughter could have an easier path through her puberty and that the psychologist can really help her.
    If at all possible I would like my niece to find a partner in time to still be able to have children.
    Of course I would like peace and tolerance in this world more than I can say.
    Thank you for helping so many people so they can believe in themselves and the world again.

  123. Boniface on October 3, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    Hi Dear Mother mary & Sis Rebecca,
    I would love good health for me and my wife,family.
    I wish for some abundance in the way Mother Mary see fit for me and my family.
    Open door for my nephew-like deliverancefree-.
    A good, strong prayer for my whole family.
    And I would love to write” I Love You Mother Mary and do thank Rebecca for affording all this special time.

  124. Meltem on October 3, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    Dear Mother Azna, after this morning’s energy transmission realized with your affectionate presence, now I think I started to understand what real balance is. I can’t thank you enough for your assistance, not to mention the millions you are helping, in a few minutes you pulled me out of darkness. Now all I want is to experience the unconditional love fully:) Thank you for being here for us, and Rebecca, thank you for your loving and selfless service.
    Love and Blessings to all:)

  125. lucia kahn on October 3, 2011 at 11:41 am

    ploee, dear Rebecca, ask Divine Mother to take away my negative thoughts about everything. I don´t smoke, take drugs or anything.
    I am 71 years old, so I am not planning on starting any new career, but enjoy my present. MY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS HAVE PERSECUTED ALL MY LIFE, IN EVERY SINGLE CIRCUMSTANCE.
    Thank you humbly.

  126. Steffanie brown on October 3, 2011 at 11:26 am

    Dear mother………is there a way I can more efficiently and lovingly bring home into oneness my children aspects that split off during childhood cult and occult abuse. …I want to do this in a balanced way. So. Can be in the most service to God. I need all the help I can get from the light to help me get my inner house in order to then have my outer house become more orderly and stop the hoarding. As a protective self defecnc aswell as prepare it for those I’m to serve with the earth’s transitions with ascensions.

    Thank you for healing help and a letter back from you would be very helpful to my little ones who love you dearly that we could reread over and over. Encouraging our process Bless you and Rebecca multitudes for helping us all as you are…….youare so much love….my inner kids ask you to explain to rebcca that we are not brats! As she referred to in a phone program talkrng about innet childten……..her inner child is not a brat and nither ate others othets..they served a very helpful purpose In keeping me alive all the cult abuse .love Stefanie

  127. Brenda on October 3, 2011 at 10:58 am

    Dearest Divine Mother,
    I cannot begin to tell you how many workshops, prayers, affirmations, decrees and processes ai have done for 40 years and am still limited in my supply of financial blessings and abundance. What gives? I request a complete release of all limiting beliefs, ideas, concepts and curses in my subconscious, conscious, and superconscious mind. Enough already!

    Thank u, thank you, thank you with deep gratitude in my heart for the releasement,

  128. Anjel on October 3, 2011 at 10:48 am

    Dearest mother and Rebecca, I ask that my daughters grandchildren be blessed. I ask to finally see my son is in heaven with our sweet Lord. I ask for health so that I may be here for my daughters and I ask for finacial freedom. I ask to find happiness and peace in my heart and mind. I ask for divine love.
    Thank with with much love Ayana

  129. Marie on October 3, 2011 at 10:29 am

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca, I ask for help with our finances and our abundance, so I can help several college bound students and get rid our our debt.

    I also ask for help and clarity for my healing work. Is it there, my healing ability? I also ask for help with seeing spirits. I know they are there will I ever be able to see or even hear them more clearly.

    I am grateful for all the help and for everything I receive. I place my worries out of my mind. Mother God I give all my needs and worries to you. I will listen with my heart. Thank you Mother God and Rebecca.


  130. Nancy Sue on October 3, 2011 at 10:09 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna

    I ask for great prosperity in the coming days so that I can carry out my life’s mission. I ask for guidance & clarity in the use of my “healing hands” and “voice. Divine Mother Azna, please shower your love on all the Beings of the world. Keep them safe in your loving light light. My heart is filled with gratitude for everything I have received and everything that is coming to me along with the relief of this burden of pain within my physical body and the blessings of increased energy to keep me going forward on my Spirital path. Seraphim angel hugs & kisses, Nancy Sue

  131. Nuala on October 3, 2011 at 10:04 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna, I believe that my divine mission on earth is to help Children to have a better life. Can you please help me clarify how I am to do this? I see so much unnecessary suffering in these Children and wish them to see their brilliance. Thankyou. Nuala XO

  132. Gabrielle on October 3, 2011 at 9:01 am

    Thank you so much Rebecca for your loving, generous spirit.
    I ask for great prosperity in the coming days so that I can carry out my life’s mission.
    I ask for guidance in the use of my “healing hands”.
    Please bless my grandson who will be born in the coming days. May he and my daughter be healthy and full of joy.
    Divine Mother, please shower your love on all my family wherever they are. Keep them safe in your blissful guiding light.
    My heart is filled with gratitude for everything I have received and everything that is coming to me.

  133. Karen on October 3, 2011 at 7:56 am

    Divine Mother, I really need guidance on how I can fully replace my current income within the next three months. I’ve worked so hard setting up my website with the Visionary novels you’ve inspired me to write over the past decade and a half, I”ve made them available on Amazon in print and Kindle editions, I’ve Tweeted and Facebooked as well as mentioned to others verbally, yet so far nothing is happening. Going from zero to what I need as monthly income is a steep climb–I cannot do this alone. I made an agreement with the Universe: I will do my part, writing these inspirational novels, using all my skills as a writer to make them the best I can, set up the website and do all the “mundane” things that are within my ability to do, and You would “bring the bees to the flowers.” Well, the flowers are there . . . where are the bees?

    So much depends on this, as you know, Divine Mother. Perhaps even life and death, however exaggerated that might sound. I am doing everything I know how to answer my soul’s calling, which keeps screaming at me louder and louder each day, especially at work at the job I hate. (Which I’ve tried to love, to find the good, to no avail. It just becomes “coping,” and very short-lived.) I hear the insistence of the Universe to get out, to do what I came here to do, which I’m trying so very hard to do but just seems to be going nowhere. It’s been nearly six months now with no tangible results…it will take a miracle to happen in the remaining three before the company I work for moves, and if I have to move with them my life and my son’s will become a living hell. I felt it so clearly, that the company announcing the move was an unmistakable sign: Time to manifest your destiny, Karen! So I wrestled with my fear, and finally pushed through, establishing a web presence and making my work available. Yet no one seems to be finding it, and you know I don’t have money to launch an advertising campaign.

    That’s where our agreement comes in: I’ve done my part, and contninue to do what I can, but I need to see results from your side. Please help. Thank you, and many blessings.

  134. anna96 on October 3, 2011 at 7:26 am

    i also ask for conviction of all women who committed adultery with my husband, that they would all be blessed with guidance, repentance and deliverance, asking for a chance to make amends, and correct the situations created, arising from all the Lies and sins they committed to deceive and temp my husband, including His Own conviction for his weakness for the flesh,His pride & arrogance, selfishness & self righteousness; repentance and deliverance. Recognize God’s calling amidst the events in the past. That they will all Learn from the Lessons, w/o forgetting it. Healing of my Family Tree (Spiritual & earthly) from sins committed in ALL PAST< PRESENT & future generations and ALL LIfetimes. Grateful for Mother Azna's healing thru You, Rebecca

  135. joannah96 on October 3, 2011 at 7:14 am

    Complete trust from my husband, Lies of the enemy about my alleged infidelity would be uncovered, the Truth of my faithfulness would finally be revealed, our marriage would completely be healed. I’m so grateful that I have Mother Azna, to put all things in accordance with God’s plan for me to be happy. Thank you Rebecca, for being an instrument of God’s abundant revelation

  136. Linda on October 3, 2011 at 6:01 am

    Dea Azna, Dear Rebecca.
    Please bless all the people whom i love with all my heart and even the ones that have hurt me in the past, I allso ask for divine healing through all the lifetimes and help clear all my karmic debt so i can move forward with ease, joy love and grace. And please help me to connect with the Arc Angels, Divine light beings and my Guides and angels,past over loved ones and ask for presice guidence and clarity so i may connect more fully with the angelic realm. Love and Blessings for all Linda

  137. Maria on October 3, 2011 at 5:46 am

    Dear Azna, dear Rebecca,

    Thank you so much for doing this again!

    At this point of my life, I humbly ask for these blessings:

    A friendly and swift resolution to my finished relationship with L, so that he can move out from my house and move on to his own life

    Peace of mind for me and my children on all levels

    And I thank you for your gifts of love, connection and inspiration that keep raining on me! I’m LOVING IT!

    Cheers from France,

    : ) Maria

  138. kalpa on October 3, 2011 at 4:07 am

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca,

    I would like to ask Mother for inner peace with dealing with the situation that has been troubling me GREATLY. I ask for Precise inner guidance and the ability to recognise Divine guidance. I ask Mother to please bless, protect and take care of all my family members. I ask her to pls speak to me through you

  139. Marilyn on October 3, 2011 at 3:27 am

    Divine Mother:
    Send me Health! On all levels…
    Thanking you in advance,

  140. TeAroha Taki on October 3, 2011 at 3:26 am

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca,

    Thank you so much for this opportunity, I would like to ask
    for blessings for my Husband and I married 46 years last week,
    May we be blessed with financial abundance so we can help our
    family, and many friends.
    We wish to give more charitable gifts to people in our community because of their poverty attitude, also private donations, we have been focussed mainly on meditations and visualizations and really feel they are working well… Your breathing exercises sent by Rebecca last week,seem to help alleviate our aging pains. I still need support for my own addiction to nicotine, and self-sabotage.
    Otherwise we are grateful, and appreciate all the blessings and gifts received in the past, and the now….TY TY TY


  141. Donna on October 3, 2011 at 3:12 am

    Dearest Mother Divine
    Please Bless me with absolute clarity in all areas of my life. Please Do not be suttle when you are speaking to me.
    Please Bless my husband and myself with the true desires of you hearts.
    Love, Light & Blessing
    Thank you deeply

  142. Ademida on October 3, 2011 at 1:49 am

    Dear Azna:
    First, I would like to ask for your compassion and understanding. Please help work with my fears which is what is stopping me to be successful and what has been a disability or an obstacle during my whole life. Please let me conquer the fear, let me be great, let me grow more (spiritually and mentally) and let be someone. Let my angels to be with me always.

    I would like to ask your blessing for my family, give them health, serenity and financial peace. Give my husband the strength he needs. Take away all this pressure and stress and let him be truly happy.

    Also, I am asking for my business. Give me and my business partner the tools to be great, to grow up, to be successful. Let us get known by everyone, let us get rewarded for our hard work. Help me conquer my fears in terms of selling and let me be magnificence in doing so, generating a lot of business. We need financial freedom. Let’s the money flows! Please, make of this passion my career. Please let me be the support of my family, that with this business I can support and help my husband and bring money home. You know I have everything; the education, the experience, the permits everything we need. We just need that little push.

    Lovely mother Azna, above all, PLEASE, PLEASE help me. Let us survive not only this month but this year. Please give us abundance and financial peace. Let me have a sense of security, not only for me but for our children. Let me offer them a future, a house, a table with hot meal, an education…Please help me to learn to be calm in this moment, show me to await with happiness your answer. To believe! You know we don’t have enough to get through this month. Please, please help us! Show me how to stay hopeful, to ask and let go, to be calm and have serenity, to have peace. Please help me sleep through the night. Send opportunities, and financial wealth this way.

    It is already appreciated.

  143. BJ on October 2, 2011 at 11:56 pm


    I would Love Long Term Financial Freedom. To be more in tune with my Spiritual Side. I’m lost & need you to help guide me to the right path of my career. To Help me to not be Fearful of whatever opportunities come my way. For my Husband and I to have a Great future filled with Love, Security & Safety with each other as well as with our unborn child. I wish for my Family & Friends to have Great Health, Happiness, Love & Abundance for the rest of their Life.

  144. Tonya on October 2, 2011 at 11:37 pm

    Dear Divine Mother,
    I come to you humble in heart and spirit. I invite you to come into my life and be my guide and protector. I ask that you would lead me in a righteous way giving me clear guidance and awarness to my life. I open up my heart and soul to God the love of my life to the One who is above all things. I ask that anything that’s unwanted not for my highest good be removed, whether its things , people, dreams, or situations. I invite good things, good health, people, dreams, and oppuntunies to come my way. May I be aware of all good things and turn away from bad. May my gifts and talents be exposed and may I always use them for God’s will. May I live in good health, peace, abundance, love, happiness, and joy. My family looks up to me may they be blessed in all their efforts and may I bring them to place of abundance to share the beauty and love that I have inside of me. Thank You for whatever I ask it shall be done in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.

  145. lovemama on October 2, 2011 at 10:25 pm

    In the past 4 years, I’ve lost my mother and my father through illness, and my brother through suicide. Now my daughter is moving across the country, and I’m devastated beyond reason. I know it’s exciting for her, and will be a good thing for her life. But to my deep core, it feels like another death. i simply ask Mother for peace. Thank you, and sending you so much love.

  146. Sarah on October 2, 2011 at 10:12 pm

    Dear Mother God,

    I have been working on my freedom related issues. It’s getting better but I want to be free in the fullest truest sense of the word. My legal issues are more than a decade long. To say that American immigration system is broken is an understatement. My desire for becoming a resident is really a desire for freedom. How do I quickly manifest that? I have been waiting long enough. Thank You.

  147. Katherine on October 2, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    Rebbecca thank you for this. It is coming at the perfect time. Please give me patience to be the best mother that I can to my children. Help relieve financial strain and let me help my 5 year old daughter deal with her tremendous anger. Blessings

  148. Gillian on October 2, 2011 at 9:54 pm

    Thank you very much for offering this via multiple streams, including audio. I have been unable to attend your other sessions due to my satellite broadband connection which limits bandwidth.

    May the Mother bless each member of our human family, and touch all hearts and minds with her loving presence.

  149. Geeta on October 2, 2011 at 9:44 pm

    Dear Divine Mother , thank you for always being there . I wish I could see you again in my meditation . Also please remove this feeling of hurt I always feel & help me with financial issues

  150. Nita on October 2, 2011 at 9:16 pm

    Divine Mother, now that I’ve met my soul mate, help us fully live this relationship together (he is 3,000 Km away). I have been told I need to raise my vibration and his will change too. Please guide me to make this shift in my own life.
    Thank you

  151. lenn on October 2, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    i need romantic love and unbridled success. i humbly thank you for this opportunity. i’m ready to forgive and move on.

  152. Linda on October 2, 2011 at 8:51 pm

    Divine mother,I ask for complete healings in all levels of my life, I ask for peace,happiness and protection for my husband and children, May I find my true inner path and have A deep conection with my angels and divine source and be Able to listen and trust, I ask that I may have financial freedom and be grateful and appreciate all the blessings in my life.I ask that my mother be at peace and that my father and sisters and myself be strong enough to take care of her but be able to let her go, I humbly thank you ,Love and Light, Linda

  153. Jennine M on October 2, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    I would love to have my husband return home to live with me again—so what I want is marital happiness, togetherness, love, joy, & harmony with my husband.I also need us to have financial stability, as the stress of having “not enough”is taking such a toll on us.Someday I would love for us to own a home of our own.Continued health & happiness for m self & all those I care for.

  154. Jayne on October 2, 2011 at 8:19 pm

    I need a financial windfall very much, as well as a return to perfect health and wellness. Thank you for this gift you’re giving us!

  155. Alyssa V on October 2, 2011 at 7:58 pm

    Dear Divine Mother, I ask for complete Healings on all levels of conciousness for my family, and extended family tree…I ask them to receive love, joy and Happiness!! Can you please help me with my health issues, mental, weight, and self love issues and realationships! please help me completely heal on all levels of conciousness!! So I may heal the world and all thats in it…I am so blessed and Greatful for all the blessing I have in my life, my beautiful son, my family and everything i have and am receiving, Health, wealth and Abandance, Bliss and Happiness all. thank you, I am so Greatful and Blessed to be receiving from you all the blessing! thank you with all my hearts love, yours enternally in service of the Divine love and Light….Alyssa xoxoxox

  156. Nestor A. Figueroa on October 2, 2011 at 7:39 pm

    Dear Divine Mother & Rebecca:
    My desire is for more people to be in tune with the shift in our mutual thoughts for the next phase yn the world.
    I hope that this days with you wil help us reach the desires we want for family and not to fret about financial situations or major problems ,brcause you will help uss in your iwn way and time.

  157. Sophia M on October 2, 2011 at 7:38 pm

    Dear Rebecca,

    In respect to all those that have posted, yes it would be nice to have Health, Wealth and general Peace and Happiness. And while I want that for the world more than anything, my issue is how to have all that in one’s personal life.
    I have found the one I love, and I think I finally have found what makes me happy career-wise. But my problem is, what I love to do requires travelling overseas sometimes, and the person I love is in the States (though still far from where I live). How do I “have it all,” with being with the person I want to eventually start a family with, while pursing the work I love…? Do I/ should I have to choose between the two?

    Thank you so much 🙂

  158. Nanine on October 2, 2011 at 7:09 pm

    Dear Mother,
    I ask for full, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health for me, my daughters, their partners and children. Heal any woundedness created from childhood (and its effects) from my childrens and their partners current lives. Release them from the hold the past has on them. Especially for my oldest daughter and her partner. Give them courage to love freely. I pray for full, healthy, loving relationships between us,where we see the good in each other, speak kindly to one another, wish the best for one another, support and help one another, love one another, rejoice and celebrate with one another. Heal all woundedness and its effects between us, please. I ask that we all find our perfect right livelihood, our divine expression. Help us to have an abundant money flow, and completely eliminate any feelings of lack in our lives. I pray for a loving partner for each of us, where there is unconditional love, affection, respect, support, consideration, loyalty, prosperity, generosity, harmony, and joy in our relationships. I pray that we know our true worth, feel self confident, that we lose all judgement towards others, and feel only unconditional love. Please heal our relationships with each other completely, Mother. I ask these things so that we may better serve, and use our love for one another as a divine example to others. Our prosperous and abundant lives free us to think outside of ourselves, to have resources to grow, to travel, own homes, follow our dreams,and to experience life abundantly. I pray that we feel our connection to Spirit more strongly, through hearing, seeing, feeling, knowing, automatic writing, or however Spirit wishes to connect. I pray that you help me to feel reenergized and excited about my life. I ask for my extended family to be healed in all ways. Bless everyone who is involved with this in every way. I humbly thank you, Mother Azna.for your love and healing and grace. XO

  159. JD on October 2, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    Dear Divine Mother I trust you to help me loose weight. Pls help me find peace and believe in myself and my abilities.
    I thank you Mother Azna. Rebecca thanks for giving us all this wonderful opportunity

  160. Maren on October 2, 2011 at 6:43 pm

    Divine Mother, Thank you for these blessings. i ask to have the experience of my art selling, so that I may have my own income, to support myself/family and be able to leave this present relationship with my husband. Bless your dear heart, Maren

  161. Kay on October 2, 2011 at 6:34 pm

    I request the Divine Mother bless me financially so I may tithe 10%, complete much needed dental work with a smile makeover and enough remaining to catch up on my bills and share with friends and family. And please bless my new relationship, may him and I both, together be loving, gentle, kind, compassionate towards one another and to prosper and assist those in need!

  162. Daphne on October 2, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    To trust more and lose the fear dominating my life, and dear Mother to have more money to travel and enjoy freedom from money worries..
    Thank You, Daphne

  163. Marilyn on October 2, 2011 at 5:48 pm

    Dear Mother,

    Thank you for helping me to be and do what I came here to do.

    Blessings to you Rebecca for being such a wonderful example.

  164. Western Sky on October 2, 2011 at 5:15 pm

    Dear Divine Mother. My request is quite simple. I have a health issue that is not medically clear and it impacts me in a negative way very significantly on my day to day living. Please divine mother, grant that my health issue is resolved for a richer and productive life style. Grant me the grace by which I can become wealthier in wisdom, compassion and reap the benefits of divine guidance.

    Thank you for blessings and graces.

  165. Maria on October 2, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    dear mother you know what I need. Please help me overcome the difficulties and solve all problems. I rely on your help. Thank you. I ask your blessing

  166. Dianna Castonguay on October 2, 2011 at 4:53 pm

    I copied this one as this is so amazing and so true to my family also but, would like to include not only my 7 sisters and all the other woman in my family but also my two brothers as I beleive we are all afflicted by the same energy which has not allow any of us to prosper or feel healthy mentally, physically or spirtually.

    Blessed Mother,

    I would ask for healing of the wounds that have generationally affected the women in my family, and I ask for a full healing, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, .for my mother, my daughter, and I, and then extending through the dimensions to all the women in my family, so that we may live our lives as the fullest divine expression of our blessed selves in perfect health on all levels, thriving as we were intended to be.

    Thank you for your Diving Radiant Blessing,

  167. Dianna Castonguay on October 2, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    I have been going through something not even sure why but have anxiety and a feeling of something bad is going to happen everyday. I would like mother Azna to help me with this so I can have a better life to help others the way I am now I don’t feel I can help myself. I would love to have healing physically and spirtiually.

  168. Sande on October 2, 2011 at 4:41 pm

    I decided to go into a business making handmade (knitting and crocheting scarves). I tell everyone that the angels are helping me because I truly don’t know how each scarf is going to turn out until it is finished. Am I doing what I should be doing? I recently retired and money is needed. Thank you.

  169. Leticia on October 2, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    I would like to request the healing of my body. finishing up the major dental work Healing of the relationship with family. and/ financial blessings to find the right new car. Thank you Leticia

  170. susan wright on October 2, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    DearMother God AZNA,I would love this aweful abuse to stop.I need to have the neccessary finances to move away from here and meet like minded people for sharing and love i would like to do pilates for improvement for my health and i would like to feel safe and secure always,meet a true and trusted friend,and have someone i can trust that will help me in my transition.I sing to you everyday and feel you are undoubtedly near me,I love you,with deep and sincere gratitude.SIOUX xxx

  171. Gina Marie on October 2, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    Dearest Rebecca and Divine Mother,
    I’m asking this of you from the depths of my being… Please help me to find myself, my purpose in life on this earth. I’ve lived my entire life trying to please the ones I love making mistakes along the way, but spending the last many many years trying hard to be what my husband wanted me to be so he will love me forever. I failed, he still left me for another, and in the mean time I lost my identity, my friends, my family from marriage, along with my entire family from birth, and almost loosing my own sons because of the mistakes my husband made after leaving us. For the past 4 years I’ve felt like a ghost who’s haunting the ones I love because I won’t accept the death of the life I’ve lived as a wife and mother for 27 years of my life. My husband and his family were my life and now I’m lost not knowing how to move on. Please help me in my divorce case so I can begin to live a life as a wonderful, loving, caring, successful, helpful, beautiful woman of my dreams. Please guide me in the direction only you can guide me to become this woman. Help me to love and respect myself as this woman, and allow me to find the one person who will feel the same for me so we can share our lives with each other. Help me to finally experience unconditional love from others and enable me to have the life I always dreamed of having. I no longer want to be a taker Mother God, I want to be a giver, a problem solver, a woman that gets things done for myself and my loved ones. The one who make things happen, not who sits and waits for it. Please Bless me with the one gift I was born with IF it is for the GOOD for I do believe that everyone is special in one way or another, and keep me, my loved ones, and my animals safe from any and all negativity if I can really do something about it. This is my prayer for you, Thank you.

  172. Gina Marie on October 2, 2011 at 2:44 pm

    Dearest Rebecca and Divine Mother,
    I’m asking this of you from the depths of my being… Please help me to find myself, my purpose in life on this earth. I’ve lived my entire life trying to please the ones I love making mistakes along the way, but spending the last many many years trying hard to be what my husband wanted me to be so he will love me forever. I failed, he still left me for another, and in the mean time I lost my identity, my friends, my family from marriage, along with my entire family from birth, and almost loosing my own sons because of the mistakes my husband made after leaving us. For the past 4 years I’ve felt like a ghost who’s haunting the ones I love because I won’t accept the death of the life I’ve lived as a wife and mother for 27 years of my life. My husband and his family were my life and now I’m lost not knowing how to move on. Please help me in my divorce case so I can begin to live a life as a wonderful, loving, caring, successful, helpful, beautiful woman of my dreams. Please guide me in the direction only you can guide me to become this woman. Help me to love and respect myself as this woman, and allow me to find the one person who will feel the same for me so we can share our lives with each other. Help me to finally experience unconditional love from others and enable me to have the life I always dreamed of having. I no longer want to be a taker Mother God, I want to be a giver, a problem solver, a woman that gets things done for myself and my loved ones. The one who make things happen, not who sits and waits for it. This is my prayer for you, Thank you.

  173. Diana on October 2, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    Divine Mother,
    I ask for the highest good of the greatest number – that many people find and use the products and services that my businesses offer…that they become healthy, joyful, and prosperous, and that I, in turn, also prosper. Thank you, and much love and gratitude to you always!

  174. Juan Olivos Bresciani on October 2, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    I need you to Divine Mother to tell me: what is the purpose of my life? and bless me, prosperity and abundance. Thanks

  175. M.M. on October 2, 2011 at 2:27 pm

    Dear Mother Azna,
    besides some financial security can I ask for help for
    somebody else?

    Thank you….

  176. gabi on October 2, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    I would like a special blessing and help for healing from all points of view and for health.Thank you to the Divine Mother and Rebecca.

  177. Rod on October 2, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    I did help with blocks concerning financial abundance. Thank you and God Bless you!

  178. Michelle on October 2, 2011 at 2:06 pm

    Dear Beloved Mother Anza and Gracious Ms Rebecca:

    First I want to express deeply and loudly my gratitude for the blessings that I do have in life and all that you have done for me to answer my prayers when I was most in need. And at the same time as I tried very hard to stay positive in those moments and not fret, I stayed aware and grateful for all the blessings that I had already in my life. Like simple things such as have and being able to use my human body in every way shape and form. A roof over my head, a car to drive, money to spend/pay bills, a cute and precious lil dog, family and friends, and now finally 2 part times jobs that will bring me more than enough income to get a place of my own with the relief of knowing that I can pay all of my bills.

    Having said all this, there is one area in my life that absolutely need help in and I have prayed for help and improvement with this but maybe it’s because I’m simply slowing you down? I am asking to have a great and positive shift in my romantic love life & sexual pleasure with a man I’m dating currently, who’s name is Will. I am asking you Mother Anza for him and I to finally take our relationship seriously and commit to one another. He has been “blowing hot and cold” and half the time, I’m not sure what to believe? If he wants to be together or not? I keep hoping and choosing to believe that he does but when the next day roles around and he is lacking in communication with me, I’m hurt all over again… Please help to heal us both with our inner emotions and correct our external circumstances so that we can finally connect our souls together? Mother Anza, if we are not meant to be, then I’m asking you to bring me my soul mate as soon as possible? I have been starving romantically and can’t take it anymore… I can only be a confident, independent, single women for so long and of course, I’m only human and desire romantic human companion. I ask this with many many love and thanks. I trust you and I am not concerned with how or when it happens. I just ask that it definitely does happen.

    I also ask a great and generous shift in my financial life and career. To earn more than enough income so that I can finally buy my first home of my own and a new truck or S.U.V.

    I ask for a definitive and permanent positive resulting shift in my body to finally be rid of over eating and bad emotional and destructive eating/body image behaviors and beliefs about myself. To have a beautiful, healthy, fit and toned mind and body.

    I ask to have more friends in my life that I can share fun times with and just be there for one another when needed.

    I ask that the negative karma from my generations passed down to me (to include my past lives) to be healed and cleared so that my life can be more successful and happy and be one with light and love. I do live my life currently with depression and anxiety which hinders my life to go into blissful love and light and success. I want so much to be fully connected to you as one. And I know I’m not there yet, which breaks my heart so.

    Last but not least, I ask that you also help all the others whether they are a part of my life directly or not with all their emotional burdens. To include allowing my lil dog Sammie to have a long, happy, and wonderful and healthy life. And to help him and I live along side one another in perfect harmony.

    I know I asked quite a bit from you right now but I truly am one with quite a bit of negative emotional baggage…

    I ask you for all your help with all my prayer requests with so much love and I absolutely thank you in advance for your help with all that I am asking for.

    Your daughter,

    I love you! <3 <3 <3

  179. Marla on October 2, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna,

    Please help to my family to be financially secure and to be able to communicate respectfully instead of yelling and screaming at each other. I thank you for all you have Blessed me with. I am greatly appreciative.

    Thank you.


  180. Lynn W on October 2, 2011 at 12:57 pm

    Gregg Braden gave examples of the best prayer being that which doesn’t ask but holds the vibration of that outcome desired. I’d like support in holding space and holding me in the frequency vibrational match to already having financial freedom, already having moved into my own apartment, already having furniture for this apartment, already having multiple streams of income, already having support that assists the income and frees up time for writing, already managing this well, already moved my belongings from storage to my new apartment, already having a new computer that is fast, reliable and with plenty of storage, already helping people with a unique combination of energy work and hypnosis/conversational hypnosis, already taken and passed my exams for the tax season, already made new friends, already have many satisfied clients and customers who spread the word on my skills, services and abilities, already free from past and past due obligations with thousands, tens of thousands of dollars in my bank accounts – already holding and owning the frequency vibration of this and better than I can imagine in this moment and the same for everyone else making it easy with lightness and holding firm without attachment.

  181. A on October 2, 2011 at 11:58 am

    Simply looking for harmony with Mother Earth. Align myself with God’s promise in my life.

    Thank you.

  182. Anida on October 2, 2011 at 11:55 am

    Faith, love, respect, family,endurance,kindness, safety for myselft and my family, all members of my family to experience the same.
    With love,

  183. Judith on October 2, 2011 at 11:55 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna,
    Thank you for all the wonderful works that you both do, and for all the unconditional love you send to the whole world, people and animals.

    Thank you for all the learning experiences you send to all of us on the planet, and for the abundance of Love, wealth,peace, wisdom and good health.

    Help us to trust and open our arms and hearts ready to receive the continuous flow even when we cannot yet see it.

    Yours in Healing,

  184. Corinne on October 2, 2011 at 11:48 am

    First, I would like to thank you, Rebecca, for this most wonderful opportunity.

    Second, I would like to ask Mother for help in finding a job for my husband. Also for some inner peace for myself, as I’m starting to feel very desperate about our financial situation.

    Third, I ask for full and complete healing for myself. I really feel I am done being ill. I would very much like to move on with my life.

    And last I ask for a blessing for every participant in this healing session with the Mother.
    May all our wishes come true (I’m sure they will.)

    With warm regards,

  185. Linda - Canada on October 2, 2011 at 11:32 am

    Thank you so much and bless you, Rebecca, for your generosity in spreading Divine Light and Messages.

    I ask Azna to teach us:
    -More about ourselves making miracles happen in our lives and how to teach others to do so.

    -How to remove all the fears that permeate our lives and stop us from going forward with ease, from being happy.

    -How to be strong, positive, smiling beacons of Light.

    -How to develop intuition, inner guidance from our soul, our angels and guides and Azna.

    -How to overcome and heal compulsions, addictions, procrastination, laziness, etc. that hinder our health and evolution.

    -How to get our Power back and use it to spread the Light.

    And as Rebecca says,” Let it be easy!”

  186. Judy Wolfe on October 2, 2011 at 11:25 am

    I pray for financial help. I need it very much. I need it soon, like yesterday. Please help me. JYW

  187. Jeevan Sekhar Reddy on October 2, 2011 at 6:40 am

    Hello and Warm Greetings & MY Humble Prayer!



    The world is TRULY BLESSED To Hear MOTHER AZNA and YOU are Highly Blessed to be The Medium.

    I PRAY FOR BLESSINGS OF OUR DEAR MOTHER AZNA TO FULLY HEAL my mother, my sister’s, my granny, my wife, me and ALL our families Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically to become Enlightened souls with Noble goals.
    Help US All to lead a life filled with Charity, Peace, Prosperity, Contentment, Understanding and Joy without troubles of any kind .


    With Loving Regards,
    M J S Reddy, India.

  188. Geraldine Soido on October 2, 2011 at 6:31 am

    Dear Blessed Mother,

    I also ask that you show me my true purpose in life. Help me to excell in my current job and work to the best of my ability and give me the inspiration and motivation and passion to be committed and put forth my best despite my failures and how my senior colleagues have viewed me.

    I’d like to start again more intelligently and provided an opportunity to excell in my current job and prove my leadership role so I can seen to contribute meaningfully in serving out-of-school young people who need education in keeping themselves safe from HIV.

    Thank you once again

  189. Geraldine Valei Soido on October 2, 2011 at 6:23 am

    Dear Divine Mother,
    I ask for healing of body,mind and soul and to grow in faith to love you more each day and your son Jesus. I also ask for physical healing on any of my organs that is affected by unseen deseases or infection inclduing boday pains that I’ve had for sometime.Heal me from any unresolves issues with my family and loved ones and colleagues. I ask for forgiveness from them also and may you bless them.

    I also ask for financial abundance and thank a friend who I found on the internet that is donating funds to me assist mankind and humanity in my country. I ask that all will go smoothly with the transfer of these funds and this will also help me and my family financially. Give me guidance on how I can utlise these funds well to help both mankind and religious work especially to gather more souls closer to you divine mother.

    Thank you blessed mother

  190. Laura on October 2, 2011 at 5:04 am

    How to have clearer insight and better able to communicate

  191. merina on October 2, 2011 at 4:59 am

    Dear Mother Azna,

    Please Help me with the finnences and help me to be free of dets
    to have financeily peace please help me to heal my self
    I Love you
    peace & Love

  192. Eva on October 2, 2011 at 3:58 am

    Dear Divine Mother, dear Rebecca!
    I would like to help me to find as soon as possible the most appropriate job with the best payment for me, to make me and peopea happy and to earn or receive enough money to pay my debts and finaly live a peaceful, joyous and happy life.
    Not to mention to have my own place to live and for the first time the in my life best and correct life partner to meet, my soulmate, at my 55…
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    With blessings and love.

  193. Diana on October 2, 2011 at 3:15 am

    How can I clear all my debts and be financially free asap? What do I need to do? My confidence and self-esteem have been getting lower and lower. How can I raise them?

    Thank you.

  194. rose on October 2, 2011 at 2:57 am

    Hi Rebecca…1st of all want to thank you for all this channeling messages…it help me a lot. And now i am so happy for the 10 days of Divine mother.
    hmmm want Divine mother to help me to have a house on my own, i don’t want something big but something who wil fit me and in a safe place, because i live alone.
    And i wanted also meet my soulmate, I was in a difficult and painful relationship, and now its over. I want to be happy.
    Thank you Rebecca
    love and light to you.

  195. Henriette on October 2, 2011 at 2:50 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother.
    I’d like for my house to sell swiftly at a good price to people who will love it here.
    I’d like for my writing, coaching and speaking career to take off so I can make a good living. (Selling my house to keep writing).
    I’d like for my children to be happy and find their ways easily. especially my daughter.
    I’d like a small beautiful home in the Côte d’Azur and money in the bank.
    I’d like a wonderful husband whom I can be happy with and have a fulfilling sex life with.
    <3 Thank you
    Love and Gratitude and Blessings to all
    Henriette in Denmark

  196. CC Hamilton on October 2, 2011 at 2:25 am

    Dear Mother Azna

    I would like your assistance in finding the best career opportunity for me at this particular time. I would love to find my hearts desire but also at this time and place I would like to find something that I can relate to and do well so I don’t have drain my savings. I would also like a better relationship with time and money and stay in the flow. I would love to find a friend who I can depend on to be there for me also.

  197. Martha on October 2, 2011 at 12:27 am

    Rebecca & Divine Mother-

    I am looking forward to the beautiful series that is about to start on the 5th of October! Thank you Rebecca & Divine Mother!

    What do I need most? Greater self-love. I have come a long way, but I would love to love myself into much better eating habits. I would love to care much much more about the quality of food that I eat, and the types of food that I eat. I want to demonstrate that I truly love myself by eating foods of nutritionally high value and that truly feed me.

    I would love to LOVE myself even more, exactly the way I am. I would love to love myself into a space of feeling more deserving of love, health and abundance.

    Blessings to everyone who participates in this class!!

    Many thanks and much love to everyone.

  198. Saira on October 2, 2011 at 12:01 am

    Dear Mother Azna,

    I have been so blessed since you came into my life. I talk to you daily and you answer so many of my prayers. I cannot thank you enough. May I request freedom from emotional abuse, and good jobs for both my sons and financial freedom for me with health for both me and my husband. I would dearly like to know what my lifes purpose could be, and how to help my husband and sons. With love and gratitude.

  199. Maureen on October 1, 2011 at 10:28 pm

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca,

    I would like to request a blessing of complete healing for my body. I live with pain every day in every miniute of every day.

    I would also like a blessing of removing my fear of letting go so that I can move forward with my life.

    Thank you both for your love and devotion.

  200. jb on October 1, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    Please help me stay focused on the positive outcome that I want, successfully resolving all legal matters fairly and in my favor, and being a good steward of the resulting funds. I am ready to enjoy my life.

  201. Silvana on October 1, 2011 at 9:34 pm

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca,

    I would like to request guidance to help me to learn a karmic lesson that I’ve been told I need to learn in this lifetime, which involves assuming all responsibility for my life and learning all there is about how to make and how to manage money, as well as balancing the spiritual and material planes in order to bring about harmony in my life.

    Thank you for your blessings and love.

  202. Maryann on October 1, 2011 at 8:58 pm

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca,
    I ask for healing for the pain I have in my heart . My Daughter Rebecca is not allowing me to see my Grand Daughters Megan and Alicia and my heart feels like it is broken. Please Bless my Daughter
    and heal what is causing this situation.
    I am so greateful for your healing,
    Thank You Mother and Rebecca

  203. Balance on October 1, 2011 at 8:43 pm

    Divine Mother,
    I would like to request peace and prosperity for all my loved ones, both known and unknown. I wish to receive wisdom and understanding of how I may assist others, using the gifts I have been blessed with. Thank you for your answer.

  204. Loren on October 1, 2011 at 8:13 pm

    Thank you for your help and prayers for all of us. I still need prayers for financial help right now, employment and prayer help with relationships including my children, grandchildren and husband. Thank you.

  205. Nancy on October 1, 2011 at 8:06 pm

    I ask for peace so that I may breathe my way thru every lesson that is presented to me. With much love and gratitude.

  206. Michael on October 1, 2011 at 8:06 pm

    Please bless me with more financial abundance and wealth than I could ever imagine

  207. Deb on October 1, 2011 at 8:03 pm

    Dear Divine Mother, Thank you for the blessings that I am about to receive. Please help me financially so that I can help my mom my children and myself. To allow grace into my life. To heal my mother of diabetes. To be prosperous to never have to worry about money issues again That I have new clients come and stay with me and love my work.. That the new job idea I have work out for me in all ways.
    Thank You

  208. Donald on October 1, 2011 at 7:39 pm

    Beloved mother AZNA please bless me,with abundance, a healing from bladder cancer.
    Beloved mothe AZNA help me reach spiritual maturity in this lifetime.
    I would love to be able to see and talk to the WEE Folk at any time I want to for guidance and fun.please grant me these powers consiously.
    I would like to know my guardian angels more closely each day.
    Thank you beloved mothe for being by my side as I move through this life.

  209. Jane on October 1, 2011 at 7:38 pm

    I would first like to say I Am grateful , thankful and appreciative for all you do and for all blessings that come to me — past, now and future.

    My request is for the Peace and Joy that comes with Financial Freedom.

    I also request that my daughter connects to Peace and Joy to stand in her Truth and know her Divine Self.

  210. Thelma Jones MD on October 1, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    Financial abundance to have freedom, free time peace joy and connection and family time.

  211. Lourdes on October 1, 2011 at 7:29 pm

    I pray for health, wealth, abundance, financial prosperity, a financially secure and magnificently abundant and prosperous present, future, and retirement, and Divine Guidance in everything that I do. Thank you, God!

  212. Judy on October 1, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    Dear Mother Mary, Please help me from becoming a magnet for rude, inconsiderate people. This applies to neighbors, family members, and friends. I try my best to treat people with consideration and respect, but that is not what I receive in return from others. The Bible says “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” I struggle with this because of the bad behavior of others but don’t those other people have the same responsibility to me and others?”

  213. Diana on October 1, 2011 at 6:45 pm

    Mother Azna–my husband died and the vultures came out of the woodwork. Please end this false claim against the estate in our favor so we can go on with our lives. My health has suffered tremendously because of the stress…only you know what has been done to us. I pray for financial assistance for the recent hospital stay and thank you for sparing my life to continue to help others. Also, I need help with the foreclosure against my house.
    Love, light and blessings to all. Bless Rebecca a thousand times over for doing this for us…she is truly one of a kind.

  214. Heidi on October 1, 2011 at 6:29 pm

    Beloved Mother,
    Please I ask for:

    A shift in my romantic love life & sacred sexual pleasure ~ to find a wonderful partner! (I am calling out to the universe for a sexy attentive loving divine man for me my family to enjoy)

    A shift in my financial life & purpose career ~ to find a way to market and startup my business (I am calling out to the universe for some beautiful attainable quality supplies & guidance on how to attain & maintain clients & customers with fun & easy profits)

    A shift in my body ~ to have beauty/health/fitness wholeness & wellness in my body. (I am calling to the universe for flatter healthier belly, for skin solution for my facial scars, for my left knee to be stronger, for my weight to be slightly less to ease the pressure on my bones all while still maintaining my volupous figure.)

    More unconditional love in my family in all generations of it may we enjoy & celebrate each other to the fullest!

    With love trust & grace I thank you in advance for your energy and support.

  215. Kim on October 1, 2011 at 6:02 pm

    Dear Mother, please help me to take a space for myself, daring to claim who I am, and to let more and more abundance, creativity, love, sweet, and joy flow into my life. Please also help me establishing my career path ‘fast.’ Thank you!

  216. Elizabeth on October 1, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Blessed Mother, I’m asking of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical healing [knee problem] for myself and my aunt, also I’m in need of financial blessing.Thank you for your blessing…Elizabeth

  217. Alice on October 1, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca…
    Thank you for your beautiful gifts and thank you for helping us all to be open to receive them! My request is to release all of the fears gently and with love that keep us from being our true authentic selves. And to allow all of the joy, happiness, peace harmony and unconditional love into our lives with gentleness, love and compassion! Please bless our children, homes, animals, finances, loved ones, plants and everyone and everything that is in our lives! Love, sparkles and many blessings…Alice

  218. Karen on October 1, 2011 at 1:22 pm

    Divine Mother:
    I am so grateful for all of the blessings in my life.

    I ask your blessing for my finances – as I know you understand this request – I trust your divine help will be given to me just as I require it.

    Much gratitude to you and Rebecca – keep up the amazing work!

  219. Christina on October 1, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    Divine Mother I praise you and thank you for being in my life, hearing my prayers and blessing me.

    Please help me to forgive myself of my deepest pain and fill my heart with gratitude and love for this forgiveness for all those I have hurt in my lifetime.
    Divine Mother, i would like to ask for financial freedom, job stability, good dental and health insurance with the company i currently work for.

    100% healing of all of my digestive issues.
    An emotionally healthy, emotionally fulfilling and happy and joyful marriage in the next 5 years.

  220. Bronwen on October 1, 2011 at 11:33 am

    Divine Mother, i would like to ask for financial freedom and for my children to be happy within themselves, i ask for healing within their hearts. Thankyou.

  221. Kelly on October 1, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Please help me to forgive myself of my deepest pain and fill my heart with gratitude and love.

  222. Arlene on October 1, 2011 at 9:55 am

    Divine Mother I praise you and thank you for being in my life, hearing my prayers and blessing me.

    Will power would do me the most good at this time. I would use this blessing to improve my health and fitness, commit to an educational plan for career development and make home improvements.

    I need help “getting out of the rut” and taking care of business.

    Thank yor for receiving my request.

  223. Luminita on October 1, 2011 at 7:29 am

    First of all I am so grateful to the Divine Mother for all the blessings that I have and all the blessings I will receive. All my prayers now are for my friend who is in a terminal state, the doctors gave him no more than 3 months of life. He is 57 years old and just a miracle can save him. So I ask the Divine Mother for this miracle. I am sure that SHE can do this miracle! Thank you from all my heart!

  224. Shell on October 1, 2011 at 5:30 am

    First I would like to give thanks and praises to Mother and Father God for all of my blessings. I am asking Azna to please heal my broken heart. I would also like Azna to continue to bless me and my love ones with good health.Azna please also bless me with financial wealth where I can support my family in need as well as others and I may retire because I’ve worked hard all my life starting as a young girl.

  225. Patricia on October 1, 2011 at 4:49 am

    I also would like what Renata asks in her message. I think these are great things to know.
    I also ask that I want to be able to wake up each morning just loving life and want to participate in life. How do I do this Divine Mother.
    I also ask for health, wealth, beauty, wisdom, love and happiness.
    Where do I start Divine Mother.

    Thank you, 🙂

  226. Shazam on October 1, 2011 at 4:19 am

    Dear Divine mother,

    Pls guide me to many prosperous business and joyful work opportunities so that I can be a millionaire.Thank you so much.

    Pls guide me to me to reconnect with you and have 2 way communication with you.

    Thank you::)

  227. Chris on October 1, 2011 at 3:56 am


    Blessings, Joy, and Love to all.

    May the Earth be infused with Divine Love to release all limiting thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions for all Life upon Her, and for a balanced, comfortable, and graceful Heart’s Awakening for All.

  228. Chris on October 1, 2011 at 3:42 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna
    many thanks and blessings to you.
    right now I ask for more clarity, safety and sustenance. I know I’m provided for, I just feel it takes such a long long time
    Bless you

  229. Ash on October 1, 2011 at 1:29 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna

    I need help and guidance on my spiritual journey that I have embarked on. I also have many health issues that I cant go seek professional help for an so many financial problems I am stressed beyond belief. Please bless me an help me stay positive. My life has done a 180 an I am trying to do the best I can but at times its so hard to face please give me the strength to make it through. Thank you

  230. elizabeth ann on October 1, 2011 at 1:28 am

    polease mother asna i need urgent help with my finances and also with my love life and my work is so important to me but the money and the emotional strain of my parterneship and family always seem to block me.

  231. Glenda Gipson on October 1, 2011 at 1:25 am

    I am to enhance my life and others with the gifts God has bestored on me. I am having many experinces and coming out of them on top. I want to know exactly what to do for spiritual, relationship, and finances in my life to keep abundance and teach other and get themand be compensated for it.

  232. ENW on October 1, 2011 at 1:21 am

    I would like to say I appreciate the opportunity you’re providing. Prayers I’d like to be listened to and given is that I continue to live a healthy, vital, joyful, loving, long life. That my family and friends continue to be part of my life in loving, fun, beautiful ways. That I acknowledge who I really am, that I love myself more every minute of every day, that I trust and believe in love, hope, and positive expectation regarding every aspect of my life. That I know that I’m a powerful creator that has every ability to create the life that I want. Even more importantly that I allow myself to be all that I am and allow my well being. To release my doubts, fears, worries, concerns, the need to control and trust that all is well and perfectly on its way. That my amazing, successful, abundant international wellness career is perfectly on its way, unfolding just the way its supposed to be. That the man I desire, the man I want to be with when I wake up, go to bed, laugh with, travel the world with, co-create with, father of my children, the man I grow old with, and live an incredible loving, fun, sensational life together with is closer than I could ever imagine and that I see evidence of the forever union unfold every day.

  233. Naomi on October 1, 2011 at 1:08 am

    What can I do to become happy and wealthy. How do I make myself believe in change before it gets here.Are my guides listening. What do I need to do for a break through.

  234. girish kaushal on September 30, 2011 at 11:55 pm


    I would like to thank you for all that i have received in my life.

    What i would like now is financial breakthru to be able to start my hotel business.Thanks a million for this.

  235. returnee on September 30, 2011 at 11:24 pm

    Dear Mother Azna
    I need your blessings in the following areas.

    I have been so so blocked and blinkered that I cant see a way forward.
    1) A thriving businesss and enough clients that I can pick and choose who to work with
    2) Romance and love and sex in my life after being in a hole for almost 15 years with no one to hold and love me
    3) release the weight
    4)Peace and divine abundance for a spiritual path.

  236. VH on September 30, 2011 at 11:13 pm

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca,

    I am grateful for your assistance, Divine Mother in healing patience. I most humbly ask your assistance in healing and balancing my masculine/feminine energy and balancing karma and negative energy . I ask for assistance in completing my soul contract with Divine Love for the highest good and healing of my soul mate.
    I would also be grateful for assistance with completion of my book.

  237. Julianne on September 30, 2011 at 10:30 pm

    Aloha Dear Rebecca,
    Thank you for your precious, loving heart. I discovered you through my friend & former sister Unity chaplain, Kathryn Alice.
    I’d be grateful to receive a blessing for my website, that I may be able to serve those who want to work with a spiritual psychologist.
    I would also be so grateful for a blessing to connect with my mate, the life partner God wants for me.
    God bless you for being a light to many,

  238. SHS on September 30, 2011 at 10:16 pm

    Hi Rebecca,

    I would like Mother God to say more about using the Septum Pellucidium.


  239. Shirley Jean Coker on September 30, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    Thank you for your kind offer of assistance for so many. I’m mother of 7, grandmother of 27 and greatgrandmother of 17. I’ll be 73 in November, just bought a farm, have chickens, two sheep and two dogs. My body is fraught with pain from polio, surgeries and a ND experience in ’75 when a horse kicked me. Last year I had 2 heart attacks, one in the hospital. God must want me to do, say or write something special, but I find it hard to get past pain altho I keep putting one foot in front of the other everyday, do the task at hand and thank Him for my blessings, which are many. My question is:
    what am I truly supposed to be doing and how do I get past pain in order to be that which I’m supposed to be,,,and do? Deepest thanks and blessings to you.

  240. Pam on September 30, 2011 at 9:11 pm

    Dear Mother Azna,

    I would like to ask for blessings of health, happiness and prosperity for all life everywhere.Blessings for ease of transition in mother earth’s re-birthing process, and blessings of wisdom and discernment for all humanity.

    Thank you Mother Azna and thank youRebecca!

  241. Nancy Wheeley on September 30, 2011 at 9:09 pm

    Divine Mother, I am grateful for your assistance in obtaining a reliable vehicle at no cost, as well as immediate healing of diabetes. Thank you so much.

    In my family there is a need for Alissa to respect her mother and for grandmother Judy to stop feeding her junk food and giving in to her every wish, undermining the authority of her mother. Thank you again.

  242. Huguette on September 30, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    I would like Blessing of abundance and prosperity and freedom from worry for my family and me.
    Better health for my husband and me, and especially my brother who just had an accident, so that he would be okay.
    For my grandson to find a good job and my son and wife stop smoking.
    Thank you Divine Mother and thank you Rebecca.

  243. Whitesundancer on September 30, 2011 at 7:55 pm

    Divine Mother
    Thankyou, thankyou. thankyou for your service you are an inspiration.;

    I am requesting a miracle that I may be completly cleansed and healed of all abuse in my past and enlightened in all ways. That myself and family are free of all debt and financial concerns, with freedom to reach my full potential and do what I am made for, with peace, Love, harmony and integrity, every moment of every day. As well I want no room for doubt, so BIG guidance that I can’t ignore and absolute joy to light the way.

    X10 blessing back to you thankyou

  244. Shankari Rise on September 30, 2011 at 6:57 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna,
    I would love to fully experience my connection with divine source every minute of every day of the rest of my life. It that is too much to ask, I would love to feel that connection once in awhile, say once a week. Thank you and many blessings of peace and love to you. -Shankari

  245. denise on September 30, 2011 at 6:49 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Mother Azna: I ask 1st for deep & complete healing for all that is needed, known & unknown, allowing full integration of physical, mental, spiritual and etheric body. I pray for increased faith and trust, compassion and love, for myself and for all who are open to receive.

    I also ask to be guided to my bliss and purpose, so that I may know how it is I am to be of service to the highest good of Almighty. And when the time comes, the right/perfect way I am to make a living to prosper, share & spare will present itself. For stability and grounding, wellness, and deep joy.
    In gratitude, for all that IS and that which is to come…..So be It.
    Thank you.

  246. Kathy L on September 30, 2011 at 6:38 pm

    Please, Divine Mother, i ask for health and healing for my sister who has suffered from headaches for 25 yrs., work and financial freedom for my husband, and emotional strength for me as i deal with a difficult, aging mother. Thank You!

  247. Sarah on September 30, 2011 at 6:09 pm

    I wish to connect more fully with the Feminine Principle.

    My mother was not emotionally present or safe. I want to feel safe in my body as a woman, and safe connecting with Life.

    Thank you!!!

  248. Sierra Gal on September 30, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    First my deepest gratitude to Rebecca, Divine Mother and all her wonderful master participants..

    I ask that my work unfold into world with grace, love and providing myself and others financial, spiritual,mental, physical and emotional freedom. So that each individual knows fulfillment.

    I also ask my relationships be full and rewarding filled with love and abundance on all levels.

    So It Is
    So Be It

  249. Lee on September 30, 2011 at 5:18 pm

    Hi Rebecca and Mother Azna –

    First thank you both for all that you do to help all of us.

    I request your help with remembering to stay positive – and with healing any remaining obstacles to manifesting financial freedom, loving relationships and the ability to stay in my power to walk my Spiritual path with confidence and compassion.

    Deep Gratitude and Deeper Appreciation –


  250. Adva on September 30, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    I need a true miracle to solve money issues. I’d love to win the lottery for example to have some cash in order to get my invention product out on the market, and have my financial freedom back.
    I thank you in advance,

  251. Aniki Blanchard on September 30, 2011 at 4:23 pm

    As I have read some of the post ( my apologies for been nosy) I have noticed that we are all seeking for the same relative things. Fortune or Abundance of some sort. We are all seemingly lack at a particular aspect in our human lives. We all know what we can have all we want, but we have not figure out a way to walk upon that threshold between want and have. I have heard many teleseminars that says. “Your words, thoughts and deeds are what create your life.” I do believe that! So here I am, just like everyone else asking for the same blessing fortune, abundance and a career that lead me into doing what I want to do the most. Hear the God voice that is within me, be a beacon of light so I can help other in their attainment and life’s purpose. Be a white lighter! But unless i am going bonkers or just uneducated it seems like i have to have plenty of financial resources, which at this point is challenging, and also a closeness with divinity. I feel that in that latter path I might be challenged too. Please Mother Azna, Great Sweet Holy Mother and beloved Rebecca sweet medium, channeler, Help me cross over those threshold and challenges.
    I thank you with all my heart!

  252. Happiness on September 30, 2011 at 4:19 pm

    I would like to receive, and have one and all receive, everything Divine Mother knows will be right for each of us. Thank you Rebecca. Your work is greatly appreciated.

  253. k&p on September 30, 2011 at 3:43 pm

    Divine Mother and Rebecca, I would like to ask for healing of a chronic condition, that I would not need to see doctors anymore. I am grateful for the abundance that I have had in my life with a wonderful husband and wonderful children, and bless us as our family grows with a new marriage. I am looking also for blessing in our finances for enough for us to get out of debt and to help others in our family too.

  254. Gustavo on September 30, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    Divine Mother,

    Actually i need to clean my toughts and increase my fatith. I don´t understand how i get here, sometimes everything looks lost on my side There are situation that i only see my darkness. I can´t see any light around myself in a certain moments. I am not sure if i am on the right path or i deserve to learn something.
    Perhaps i still believe that i will live happy days and live life as it should be. I trust on your gods power. I am so glad to get know you and to receive rebecca´s e-mail. Everything will work out on your time, i am waiting over here… please look for me…

    Thank you very much!

  255. Alice Renee on September 30, 2011 at 3:15 pm

    Divine Mother Azna and Rebecca,

    I ask for Health, Wealth, and Love for myself and all humanity.

    Thank you very much!

  256. Raellen on September 30, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    Blessed Divine Mother Azna and Rebecca I would like Divine Mother Azna to assist in bringing forth Disclosure now. The world needs to learn who and what we truly are, the journey we have all been on and the Golden Age just ahead of us which will bring forth peace, prosperity, goodwill and abundance for all of humanity and creation.

    Thank you Blessed Divine Mother Azna and Rebecca.

  257. Linda on September 30, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Divine mother, I ask for your blessing for my highest wellbeing fully and completely, for my daughters to also recieve healing. I am fully and completely open to all healing that i need fully Divine mother i give love and gratiude for this thank you Divine mother and your channel Rebecca, Love Linda,

  258. Fabio on September 30, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Divine Mother, I thank the both of you for this sacred and wonderful experience! I am grateful to be able to take part in this event. My special asking is related to finantial problems. I’ve been unemployed for almost 1 year now and my current situation discourages me very much. I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and speak both English and Spanish, but it seems that working opportunities just ran away from me. I’d also like to ask you to help me boast my self-esteem, because most of my life’s been permeated by low self-esteem (maybe because of my sexualorientation – homossexual). I’m looking forward to participating in this uplifting event! Fabio

  259. Elizabeth on September 30, 2011 at 2:21 pm

    I need help accepting financial freedom for my life. Please assist me so I don’t have to be so panicked all the time.

    It will make me sick if I am not assisted with this,and I honestly have no idea how to relax anymore. Thank you mother.

  260. Beth L on September 30, 2011 at 2:16 pm

    Dear Mother Azna,
    I would like financial freedom and joy in my family’s life.
    We have had 30 years of hardship and pain, and we would like to LIVE, not just exist anymore. I feel your presence, and you have answered prayers for us, in the last few years. But WE NEED something powerful and concrete very soon.
    Thank you and Rebecca for your love and blessings to us all.

  261. mary on September 30, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    Dear Rebecca and Divine Mother, I would like to ask for blessings and healings for finances and for better health for my family, especially my father who suffered a minor stroke and diabetes in the last year. God bless you and thank you

  262. Nicole on September 30, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    I would ask Mother Azna the following:

    1. Blessings of abundance and prosperity and freedom from worry for those who are unemployed or about to be laid off.
    2. Spiritual guidance on how to increase my abundance and prosperity.
    3. Funding for the four classes

  263. Karin on September 30, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    I ask Mother AZNA for peace, unconditional Love and prosperity for the world.

    I would also like to ask for my Fiancee Emmanuel to receive work as
    a chef here in Sweden .. he loves his work very much, and pray to get
    a job, any job really, but he prefer a chef job. He would also need a
    passport, so that we can be married. He came from Africa by boat and has never had a passport.
    He would also like to have swedish recidensy.

    Please help us, dear Mother AZNA!

  264. Annette on September 30, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    Self-acceptance, Self-love and TRUST that all I am is Divine!
    To know that being fully myself is what Source made me !, and being me supports Divine Light

    Thank you so much for this, Rebecca and Azna!

  265. Aikaterine on September 30, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    I hope that Mother and Rebecca can help all the world to be in peace and harmony.For my and my familly i wish love,harmony,healt and a life without problems.Thank you from all my heart!God bless us all!Love Peace and Light!

  266. Kay on September 30, 2011 at 1:26 pm

    I would like to request that everyone’s prayer/request be made true/manifest in their lives.

  267. Cheryl on September 30, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    I feel blessed by all you do. Thank you Thank you Thank you

    I ask Mother AZNA for peace, unconditional Love and prosperity for the world.
    For myself and my family I ask for the sale of our property to happen easily and abundantly for all concerned. For total health for all on all levels. For abundance to flow freely. For peace and forgiveness for all. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Love and Light

  268. Traci on September 30, 2011 at 12:56 pm

    Dear Mother and Rebecca,
    Need healing for self sabotage and also to move me out of my own way. Financial healing as well. I have Bipolar and sometimes my memory is not so good. I keep repeating the same things over again and keep doing the same things over again to change my life that don’t work. Please a healing for the total healing of my brain. Healing for my life in general. Whatever Azna sees I need I am willing and open to recieve. Thank you so much . love Traci

  269. Jude on September 30, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    I am profoundly grateful for all the blessings in my life but my request to Mother Azna is for healing of ongoing financial issues and an end to struggling financially. Thank you Rebecca

  270. Amanda on September 30, 2011 at 12:51 pm

    Sweet Rebecca and Mother Azna,

    In this great time of change and turmoil on Earth, I ask that we all have greater ease in remembering our ONEness and in feeling the Divine Light inside that connects us all. Please send blessings of Love and Pure Light down upon our politicians and world leaders and help them to show real leadership by embracing and enacting peaceful and charitable solutions to our national and world challenges.

    I ask for continued healing of my body and spirit and as recover from my loss and trauma, and blessings of peace upon my family as well. I am thankful for all of the beings of Light who are choosing to come to our aid during this time. I really fell the power of the Divine Feminine awakening in many, and I am so appreciative of that energy.

    May blessings of Love and Abundance be rained down upon all of humanity. Thank you so much, Rebecca and Mother Azna.

  271. ellen on September 30, 2011 at 12:51 pm

    Thank you so much Divine Mother and Rebecca for your time and efforts on behalf of so many of us…May we all reap the rewards of the time spent in Divine Mothers presence…May we be rewarded wit all our requests, first and always abiding and in accord wit the will of our loving Mother /Father God Creator…For our highest good and for the highest good of all involved these sacred events i pray AMEN…e*

  272. soledad A on September 30, 2011 at 12:46 pm

    Dear Mother: Every time Rebecca,gives news of you! My heart beats with excitement, you know that I have followed your advice you have given us by our dear sister Rebecca, I ask you today to heal my feet, you know how,the ache me,the psoriasis of my baby and be able to do something to help stop my husband! Drinking problem. Also know as I asked for a job that enjoy and love doing, that fits my lifestyle, and I ask for what you already know …. Bless my parents who are old and do not have to be going through these gaps, and if granted to meet in person you know who! I love you Mother, send me kisses ….I need them! I love Mother,oohh and Can you tell me what is the, meaning of the butterflies in my life! Love you I can’t wait to see you …. I love again!

  273. Nisha on September 30, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca,

    I would like to ask divine mother for healing for my mom, dad, brother who are not in perfect health and myself . To remove all obstacles in getting married for my brother who is in financial trouble and not getting good proposal and for myself. To bring joy and prosperity and fulfill our desires. I want to see miracles happen from divine mother’s blessings. Thank you Rebecca for bringing these blessings.

  274. Angel on September 30, 2011 at 12:39 pm

    Thank you beautiful Rebecca and Divine Mother
    for your abundant blessings. My appreciation is overflowing…♥
    I am so grateful already, because I know time and space don’t matter…
    My daughter is allowed to keep breastfeeding her 5 month old daughter, and the baby has healed already from whatever the cause was of the blood in her stool.
    She has loving and kind people supporting her in the new country she lives now, feeling nourished and loved and empowered.
    She lives in light and self-empowered, being a wonderful mom to her little girl.
    I am so grateful for…
    The abundance on all levels for everyone who asks for abundance~ Showering upon us, gently and lovingly for the highest good of all concerned.
    May we all be HAPPY and WELL and FREE FROM FEAR.
    May we all recognize our DIVINE ENERGY and that we
    Loving you…♥

  275. Anna Bolinger on September 30, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    Would you ask Azna, why it breaks my heart so badly,
    when I see an animal get hurt?

  276. Kelley on September 30, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    Dear Mother Azna and Rebecca, I would like to ask for a special blessing for my son. He has Asperger’s (although very mild), and he’s trying to get his first job. He’s scared, he has very set ideas on where he wants to work. . .which narrows his possibilities, but he just needs a break to get a start, needs someone who will take him under their wing. Please bless him, give him confidence and guidance, and guide ME on how best to help him!
    Thank you!

  277. Gina on September 30, 2011 at 11:56 am

    Divine Mother and Rebecca;
    I would ask for health for my family and I, to remove all the obstacles, to have abundance, prosperity, love. Love and prosperity for the whole world.

    Thank you for your blessings,


  278. janaki on September 30, 2011 at 11:50 am

    Would love to see miracles happen in my life..a great loving and enjoyable career and to great healer like divine mother.. i know it is done…thnks love and light..

  279. Kelley on September 30, 2011 at 11:44 am

    Dearest Divine Mother Azna and Dear Rebecca, I am so thankful for the divine guidance and knowledge you share with all of us. I would like to ask for more help in opening up my own awareness in my spirituality. I ask this for help in discovering what my gift to this world IS. . .and how to be the best Mother, wife, daughter, friend, sister, child of the Universe that I can be. I continually wonder if I am “doing” what I am supposed to be doing job/career-wise. AND. . . .my husband and I feel so beaten down lately. . .it seems we cannot get or stay ahead on our finances at all. We try to be positive and thankful and grateful that we do have our jobs, our home. . .but every week it’s the same story. Barely barely making it – not able to pay some of our creditors, which I really honestly DO feel terrible about. I so want to find the key to unlock our abundance so that we may live with integrity of paying ALL of our bills and paying them on time, not just before shut off! 🙂 Thank you dear Rebecca and Mother Azna, for the hope and grace you bring to us. Rebecca, may you have ALL the blessings you ever need!!

  280. Jessie on September 30, 2011 at 11:32 am

    I ask for a financially secure, prosperous, healty, and joyful present and future. Thank you God!

  281. Diana R on September 30, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Dear Divine Mother,
    I feel blessed for my presence in this life time and Earth time, and i am Grateful for this!
    In this moment of my earthy life i am a little confused.
    Please, help me find my clarity, help me understand, feel and follow my Soul Way, open my heart to Love and Compassion, give me Abundance of All It Is.
    Thank you!
    And lovely thanks to Rebecca for Everything she is doing for Us!
    Diana R – Romania

  282. EAP on September 30, 2011 at 11:23 am

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca:

    I humbly ask for enlightment, abundance in all areas of my life, and financial prosperity so I may always manifest or have more than enough money at hand to easily and joyfully cover all my expenses all of the time, and so I may also help others, as their needs arise. I also ask for perfect physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health for me and all others in the Universe and in my life.

    Thank you, God. Thank you, Mother Azna. Thank you, Rebecca. Thank you all for all you do.

  283. maran on September 30, 2011 at 11:15 am

    self acceptance
    courage to share my knowledge and ability with others
    a way to use my knowledge and ability to become self supporting

    thank you

  284. Jan on September 30, 2011 at 11:14 am

    I am requesting blessings of love, health, well-being, the right career path and financial security. Bless you Rebecca & Mother Azna.

    Thank you.

  285. Sherrie on September 30, 2011 at 11:11 am

    Dear Mother Divine,

    I use to be so brave and never even knew of the word fear. It was always so easy for me to step out and create pathways of finance’s.

    But since all of my trauma I have been through. It seems that I have these blocks preventing me from shinning and sharing myself with the world again.

    I need so much to be able to pick that phone up and make contact to serve in a big wayl

    It is so easy to say just do it. But that has been the hard part for me.

    I know the world is waiting to serve me in such a big way. And I am ready to be of serve.

    Thank you so much for my new opportunity. I am so excited about this. It is my future.

    I have tried everything humanly possible. I still seemed blocked to do this. How do I breakfree of this once and for all?

    My life depends on it.

    I love you and Rebecca for all your support.


  286. kim penrose on September 30, 2011 at 10:55 am

    Please take away the evil forces that are pulling my partner and i towards a life of destruction caused by substance abuse. Make the people that are in the way peacefully remove themselves from our lives.

  287. Ky on September 30, 2011 at 10:54 am

    Dear Divine Mother Azna & Rebecca :))

    Thank you for all your blessings of Love, Light & Good Energy.

    I am requesting blessings of love & light for a Healthy Vibrant Wellness, Wellbeing of Body, Mind, Mental, Physical & Spiritual Blessings, to have a healthy working throat, stomach & esophagus & healthy swallowing mechanism, that all parts & cells in the body work well together, so that I can swallow & eat solid foods with ease & calm.

    -Blessings of Self-Love, for me to Love, Accept, Nurture myself just the way I am right now.
    -Blessings to love, accept others as they are right now.
    -Blessings of prosperity & Abundance of Money flow to start again….
    -Blessings for loving, healthy, happy, spiritual relationships with all.
    -Blessings for a right & perfect career & life path for me to follow.
    -Blessings for a peaceful, calm, relaxed mind, to go with the flow, live in the now, & accept what is going on in this moment.

    With much Love, Appreciation, Gratitude
    Love, Light & Peace to you all 🙂

  288. Gilbert on September 30, 2011 at 10:46 am

    Please let me have a car , good internet business, let me help others
    Thanks god bless.

  289. Peace on September 30, 2011 at 10:38 am

    To be forgiven. Erased as if never existed. Pleasure of God.

  290. Sara on September 30, 2011 at 10:24 am

    Divine Mother. and Rebecca, with my deep gratitude, please ask her how to manifest instantly and to have clarity on how to make the money I need right now to support myself and to move forward; for her divine intervention to sell the property; for her divine intervention by helping me to get the other citizenship (European) I’m applying for; to bless my ancestors; and to bless me so I can have faith and to gain patience, discipline, and strengthen my will and endurance. And how to invoke or command abundance to flow in this moment for myself, my children and their families and my brothers and their families, as well as my extend family. To help all of us to get the citizenship we are applying for, so we can start a new life in the same country where our ancestors came from.

  291. marie on September 30, 2011 at 10:23 am

    Divine Mother and Rebecca pray for peace in the world help in my my finance.and all my love ones a new home .thanks

  292. Sharon Useman on September 30, 2011 at 10:16 am

    Dear Divine Mother and Rebecca–I have had a year of difficult health challenges and I would like a special blessing for healing and health in this upcoming year. My husband and I need financial abundance as well to help in the educating of our grandchildren. Thank you, Divine Mother for all the past blessings that you have given me. I love you!

  293. Fredsalter on September 30, 2011 at 10:09 am

    Help me to be cleansed all that no longer serves in my life, and find ways to live simply while abundantly.

  294. Divina on September 30, 2011 at 10:09 am

    I would like DIvine mother in these ten days to do inner child wound/trauma healing and financial blessings, also, removing addictions and complusions, deeply rooted, and past lives.

  295. Shahbaz Hazan on September 30, 2011 at 10:06 am

    Dear Divine Mother,
    Please help me to get enlightened and remove all the obstacles for to become abundant and rich. My only problem stopping me from enlightenment is financial because I need huge amount of finance to leave behind for my family so that they can live happily when I am gone on my journey for enlightenment.Moreover, I myself need some finance for myself to pursue this journey. I need your blessing to reach the the divine and connect to the cosmic consciousness.
    Thank you.
    Your Sincerely
    Shahbaz Hazan

  296. darshan on September 30, 2011 at 9:53 am

    Dear Rebecca and Mother God AZNA ..thank you for all the beautiful teachings u have brought to us …I have been so blessed and lucky to have this opportunity to learn from home …I ask for blessings for my family esp my children and for mother earth and all its inhabitants in these very fast changing times …. DURGA MATA knows what i need …i leave it all in DIVINE MOTHERS lap…thank you thank you thank you for all u are doing Rebecca .. in love and light …I always enjoy your classes ….they are full of information …yet fun ,,,there is never a boring minute …so please …keep the good stuff coming …

  297. Catherine on September 30, 2011 at 9:37 am

    Blessed Mother,
    I would ask for healing of the wounds that have generationally affected the women in my family, and I ask for a full healing, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, .for my mother, my daughter, and I, and then extending through the dimensions to all the women in my family, so that we may live our lives as the fullest divine expression of our blessed selves in perfect health on all levels, thriving as we were intended to be.
    Thank you for your Diving Radiant Blessing,
    Ever your humbled daughter,

  298. Renata on September 30, 2011 at 9:34 am

    Divine Mother. – ask her How to Manifest instantly. – How to heal the body instantly – How to invoke or command abundance to flow in this moment as well as every dimension of time for eternity.

    We are more than we think we are – we need guidance in this moment now how to reclaim our power and ability to manifest instantly. To remove the veil of illusion that we are separate from physical things or separate from other people or even separate from God. – all an illusion.

    Ask Divine Mother what portals will open on November 11 2011. Where are these portals located on the Earth and if we step through them where will we be on the other side of these portals.

    Ask Divine Mother How to connect to the power that Jesus had to be a true alchemist – the verbal or physical command along with the power and faith to be able to even turn water into wine if we desire it for the benefit of ourselves as well as others.

    Technically the finances of the world are being held from the masses and distributed to a few elite. It is time to release the funds from the greedy few elite who are causing the poverty in the world and return the wealth to all of humanity. Ask Divine Mother to do so. To have our wealth transferred back into humanity. St. Germain set up trust funds for ALL of Humanity. There are funds for every human being held from us by a few greedy elite. These funds need to be released to the people for all to prosper. – there is no need for lack or poverty or starvation of any kind globally. The Global elite is creating this on purpose for control and slavery, sickness and poverty over the people. Look how many are on food stamps in the US. Look how many people have lost their homes – Look how many are starving in poor countries of the world look how many are sick and dying – this is done on purpose to keep humanity in slavery and submission to the few top greedy elite. The money is there held from us on purpose. St Germain set up these funds and they are being held from us. Divine Mother would know of these funds and would know they are held from us on purpose. Ask to have the funds released and returned to the people. For prosperity for all. Once the funds are released.. poverty would no longer exist and the power would be returned to all the people. You have no power in the world if you are poor. It is your Divine right to live and be prosperous. The system was created to keep you poor and enslaved and powerless. Globally.

  299. JMM on September 30, 2011 at 9:12 am

    I really need to be dragged out of my more-than-a-decade old financial, business and marital hell urgently.
    I am so lost…….

  300. Ana cristina on September 30, 2011 at 9:12 am

    Dear Rebecca and Divine Mother Healing..help me to have a path full of beauty..no more financial problems for me and my familly..health prosperity love..for me and my familly ..and for everybody hapiness love tenderness..thanks….

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