Divine Mother Healing

Now! A compelling audio program. This will do you more good than anything you could ever do.

 “What is More Powerful than 10,000 Angels?”

Find out…



When Divine Mother asked me to hold this noon-time meditation for 10 days straight…

I did not know what She was up to.  Azna just asked and I said YES! Now that She has revelaed to me how She will ACTIVATE  your hearts on a level you could not even imagine, I am beyond excited!

Each day for 10 days straight, you will recieve in your inbox the link to a short 15 minute meditation. In these 15 minutes, you will be immersed in the unconditional
love of Divine Mother. 

You just won’t believe how much bliss you can feel in only 15 minutes. Mother just dives right into it for you!

Here is what you can expect for the 10 days…

#1. DayOne- Thrill in Divine Mother’s Complete Acceptance. Start feeling how precious it feels to be held in Her Loving energy.
#2.Day TWO
 Meet the “angels guardians of your heart. Let Mother show you how to Wake them up and put them to work for you.  It is like having 3 fairey godmothers of your hearts desires.
#3. Day 3- The key to Everything- very powerful! This is the real secret to getting what you want out of life. Causes so much love to flow and you naturally become a more positive  magnetic person.
 #4. Day 4  “How to make everyone warm up to you like crazy” This builds on day 3. Rebecca has had incredible results with people going out of their way for her- just because she was taught this technique by Mother. You can do this too…Mother makes it soooo easy! 
#5. Day 5  Cellular Healing. Let the power of sacred sound vibrate your cells into a profound state of healing.
#6 Day Six
Experience resting relaxing and allowing Mother to Bless you. Open to receive. You cannot expect more out of life until you learn how to recieve.
#7 Day 7-
Mother takes us on a regression journey to the other side. This is what it was like before we came here. You will marvel at how deep you go into bliss a you “remember” the glory of the ‘other side’.
#8. Day 8
Likely the most powerful meditation of all…but Do NOT do this one first. You need to build up to this.Mother teaches us how to ‘re-negotiate our soul contract”. You will not recieve this until day 8 so please do the others before this one. You need to be ready for this.
#9 Day 9  Healing with Divine Mother- “How to Have your new hearts desire” (meet your spiritual twin) The spiritual twin concept is exhilarating, wonderful and makes it easy for you to move into abundance.
#10 Day 10: Have you been waiting for some special help with your finances? Mother introduces us to 2 very special Goddesses. Help for your finances is right here.


Then, you can listen to the audio (instantly provided) as soon as you can. I recommend doing it right before bed or first thing in the morning. You won’t believe how much of a difference 15 minites a day can make in your life!
Mother promises her presence will be just as strong for you on the audio)

 Divine Mother says that a human heart “properly activated” is more powerful than 10,000 angels.

We have not been taught how to use, trust, or profit from this vast source of untold wisdom and might.

Do you know why you have not been able to manifest the desires of your heart yet?
Do you know how to activate and use the tremendous power of your heart?
Are you ready to discover the key to everything?

With this guidance from the Divine Mother, you will have access to the key to everything. The answer to everything. 
Mother will guide us in “Activating” our hearts on a level we have never even dreamed of.

More people will be attracted to us.( You will LOVE the Secret Phrase you can just whisper and have people warm up to you like crazy)

*We will have a lot more love to share.
*We will know how to enter a state of bliss at the drop of a hat.
*We will know how to attract our hearts desires.
* We will know the difference between our hearts desires and our heads desires.

The quickest way out of being Stuck, Broke, Sad, Lonely, Afraid  and Disempowered, is to be in the presence of Divine Mother energy. She is the mover and the Shaker and will Interfere for you!

 There is a very small 20. Fee for
“10 days of Divine Mother Healing”
to cover my administrative costs.



I asked divine Mother who should come to
“10 days of Divine Mother Healing”

She replied:
*All who seek Unconditional love

*All who seek to feel how precious they are

*All who seek to be blessed

*All who want to bask in the presence of divine mother love

*All who are hurting

*All who are seeking (health, wealth, spirituality)

*All who need to recharge their batteries

*All who feel incomplete

*All who hunger for deeper spirituality

*All who are not even sure what they need

*All who have lost their way

*All who want to be nurtured

*All who seek peace

*All who seek greater sustenance in their life

*All who are brokenhearted

*All who seek more joy

*All who seek clarity

*All who seek divine guidance

You will be held in the energy of Divine mother to
heal your spirit- so your own guidance can be healed
of doubts.

Q. Wow, Mother that is a lot of reasons to come to experience these meditaitons…
“10 days of Divine Mother Healing”.

Is there anyone who should NOT experience this?

A.No one is excluded. There is no one on this
earth who could not find benefit from this depth
of nurturing.

Q. What can I expect from this meditation program
“10 days of Divine Mother Healing”?

A. Your spirit will be held in the loving, nurturing
energy of Blessed Mother.

Some days, She may just hold you on her lap and
sing sacred lullabies to you.

Other days, She may spend the whole 15 minutes
telling you how precious you are.

Mother simply asked me to show up and channel her
energy and I said “yes”.

Ask your heart if this is for you.

Posted in


  1. Susannah Blanco on June 5, 2013 at 4:35 pm

    I am helping to the Divine Mother with her messages and tools in spanish and my brothers and sisters are learning with me.

    Now she is the most relevant in my life. Susannah

  2. mary ann on October 30, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    Oh Divine Mother, I feel so lost and afraid. Since reading about Rebecca’s communication with Mother Teresa I began to believe again. I ask for yor help in continuing my belief and regaining my ability to believe in empowering myself again.
    mary ann

  3. admin on July 18, 2009 at 2:05 pm

    Email rebecca@rebeccamarina.com and she will find someone for you today, my dear.

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