She was laid off, what went wrong?

Oh, Rebecca please help with a question to Mother God Azna.

My partner Cindy and I listened eagerly and participated in the HPT class. We have been happily working on our prosperity issues but we have to have done something terrible wrong…

Cindy came home not with good news of a raise or the job with the company that would have given us more money but with the news that she was laid off – Dear Mother God Azna what did we do wrong?

Worried Sick

Dear Worried Sick,

You and your partner did not do anything wrong. Just because things are not working out like you expected does not mean anything is wrong. It is often times like this that bring about the most positive changes.

Before anything else happens do this:

#1. Do some type of energy work on your feelings of betrayal, guilt, and desperation. (Rebecca has a very good video on this- scroll down to the EFT for when you are desperate)

#2.After you have done some energy work to shift your energy, ask yourself, “What is my ideal situation, what would that look like?” How do I want to feel in my new situation?

Be open to good things coming to you and your partner because that is what is scheduled for you. Please do the healing work on your emotions so you do not block the good.

I love you, Azna

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  1. Monica Kurth on March 25, 2009 at 5:36 am

    i love this question about why something you didn’t expect surfaced.

    You only need concern yourself with what you want and align yourself with that – ” how ” the universe manifests it for you is none of your business.

    Go with the flow and believe everything is working out perfectly for you, it may not be “how” you thought it would work out but guess what ? it WILL work out for you!

    How many times have you looked back on previous adversity to now know it was so very worth going through to get out the other side, have grown and be more of who you really are.

    Everything is working out Perfectly for you!!

  2. Help us sell our house | Rebecca Marina on March 15, 2009 at 10:12 am

    […] take the same advice I gave for “worried sick” and do the energy exercise for […]

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